Breaking a Country Zone

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Apr 6, 2010
AFL Club
Does anyone have any simple or detailed plans to break a basic 18 man country football style of a zone from a kick in... Any drills that can be put in place.

Also what should a team do when they have a throw in deep in there forward line and the opposition pushes all there backman up and builds the wall along the sqaure/50 metre arch...

Have had a few ideas but not sure on some drills i can use at training to teach the playing group...
Will answer them back to front...

Also what should a team do when they have a throw in deep in there forward line and the opposition pushes all there backman up and builds the wall along the sqaure/50 metre arch...
I reckon the aim here is to generate a boundary throw in outside the 50. Presumably you will have a numbers advantage in the D50 stoppage if they have numbers behind the ball.

Get the ball long to the boundary, force it out of bounds, then you can reset. Obviously need to make sure you have a couple of tall 'outlet' options out wide.

The quick kick up field is suicide. There is the opportunity to exit the D50 via the switch but you need some pretty skillful players to pull it off. Reckon with country footy league with the typically wet, windy, muddy conditions you'd probably want to keep it pretty simple.

Does anyone have any simple or detailed plans to break a basic 18 man country football style of a zone from a kick in... Any drills that can be put in place.
Reckon the key here is to spread the 18 opposition players as much as you can.

Forwards/half forwards need to put themselves in dangerous spots (eg to wings, back flanks) where they are only a kick and a half from getting the ball in space. Try to engage an opponent or at least spread their zone a little. Other players need to move. Lead into the 50 and try to get an opposition player to follow you. As soon as that happens it opens up holes in the zone.

Bail out option is the short kick into the pocket (the opposition often concedes this). Followed by the long kick down the boundary, force it out of bounds, then reset (as above).

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Breaking a Country Zone

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