No Oppo Supporters CAS hands down guilty verdict - Players appealing - Dank shot - no opposition - (cont in pt.2)

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So I had a 4D scan for my first-born (who is a boy ;)) at 1:30pm. ******* brilliant seeing your child in detail like that.

Then I come outside and see the messages on here at 2pm. GET THE **** IN!!!!!

How many hours like that does one experience in life? However many, not enough is the correct answer! WOW.
Congratulations mate! Must be a great day for you!

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Sept 22, 2014

Essendon has lost the support of the other 17 AFL clubs over its handling of its drugs investigation.

AFL chairman Mike Fitzpatrick averted a potentially bitter confrontation between Essendon chairman Paul Little and the other club chiefs when he agreed instead to communicate the clubs' anger with Essendon to Little privately after the meeting of all clubs at Crown ahead of the Brownlow.

This development came as the AFL Players Association insisted the 34 players issued with show-cause notices remained united in fighting their charges and, having not seen the evidence against them, would not entertain a deal that would require them to admit guilt.

The clubs had strongly reinforced to Fitzpatrick at the weekend that they were united in their view that the Bombers' strategy of fighting the Australian Sports Anti-Doping Authority in court and resisting answering the charges against the players was damaging the competition and threatening to imperil another season.

Fitzpatrick said any move to admonish Little and chief executive Xavier Campbell, both of whom attended the talks, should come from the AFL.

Geelong president Colin Carter and Brisbane Lions chief executive Greg Swann said club bosses had largely not broached the issue during the 90-minute meeting, while Collingwood president Eddie McGuire said improving the match-day experience for supporters next season was the key topic of discussion.

Fremantle's Steve Harris asked several pointed questions of the cost of the Essendon action and what the time frame going ahead was, but this line of questioning was cut short.

"It wasn't discussed. I think the decision was that if there was a discussion to be had, Mike would talk to Paul Little separately. We decided we wouldn't make that a public discussion in there," Carter said.

Little, who is weighing up whether to appeal last Friday's Federal Court ruling that an anti-doping probe into the club's supplements program was lawful, did not address other clubs inside the meeting, and said later: "I have got no comment."

The clubs' concerns for the game as a consequence of Essendon's behaviour and supporter disenchantment through season 2014 were reflected in data revealed by AFL chief executive Gillon McLachlan, who delivered a presentation to clubs outlining Essendon as the most significant single cause of damage to the AFL brand.

McLachlan spent considerable time in his slide presentation dwelling on the AFL's brand and he showed a slide that suggested that 50 per cent of the damage to the AFL brand this year was caused by the Essendon saga. The remaining damage had been through a combination of issues such as scheduling, fixtures and costs.

Fairfax Media believes that a group of seven AFL presidents met at the request of Adelaide chairman Rob Chapman on Sunday at a Melbourne restaurant, where the Essendon issue was raised with clubs not only concerned at the prospect of continued court action but also frustrated at the club's failure to uncover the truth of that program.

Another club president, who did not want to be named, said club presidents agreed there were three issues now confronting the league out of the Essendon saga: what would happen to the players; the impact on the integrity of the game and the costs to the game; and the impact on the survival of Essendon.

While the Bombers and coach James Hird explore their next legal move, the 34 players issued with show-cause notices continue to seek direction on what their next decision should be.

AFLPA chief Paul Marsh said on Monday players were being updated.

"The AFL Players Association can confirm that the players' legal team has now spoken to the majority of the 34 players who have been issued with show-cause notices, and will seek to speak to the remainder of the players in coming days," he said.

"Contrary to media reports and speculation, the players remain steadfast in their position that they are not looking to resolve this matter through a 'deal' with ASADA."

Those issued with show-cause notices are waiting for the 10-day deadline to be activated before responding. Fairfax Media has reported that players could negotiate around a potential six-month ban, with only a handful of home-and-away games missed, depending on what evidence is gathered.

"Players continue to take the view that they have done nothing wrong and, despite numerous requests, players have not been provided with any evidence to suggest otherwise," Marsh said.

"This matter has already severely disrupted two AFL seasons and taken an enormous toll on the players involved.

"As such, the players want this matter to proceed as soon as possible. For this to happen, ASADA needs to provide the evidence it has and we call on them to do so urgently."
Congratulations mate! Must be a great day for you!

Went to the local supermarket that I know like the back of my hand for one thing and went to the wrong aisle 3 times. Now I am at work until midnight. Gonna be a long day here, although I will probably spend 80% of it on here. My multi-millionaire boss will understand!
3AW tonight 6pm.

Caro, Bomber Thompson and Lloydy.

MUST listen.

Like a user on BomberBlitz put nicely "don't watch footy classified tonight. They will spin this as a lucky escape for the club, caro will re-hash two years of rubbish about all that was wrong with the program and crap on about how much of a disgrace the whole thing was. SHe will point to McD's comments today as justification for her position. NOthing surer. Don't spoil today by giving those bottom feeders ratings."
Can someone make the Jim Carrey it's Friday walking out the building meme (hope someone knows which one I mean) into a Hird GIF?

Thanks in advance
Absolutely agree. Right now transparency is the only way this will ever be completely resolved and supporters minds put at ease that the correct decision was made.

Unfortunately I don't think this will ever happen

Don't agree. It's over. Whatever the absolute truth is, it's in the past. The clubs been punished, all we need is the club run so as we don't face question marks in the future. If digging the past more helps with that, fair enough. I can't see it though.

The only real question a supporter faces is did we deliberately set out to cheat? There is enough out there and known to make up your mind on that. The club did something clumsy not evil is where I ended up.

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Gotta hand it to Robbo - Has gone hard with his articles - Media accreditation or not.

Found Robbo's reference to Judd interesting - Think we can read between the lines.
Logged out and slid over to the HTB......DELICIOUS!! It's foamy, it's delusional, it's rabid, it's outraged and it's oozing with stupidity. Another day on the HTB it would seem and yet they largely forge ahead, too consumed, insane and unintelligent comprehend that they are so very wrong.

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