Roast Blair's winning goal off his hand

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Apparently we can't win without umpire favouritism even though we got killed in the frees given today.

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You can even see that it hit the foot because it slightly changed direction. The media just want any excuse to bag Collingwood and they can piss off.
If they're going to bring up the wrong decision made by video review, we would still win the match due to Goldsacks "inconclusive".

And this yank obviously doesn't know the basic physics of a Sherrin.
Wow, "appeared to change direction". Does the spud talking realise at that angle the way the arrows are pointing is just gravity... Also the spin was random off his leg.

Either way, thought we were ripped off with that "inconclusive" call. Even from home you could see a clear shadow between the post and ball. Commetti even commented on it.
Seriously, these clowns are kidding themselves.

I dont even know what to say to this puss, I am actually cringing.
Wow, wow, wow. What stupidity! Can't believe he thought it came off his hand, Yank should stick to his game where they were padding for everything and get a 5 mintute break between every play.
Was definitely off his foot, the change of direction made it even more obvious. No need for Essendon whinging.

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I'm no film/camera expert

But years of physics, and work with lenses suggests to me that you couldn't draw any subtle directional changes with a camera at that angle and that distance.

But what do I know, I just studied physics. I'm not journo acting like a forensic video analyser
F--- them all today was our day and we deserve the win,the umpires today as usual got some things wrongs and if anything we got the wrong end of the pineapple,where was the consistency with the Swan decision as opposed to the non decision on Fletcher.

We should have won easier than we did but we still won fair and square and no amount of bleating from some assholes will change that.

Ps I don,t think the Bombers fans have been complaining about it,as per usual
it is the "Neutral Fans" as if there are any neutral fans who like to see us win F--- them all,all they want to do is bring us down.
Thats embarassing its even being questioned that it came off his hand , they should get that video off their site asap , what a joke
Offering my support. Video review clearly showed the final contact was with Blair's foot. Hysterical that this is being brought up.
I thought the umpiring was fantastic today to be honest.

Let the play go all day. Barring Brown on the wing, I cant remember a bad call.

Great game and the better team on the day won. :thumbsu:

I was miffed by the non decision when Fletcher almost took Beams' (may have been someone else) head off and the high contact when Hibberd was injured but outside of that I had no complaints either.
think a few of you guys are missing the point, the ball was clearly kicked from his foot, problem is, it then hit his hand ( you can see the deflection of his hand and the ball quite clearly ) This review system is a joke
think a few of you guys are missing the point, the ball was clearly kicked from his foot, problem is, it then hit his hand ( you can see the deflection of his hand and the ball quite clearly ) This review system is a joke

Was definitely off his foot, the change of direction made it even more obvious. No need for Essendon whinging.

There is an extremely, I repeat, EXTREMELY small amount of Essendon people complaining. I don't care for this review system, it causes more problems than it solves, the better team won on the day, it was a great thing to be a witness of, leave it at that.

Congrats on the win guys, Collingwood deserved it.
There is a thread on the main board and apart from sad sacks like plugger the general consensus - and the overwhelming Essendon supporter sentiment - is that the whole thing is a bad joke and an embarrasment to the game.

Credit to the majority of Dons supporters for refusing to use this rubbish as an excuse.

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