Updated Bruce Lehrmann Pt2 * Reynolds Defamation Trial Current

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Here is PART 1

Historical Rape Allegation Against Fmr AG Christian Porter
The Alexander Matters matters

Just a reminder, this is the crime board and we need to be aware that there will be victims of crime either watching this thread or engaging in here from time to time. A degree of respect in all discussions is expected.

Joint media statement – Chief Minister and Attorney-General

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Saw this yesterday. Hard to believe that stealthing wasn't illegal in Qld until now. A fairly obvious form of non-consent I'd have thought!

Bruce has other concerns other than the stealthing component. Does beg the question though, that if the only charge on him was stealthing, would he have escaped "The Lion's Den" for a second time?
Saw this yesterday. Hard to believe that stealthing wasn't illegal in Qld until now. A fairly obvious form of non-consent I'd have thought!

Bruce has other concerns other than the stealthing component. Does beg the question though, that if the only charge on him was stealthing, would he have escaped "The Lion's Den" for a second time?
I thought this was what BL was charged with? If stealthing wasn't rape, why was he charged with rape?
I thought this was what BL was charged with? If stealthing wasn't rape, why was he charged with rape?
Lehrmann IS charged with rape because the allegation is that he undertook sexual intercourse without consent.

Lehrmann was charged with two counts of sexual assault - rape - for alleged offences committed in October 2021. Toowoomba magistrate, Mark Howden, committed Lehrmann to stand trial having found that:

“In my view, when considering the evidence as a whole, it is sufficient at this stage for me to reach a conclusion that a reasonable jury, properly instructed, could return a verdict of guilty,”

The alleged victim claims she awoke to find Lehrmann on top of and penetrating her without a condom, despite her having insisted upon a condom being used during their earlier consensual encounter.

She alleges she pulled her body away and told him to “stop what you are doing” but that he instead climbed back on top of her saying, “it’s OK, it’s OK,” continuing the unwanted sex before ejaculating inside her.

“I did not consent to him penetrating me,” she told police. “I was not enthusiastically laying there. I was so in my head, I was in shock.”

The sexual assault (rape charge) was laid because it is alleged the victim made the explicit condition for sexual intercourse (use of a condom) which was ignored by Lehrmann. It is therefore covered under 'consent' provisions under legislation applying when the alleged offence occurred.

Changes to Qld laws around 'stealthing', which have also been legislated in most other jurisdictions, relate to affirmative consent - i.e. explicit, informed, and voluntary agreement. As with other matters relating to sexual engagement, the person removing the condom during intercourse can no longer rely on the defence of implied consent. The Toowoomba sexual assault allegations concerning Lehrmann were never about implied consent as the victim stated she explicitly required that a condom be used.

(Note: Edited to correct grammar errors and to labour the legal distinction between explicit/affirmative consent and 'implied' consent to assist with clarity)
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State parliament has heard allegations of inappropriate behaviour and a “protection racket” at the state’s police union.

The allegations of 'abhorrent culture and intolerant behaviours' within the South Australian Police Union (Police Association of South Australia - PASA) was made by upper house Member and former local TV reporter Frank Pangallo under Parliamentary Privilege yesterday and follows similar allegations made in the SA Legislative Council by Mr Pangallo on 11 September.

Mr Pangallo read into Hansard allegations made in writing via email and letter by several female members of PASA, including the Secretary of the Police Association of South Australia, Ms Bernadette Zimmermann regarding behaviours towards herself and other female employees of the union.

The main (by by no means sole) target of the allegations concern then union president Mr Mark Carroll during 2020 and 2021.

I make no claim as to the veracity or accuracy of the allegations made in Parliament yesterday, which are available in full on the SA Parliamentary Hansard website - check out the Hansard entry for the Legislative Council sitting of Wednesday 25 September here:

But I think it is important to understand at least some of the context of the allegations and how they surfaced.

Yesterday Mr Pangallo, read into Hansard a detailed statement of claims by another member of the police union staff whose name was not disclosed. That letter spans many pages and alleges that:

'The Police Association was, and unfortunately still is, an unsafe workplace for female staff. The toxic culture was led by former President Carroll, fuelled further by the Assistant Secretary, including disrespectful, offensive, belittling and derogatory language, strategic intimidation and bullying. While spearheaded by the President, other senior male figures also engaged in these behaviours by encouraging, condoning, participating in or ignoring
inappropriate behaviour towards female staff and unfavoured police officer members.'

During my employment at PASA I witnessed the former President and Assistant Secretary speak frequently about PASA staff using disrespectful, offensive, belittling, and derogatory language.'

A large number of both specific and general/hearsay allegations of that behaviour are then listed which I will not outline here for obvious reasons. And amongst them is the claim that Mr Carroll and his assistant secretary Steve Whetton re-enacted the alleged rape of Brittany Higgins in the kitchen at PASA in front of a female staff member as a form of 'black humour'.

As is in the case in other states, the SA Police Union has a strong presence in this state and has a strong relationship with the SA Police. IMHO that is in itself not unusual but may become problematic when allegations of toxic workplaces and management surface - particularly when they are aired publicly. This is especially true when accountability lines between the government executive and their police force are blurred. But that is a matter for another thread.

But I'm also of the view that the reading of lengthy (and mostly anonymous) untested and unproven allegations into Parliamentary Hansard by a politician with a strong background in tabloid outrage journalism is not necessarily a good outcome for public policy either. That too is a matter for another thread.
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PoS union officials? Tell me it isn't so!

What it is imho is another example of absolute power corrupting absolutely with leaders focussed on internal politics and power struggles rather than the needs of their own members.

Probably the most bizarre aspect of the whole thing is that the allegations of sexism, bullying and intimidation within the SA Police Union have been led by the Union's elected Secretary Ms Bernadette Zimmerman against the (former) president, Mark Carroll who is Ms Zimmermann’s own brother.

(Edit: Kurve, feel free to delete or shift if this is getting too far off the thread subject, although it does in my opinion demonstrate yet another aspect of systemic cultural failings within police forces that we have discussed previously in this thread).
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What it is imho is another example of absolute power corrupting absolutely with leaders focussed on internal politics and power struggles rather than the needs of their own members.

Probably the most bizarre aspect of the whole thing is that the allegations of sexism, bullying and intimidation within the SA Police Union have been led by the Union's elected Secretary Ms Bernadette Zimmerman against the (former) president, Mark Carroll who is Ms Zimmermann’s own brother.

(Edit: Kurve, feel free to delete or shift if this is getting too far off the thread subject).

It's okay for now while we wait for the decision in the defamation trial and for the Toowoomba trial to start, I appreciate you filling in with a bit of context as I couldn't get in to that article straight away. Felt I had to post it though since it mentioned Higgins.
It's okay for now while we wait for the decision in the defamation trial and for the Toowoomba trial to start, I appreciate you filling in with a bit of context as I couldn't get in to that article straight away. Felt I had to post it though since it mentioned Higgins.
Haven't been following this closely? When does the Toowoomba trial start? Obviously I'm assuming he's been committed to trial?
Haven't been following this closely? When does the Toowoomba trial start? Obviously I'm assuming he's been committed to trial?

Yes, this on 4th July.

Former Liberal party staffer Bruce Lehrmann has been committed to stand trial on two counts of rape.

A magistrate has ruled there was sufficient evidence to have the matter determined by a jury or a judge alone.
Yes, this on 4th July.

Former Liberal party staffer Bruce Lehrmann has been committed to stand trial on two counts of rape.

A magistrate has ruled there was sufficient evidence to have the matter determined by a jury or a judge alone.
Ok, so no more talk of "stealthing" apparently, seeing as how it wasn't illegal in Queensland until last week.

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Updated Bruce Lehrmann Pt2 * Reynolds Defamation Trial Current

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