Bigfooty Pokemon Gym Leader Competition

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**Bigfooty Pokemon Gym Leader Competition**

Welcome to the Bigfooty Gym Leader Challenge. This is an 18 legged mono-type Pokemon competition where you will come face to face with the Gym Leader (Wowsk and I) on Pokemon Showdown in order to earn badges.

The first gyms will be opening on Saturday, 18th June at 10am WST (12pm EST for those can't add 2).
Anyone is free to enter! New chalengers may join in at any point that the competition is still running, simply let either Wowsk or I know and we will arrange a battle. Those competing from the first week will have the most scope to win the competition (explained in the rules below), but those joining in later will still be able to compete and earn badges.


Gary Oak won an impressive 10 out of 8 possible badges in the Kanto Region.


1. A gym will be open for a period of one week. At any one time, 2 gyms will be open. Challengers may arrange a battle with the gym leader by contacting either myself or Wowsk via PM or on this board. During the time in which a gym is open, the gym leader's team will not be publicly known. All battles will be played over pokemon showdown.

1 (a). After each battle, the result (and result only) will be posted on this board. Once the gym has closed, either Wowsk or myself will post replays, battle desciptions, as well as full details on the gym leader's team. Challengers are encouraged to do the same, however for the sake of fairness, please do not post anything about the gym leader's team or strategy until after the gym has closed (post about your own team and strategy all you like).

2. Both the gym leader and the challenger must only use Pokemon whose type is that of the relevant gym. The one exception to this rule is if a challenger is challenging for a bronze badge (explained in rule 7), where the challenger may choose one pokemon of any type. 2 (a) The gym leader will use the exact same team for every challenge within a specific gym, regardless of opponent or badge grade attempt. Challengers are free to change teams between attempts.

3. When a challenger defeats a gym leader they will be awarded a badge. There will be 3 grades of badge: gold, silver and bronze. A challenger may only earn one badge per gym.

4. Each challenger will be awarded up to 3 opportunities per gym to earn a badge. The grade of badge earned will depend on the amount of battles it takes takes the challenger to earn a badge and whether or not the specific gym is open or closed.

5. A Gold badge will be earned by the challenger if they defeat a gym on their first attempt, provided that the gym is open. Going into the battle, the challenger will have no information about the gym leader's team, other than the fact that it will contain 6 pokemon of the gym's type. Challengers are classified as ineligible to win a gym's gold badge if they have previously challenged for a gold badge for that gym, or if the gym is closed.

6. A challenger may attempt to earn a silver badge if they are no longer eligible to earn a gold badge. Going into the battle, the challenger will have full details about the gym leader's team. This includes Pokemon used, movesets, natures and EV spreads. A challenger is deemed ineligible to win a gym's silver badge after their first attempt at winning one.

6 (a) Note that if a gym is still open, gym leader team information will not be publicly available - it will be privately provided to silver badge challengers in order to allow people to attempt to earn a gold badge. The challenger may make unlimited changes to their gold attempt team to make their silver attempt team, provided that all 6 pokemon are still of the required type.

7. A challenger may attempt to earn a bronze badge if they are no longer eligle to earn a gold or silver badge. During this battle, a challenger may use one pokemon of any type, regardless of the gym's type, as well as 5 pokemon of the gym's type. The challenger may still not use Pokemon from the blanket banned list (detailed in rule x).

8. Each gym will have a specific banned Pokemon list that will be outlined on that gym's dedicated post on this thread. While 'Uber' legendary Pokemon will be banned for each gym, we will not simply just be using the Smogon OU banned list - we will look at each gym individually and ban certain Pokemon for the sake of balance.

9. A points system will be implemented in order to determine the winner of the tournament. A gold badge will be worth 5 points, silver 3 and bronze 1. The winner will be the challenger who has the most points at the time that the tournament ends. In the event that two players end on the same number of points, the player with the most gold badges will finish the higher of the two (and then whoever has the most silvers if necessary). If this fails to separate, the two player's will battle each other in a gym of a randomly determined type.

Any questions regarding the rules feel free to ask and I'll be happy to clarify.

Order of the Gyms

The first two gyms will be opening this Saturday.
They will be the FIRE gym and the POISON gym. These gyms will be open until 9:59am WST Saturday, 25th June.
At 10am Saturday the 25th, replays and analysis of the previous week's battles will be posted, as well the gym leader's teams for both of those gyms. 2 new gyms will also open at that time. The types of subsequent gyms will be selected at random and posted a couple of days before they open.

I will update this post with leader boards once we start getting some results in.

Good luck!



If Charizard v Magmar wasn't one of your favourite moments in the Anime then you literally have no soul.
Honestly, fire types are awesome. So many of the best designed Pokemon are fire types. In terms of strength, fire types are pretty middle of the road - defensively their weakness to stealth rock is a pretty significant disadvantage as well as their weakness to the common water and ground types. It's not all bad though, fire attacks are decent offensively with advantages over grass, bug, ice and steel Pokemon. There is quite an interesting variation amongst the Pokemon eligible for this gym, so we're expecting some pretty decent battles.


All non-fire type Pokemon (except if challenging for a bronze badge)


Ho-Oh - Ho-Oh is banned due to its ridiculous 680 BST. It's too powerful for this gym.

Blaziken and Mega Blaziken - Their speed boost ability would likely centralise all battles around setting up Blaziken. Basically the reason that it is banned from Smogon OU.

Reshiram - See Ho-Oh.

Primal Groudon - Do we really need an explanation for this one?

Arceus - Arceus will be banned from every gym.

Volcanion - Volcanion is legally able to be used in Smgon OU - but i can guarantee it wouldn't be if the whole metagame was made up of fire types. We did the calcs and this thing just craps all over basically every other Pokemon due to its typing and ridiculous Steam Eruption.

Every other fire type is eligible to be used in this gym.


You know you want to...

Results (and eventually replays and analysis) will be posted here when applicable.

Good luck challengers!


Up until the introduction of Fairy type in XY, poison attacks were basically useless. They were only super effective against grass Pokemon (with a large portion of those being part poison anyway) and were completely ineffective against steel which was a prevalent defensive type. Things are now a little better for Poison types, being one of the few types than can hit those OP fairies for super effective damage, but generally you don't see a lot of poison type attacks going around.
There are actually some really good poison type Pokemon however, with a couple of obvious ones that we're expecting to see on just about every team.

All Non-Poison Type Pokemon (unless challenging for a bronze badge)

Arceus: Arceus will be banned from all gyms

Mega Gengar: Mega Gengar was banned from Ubers on Smogon. No, seriously... it was banned from the banned list for being too broken. A whole other tier, named "anything goes" was created just to give this thing somewhere to battle. Suffice to say it's a bit over the top for this gym.

All other poison type Pokemon are eligible to be used in this gym.

Results (and eventually replays and analysis) will be posted here when applicable.

Good luck challengers!

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FIRE GYM & POISON GYM are now open

FlowersByIrene nahnah Dirty Bird

Additional Rules

Standard Smogon rules apply to all the gym battles, these include:

Species Claus
Evasion Clause
Sleep Claus
No OHKO moves(Fissure, Sheer Cold, etc)
Moody Claus
Swagger Claus
Endless battle Clause

Any questions feel free to ask myself or THE411
These will be added to the main rules list shortly
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Fire gym leader def FlowersByIrene 2-0.

Will post replays and analysis once the gym has closed.

Gg man, let us know when/if you want to go for poison/ silver fire.
Fire gym leader def giffler 3-0.

Both games have been really good. The two teams have been quite different and both clearly had thought put into them. Never felt comfortable in either battle.

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Bigfooty Pokemon Gym Leader Competition

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