BT...Big Turd

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Standing on the shoulders of Giants….
Jul 28, 2021
Thought it would be only right to give people a chance to express their particular ‘issues’ with ‘the ‘tache’.

I’ll start - 5 mins, 1st mistake - confuses De Koning for Harry MacKay.

You want change...pick your target and drill it. Fill yer boots.

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i used to really like BT back in his Triple M days... but he's gotten so bad i find it almost impossible to listen to. There's all the mistakes, his dumb catchphrases, etc, but what really annoys me is the way he butchers the big moments.

Inevitably he is always either trying to make some prediction of what about to happen, or talking about what it might mean, or sometimes something completely unrelated, instead of just calling the *ing moment!

As an example, Friday night, was even worse than usual, Jordan DeGoey nails the goal to seal the game for the pies, the crowd goes nuts, and what is BT doing? As JDG is lining up and even as the ball is sailing through the goal, BT is talking about the crowd size for both of the first 2 games. He then makes one comment about the goal and then immediately starts talking about the what games are on for the rest of the weekend! While the crowd was still going mental, to the point he had to raise his voice to be heard. After that he threw it to richo, and richo awkwardly had to segway back to talking about what was actually happening.

Like really, there was still like 4 minutes left in the game that would have been mostly fluff, plenty of time to talk about the rest of the weekend. He couldnt just give 30 secs to the match sealing moment first?

Please BT i beg you, call the moment first, or shutup and let the crowd tell the story, after that you can talk all the crap you want, there will be plenty of time i promise.
The Peanut referred to Melbourne as ‘Collingwood’ last night - I swear its alcohol induced alzheimers.
Roaming Brian. The players don't want to do it. BT doesn't really want to do it. Don't do it.

He's also incredibly thin skinned and gets snarky if someone disagrees with him or corrects him.

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So the Peanut is commentating Swans vs Tigers ( something 7 should have worked harder to avoid).

Half way through the last qtr - BT moaning about getting done, and comes out with “THEY haven’t let the Tiges into this qtr”.

Now I can accept the ‘they’ if the team’s name has been used in the same dialogue, but as a stand-alone shows how clearly he was barracking.

Also referred to Cambell as Goulden - not once..but twice.🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️

He’s a fat, lazy, stupid peanut.

And of course his “mini-me’ Richo couldn’t shut up about the umpiring.
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He has gone from shthouse to utterly abysmal. Beyond salvage.

"Papley has kept them in the game"
WTF....Syd led from start to finish.
All he wanted to talk about was how he enjoyed his celebrations....patronising like he's some sort of object of mirth rather than a serious gun. " Look at him gooooooo "
Poor BT is 4 goals down, but still salavating like a dipstick over a Jack Riewoldt goal from directly in front 30m out. What a champion he is.

Young Campbell kicked one of the best goals of the year from 50m on the fence....and it barely rated a mention. It was all just a huge inconvenience for the village idiot.

Excuses offered one after the other. "The injury ravaged Tigers". Yeah apart from the other injuries Sydney lost an All Aust defender plus Two McCartins, as well as the best KPF of a generation....and the CHF just after qtr time. At least 5 times had to hear how the Tiges are "hampered by injury".
Tears for Tiges...can we all have a little cry about how they are somehow injury ravaged ?

Then we suffered thru his strained and flaccid attempts at humour with "planking" and other piffle that only he would laff at. Cringeworthy as he tried to rope in other commentators (or anyone) to laff at the shit he'd came out with....always trying to mask that disappointment at being behind on the scoreboard.

Truly abysmal and a serious liability that ruins so many games. Renders a game unwatchable with the volume up.
Gotta love the ‘Big T$&d’

Swans vs Blues - In the 1st qtr, the Peanut comes out with ‘Love the didgeridoo’ - Yep Brian, I’m sure you’ve been treated to a rendition more than once in the Grace Darling loo.
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And yet, 2nd qtr he’s treating us to ‘midrifT’…The BFF (Big Fat Fullforward) might wanna learn to spell b4 BULLYING his colleagues.
The worst commentator now for mine.

As the OP says, the constant mistakes and inane comments are one thing but the countless number of times he’s butchered a big moment has become a joke. Highlight shows then have to scramble together an edit so the commentary somewhat makes sense.

I don’t know how much time or effort he puts into his craft (I’m guessing basically nil) but it isn’t showing.

To be honest it seems like dementia isn’t far around the corner.

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