Booing - Seriously, harden up

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Freo fans are taking it to another level in this gave v dogs...a boo-a-thon..3qrt time siren and an avalanche of booing.

But so ####ing what.

Booing is part of our crazy game.

It allows people to express their disgust in something.

It’s better than throwing full cans of beer over the fence like they did every week at Victoria Park back in the day.
Exactly right. It gives the media something to pretend to be outraged by and guarantee stories for weeks to come. It's funny, really, in the NBA the players welcome being booed as it's usually the better players who cop it. It's almost a badge of honour to them.

But our media look at it like
Goodes.....don’t know why they are booing...he’s indigenous, it must be racist
Ablett.....don’t know why they are booing....recently liked a homophobic post...that’s why they are booing.
Never the thought that maybe, just maybe, we boo them cause they are good players.

Ironically, it was the media beat up about Abletts liking of the post that bought it to everyone’s attention

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If people want to boo then go nuts. Nothing will stop the booers and highlighting it in the media will just make it worse. But in my view people who boo at former players being traded, umpires or great players are fragile babies who lack the capacity to emotionally regulate their primitive feelings and experiences. They essentially turn into prehistoric humans reacting from their primitive parts of the brain. It's like the evolutionary development of the frontal lobe just does not exist when they scan their ticket and are confronted with the terrifying experience of witnessing an AFL player who used to play for your club running around for another club.

I agree with you, but there's no logic to supporting a football team, it's a primitive emotional connection. Why would you care about who wins and enjoy going to the footy if you didn't go into this state and enjoy going into this state?
I boo Arts students

It's a precious society out there, the AFL want to run a competition based on how they'd like it to be, not as it really is....
Contrary to popular belief, psychology wasn't just some bullshit UNI course we all took to make us think we could analyze why our dumb friends were doing the dumb things they do and why we followed them? Have you ever come home after a night on the piss, looked in the mirror and said to yourself "You stupid dumb !@#$%!"?.

Actually if used correctly and if you bothered to listen in those classes , it turns out psychology has been a useful tool in teaching us all sorts of really interesting stuff about humanity. And also some really disturbing things as well, one of which is, unified crowd control. You are never ever going to get 90 thousand people attend a sporting event with half in attendance having an opposing view from the other all being nice and chummy! The problem on Anzac Day is they parade a bloke out after the game to accept an award when fans are still emotionally charged, it's a recipe for disaster. Simply do not subject the player to that awkwardness...The build up and respect given prior to the start of the game is sufficient enough, but the AFL are putting on a game of football and for over 120 years fans have booed something that has gone on in that game of football! The booing was directed at the umpires or Dylan Shiel's poor disposal! Nobody is going to a game like that and just sit there quietly without getting all emotional about the result. It's what footy fans do....did anyone notice Eddie's passion in the dying minutes when the cameras crossed over to him in the stands? He was going ballistic and that's absolutely fine, he was barracking for his team. I wonder how many times he booed the Umpires when he used to go to Victoria Park?

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I agree with you, but there's no logic to supporting a football team, it's a primitive emotional connection. Why would you care about who wins and enjoy going to the footy if you didn't go into this state and enjoy going into this state?
100% agree. I went to the netball yesterday with my girlfriend and whilst I enjoyed the game I noticed pretty quickly that I was the only person questioning the referee decisions and heckling the opposition captain on several occasions (not loud and screaming just at normal talking voice). I tell you what though the netball mums and daughters in the row in front did not appreciate hearing "you're a hack Gabi Simpson" or "that's soft she barely touched her... How about Lizzy Watson getting shoved that you conveniently missed last quarter ". I was getting serious greasies all over the place.

After the game my girlfriend asked me why I acted like an idiot to which I replied that if I didn't act like that I couldn't get into the game and enjoy it. I needed an enemy to pit against my team and someone to vent frustration on to solidify my unwavering dedication to the Melbourne vixens for an hour and a half.

Apparently that's weird and no one does that at the netball....
The guy left Brisbane because of Rockliff. Your mob then recruited Rockliff and he left the first opportunity. That's more telling of Rockliff's character that Polec would rather go to a club like North than stay at Port.

He left because north offered him a monster deal we didn't want to match
If as a collective, we accept that booing is OK then I'd like to see booing taken to the next level. Some things that should be booed are:

1. All clangers committed by first gamers
2. Erin Phillips carelessly doing her ACL in the recent AFLW final
3. Crying babies and their mothers on airplanes
4. Church goers
5. Old people in nursing homes
6. Kids who don't make the podium of a colouring in contest
7. Charity muggers in shopping malls

The list goes on. When it comes to the graceful art of booing, it's either full blown anarchy or a vicar's tea party .... you decide
As usual these debates morph off into something else.

My take is no one is saying it's unacceptable to boo players or umpires during a game.

The issue people had on Thursday was Essendon fans booing during Scott Pendlebury's acceptance speech.

Stick to the topic - the question is are people happy to boo a player whilst he's receiving an award ?

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Booing - Seriously, harden up

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