Rumour Boooooayers

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So Blighty is saying he left Geelong because he was booed?

How precious is that?

Talk about dedication to the cause..and to top it off he left us with Ayres and a slow burn to near extinction.
Who knows.
When it was Goodes it was racism
When it was Watson it was drugs
When it was Selwood it was normal.
Someone on the Hawks board posted how disappointed he was with Ablett being booed because the booing is reserved for Selwood

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Which Ayres tried to do ironically enough.
Ayres probably wasn't equipped enough to do it properly, and I don't think the club really wanted it to happen either.
I still stand by the opinion that the back office made things almost impossible for the coaching staff to do what they should have been doing, winning Premierships.
Agree with this. I still think Ayres was probably the ideal man for the wrong team culture. I heard his preseason aims for Geelong at a meeting, and his ideas were sound, and his success from Hawthorn was a good pedigree, plus he's been under Blighty, and saw our issues firsthand. His methods of trying to FIX us
were not appreciated or respected enough because of those egos.
Agree with this. I still think Ayres was probably the ideal man for the wrong team culture. I heard his preseason aims for Geelong at a meeting, and his ideas were sound, and his success from Hawthorn was a good pedigree, plus he's been under Blighty, and saw our issues firsthand. His methods of trying to FIX us
were not appreciated or respected enough because of those egos.
I believe he deserves some credit for turning the culture around.
Yeah it didn't work, but having your captain and most promising player leaving really hit home and it finally clicked with people the problems we had.
It showed the new Cook/Costa team that serious decisions had to me made about players and ex players around the club.
Wow. This is a huge story told twenty five years too late.

Always wondered why Blight quit.

Was at that game and it was pretty big booing. Although i thought the booing was for the umps not the coach.

Ablett was sensational in the last qtr winning us the game.

Was that the game against St Kilda when (I think) Lazar Vidovic made some massive stuff-up in the backline and the Saints lost?

Or against Melbourne where Barnsey got knocked out cold at some point during the game?

Memories are hazy, but Gazza went apeshit in both games and won it off his own boot when we looked like drowning in a world of shit.
Is booing a form of bullying?

There would be a percentage of footballers like in any profession that may not be mentally strong enough to cope with it.
Back at the height of the Goodes thing, where it was just nigh-on unstoppable, it reminded me a lot of schoolyard bullying. It got nasty, it was beyond any sort of rational response to whatever it was that Goodes had done; that was the thing.

I don't think that the booing that Ablett got last week, or that Selwood gets for head-high free kicks, classifies as bullying.
Back at the height of the Goodes thing, where it was just nigh-on unstoppable, it reminded me a lot of schoolyard bullying. It got nasty, it was beyond any sort of rational response to whatever it was that Goodes had done; that was the thing.

Yes, I get what you are saying, and if I had of been at a game at the time I would have probably booed him too with that pack mentality. But not because he is black but because he was a sniper that was protected by the AFL. I would have booed Hodge too, as he was (and probably still is!) in the same category.

Still scratch my head about why the booing of Goodes was initially thought to be racist in origin. Someone in the media (Caro?) but 2 and 2 together and got 5. Things may have escalated after that into race, but initially I didn't think it had anything to do with race.
Because the trigger was the imaginary spear throwing.
Yeah it sort of was. There was nothing wrong with it but Robbo didn't like it and decided to make a big deal about it.
Then he got booed, then the AFL and the media made a big deal of it.
If you tell people paying there money not to boo, guess what they're going to do more?
They've made a big deal of the Ablett thing, so guess what's gonna happen now?

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Still scratch my head about why the booing of Goodes was initially thought to be racist in origin.

Because the trigger was the imaginary spear throwing.

agreed, jez.

there is an interesting article written by robin di angelo titled 'white fragility'. US focus, so some difference in the racial issues faced, but there is a section of the paper that discusses defensive responses by white people when confronted with uncomfrotable racial issues they are not prepared to confront.

white people are generally sheltered from issues of race, being the 'norm' and rarely facing the day to day issues and prejudices that people of colour face. they learn to face it every day, whereas for us its an issue that only seldom raises its head. the response to being directly confronted by it - and adam goodes most definitely confronted people about racism - can cause defensive, dismissive or distressed responses.

im sure many will disagree, and i dont claim a single article is definitive (although it is fascinating, well written, well argued and comprehensively sourced), but the booing of goodes intensified by a large degree the more outspoken he got about racism he had experienced.

i dont claim for a second entire crowds were thinking 'a black guy, quick - boo him! boooooo him!' but i absolutely believe it was a defensive response by a large group to being faced by an uncomfortable truth - australia as a society has issues with racism, and not always explicit verbal slurs, but ingrained and institutionalised racism.
And that was exactly the issue with how this whole thing was dealt with, I reckon. We took a deeply complex issue with many, many people and many, many layers and tried to turn it into: Is This A Racist?

i cant quite tell if thats in support of or against my post, but yes i agree with that entirely.
General support, but wary of turning this into the same thread that's been had a billion times over.

yeah, im definitely not interested in / looking to rehash that episode. i think you put it very succinctly in your initial reply, and thats as good a place as any to leave it.
Big boooey moment at the G.

Was it just me or did the umps cook the dons over the course of the game. Not frees paid but frees not paid. Tippa got at least two high tackles that weren't paid plus others including a couple where pie players stopped in anticipation of the ump paying a Bomber free.

Thats what fired the essendon crowd up building at the end. IMO.
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i dont claim for a second entire crowds were thinking 'a black guy, quick - boo him! boooooo him!' but i absolutely believe it was a defensive response by a large group to being faced by an uncomfortable truth - australia as a society has issues with racism, and not always explicit verbal slurs, but ingrained and institutionalised racism.

I agree to an extent, but disagree completely about the cause.

I totally agree it was a defensive reaction, but to a player widely perceived as an umpire’s pet and a sook. It had very little to do with racism towards Goodes, but much more to do with footy fans being pissed off about being told they’re racists when the vast, overwhelming majority aren’t.

Crowds are actually allowed to boo players they don’t like too (I don’t see the point but whatever). Entire crowds did it to Essendon when we found out they were cheating. Perceived unfairness will motivate a crowd far more than anything else.
I agree to an extent, but disagree completely about the cause.

I totally agree it was a defensive reaction, but to a player widely perceived as an umpire’s pet and a sook. It had very little to do with racism towards Goodes, but much more to do with footy fans being pissed off about being told they’re racists when the vast, overwhelming majority aren’t.

Crowds are actually allowed to boo players they don’t like too (I don’t see the point but whatever). Entire crowds did it to Essendon when we found out they were cheating. Perceived unfairness will motivate a crowd far more than anything else.
Just how you would know the main cause of the booing of Goodes I'm not sure. I'm not a boooer but accept that if it's due to on-field actions it's within the bounds of reasonableness. Other than that it's the sort of behaviour we should not endorse.
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