Roast Classic Tom Browne Moments

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Flog of the highest order, I followed him on twitter briefly when I thought he was a journo.. unfollowed within about 3 days as I realised all he does is claim that he broke every story first.

Being a massive knob must be a requirement for the 7 reporters as Stevo and McClueless are the same.

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When will journos be held to a standard? I picked the wrong area. I should have became one and annoy people by talking shit. Browne has less of an idea than most.
About time this gutter rat was called out on a consistent history of absolute fabrications.

This thread needs firing up again and he deserves a seperate thread from the other thread tracking the journo's trade week.

Somehow he's managed to gap himself as quite possibly the most unethical footy journo in a history of a bad bunch.

Running the Papley story on 7, then following it up on Twitter, then deleting it straight away after Papley's Dad called him out on it is testament to this blokes credibility.

We all know he would browse BF regularly. So hi Tom, you're on notice from the footy public.

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Roast Classic Tom Browne Moments

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