Teams Cleveland Browns - GPODAWUND [sic]

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Oct 12, 2003
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Kellen Winslow Jr done

Winslow's injuries worse than thought?

media reports out of cleveland indicate that browns tight end kellen winslow's injuries are worse than originally reported.

Winslow has, per newschannel 5 in cleveland, "a broken tibia and femur, along with a fracture to the large bone in his thigh" (which commonly is known as the femur, dr. News bunny). Winslow's acl is damaged and possibly torn, and there are lacerations on his kidney and liver.

There is concern in some circles that his football career is over.

Mary kay cabot of the cleveland plain dealer has written a compelling follow-up to pat mcmanamon's article from earlier in the week regarding winslow's motorcycling habits.

Per cabot, winslow became intrigued by motorcycle stunts when he heard a bike rumbling while playing paint ball in the back yard of his westlake home (we didn't know that paint ball was part of his broken-leg rehab regimen). Winslow investigated, and found that a guy was doing wheelies and other stunts on a motorcycle.

Winslow befriended the rider, jason campana, and winslow bought his own bike on april 9.

A week later, one of winslow's neighbors called the police on the sixth overall pick in the 2004 draft, who was "going up and down the street about 50 miles per hour" and "popping wheelies." winslow had cleared out before the police arrived.

Another neighbor tried to reason directly with winslow.

"one day he and someone else went down the street about 15 times doing wheelies," said dr. Robert nahigian. "one of them did a wheelie right in front of my house. After about 15 minutes, i waved him down."

nahigian told him that stunts weren't appropriate in a residential area. "i also told him that i was concerned about his own safety," nahigian said. "he told me he wasn't going over the speed limit."

nahigian also wondered why winslow was riding the bike, given that he still was recovering from a broken leg. "he would walk his dog and he wasn't even walking well before the accident," nahigian said.

On the day of the accident, winslow and friends apparently were practicing stunts. One observer believes winslow was trying to do a reverse wheelie, known in biker-dude lingo as an "endo."

next thing they knew, he was making like superman over the handlebars.

In our view, this information should view heavily in the team's deliberations as to whether to seek a full or partial reimbursement of the bonus money paid to winslow. Regardless of whether he knew that his contract prohibited him from motorcycling, his conduct was so clearly in violation of the document that the team would be setting a dangerous precedent by looking the other way.

Sure, it's hard not to feel some empathy for winslow given the injuries he suffered, but those feelings will be present whenever a guy gets seriously hurt doing something that, under his contract, he shouldn't have done.

Winslow took a colossally stoopid risk, not just with his own life and health but with the very investment by the browns that allowed him to buy the machine that might have led to his athletic and financial demise.

We originally thought that the browns would merely offer not to pay the remaining $2 million or so on his option bonus (due july 15) to resolve the issue, and we continue to believe that the team will do that if it looks like winslow will be able to play in 2006. But if/when it's confirmed that he's out for two or more seasons, we think the browns will analyze long and hard the possibility of cutting him loose and trying to get back as much of their bonus money as they can.

And we're still inclined to drop most of the blame on his agents, the postons, for the fact that winslow got hurt. Based on cabot's story, motorcycle stunts had become an obsession for winslow. If he talked at all with carl and/or kevin from april to may, winslow surely blurted out that he'd bought a motorcycle, and/or that he'd already learned how to do wheelies.

It'll be very interesting to see how the "he said, she said" plays out regarding this topic, especially with so much coin hanging in the balance.

Finally, though we're trying not to poke too much fun at winslow given his current circumstances, we're compelled to close this one out with an e-mail we received from a reader who defended winslow's actions:

"kellen was just trying to prove that when he signs a contract, he is a man of his word. The contract stated that kellen winslow cannot ride a motorcycle. So kellen being a man of his word went out and proved that he cannot ride a motorcycle."
Re: Kellen Winslow Jr done

horrific injuries for a lay person let alone a man who's livelihood is dependent on being 100% athletically fit.

calls by commentators for NFL players not to ride motorcycles is going a bit far. however, taking extreme risks such as Kellen has in attempting wheelies and endos, and Big Ben Rothelisberger riding around Pittsburgh without a helmet comes down to common sense or the lack of it. Kellen only started riding motorcycles last month.

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Browns v Pukesburgh

If there is any game I want the browns to win its this one!...........nothing would be sweeter than knocking the squeelers out of the playoffs.:p

One day, while driving along, I saw a priest.

I thought I would do a good deed, so I pulled over and asked the priest,
"Where are you going Father?"

"I'm going to give mass at St. Francis Church, about 2 miles down the
road," replied the priest.

"Climb in, Father! I'll give you a lift!"

The priest climbed into the rear passenger seat, and we continued down the road.

Suddenly, I saw a Pittsburgh fan walking down the road, with that "P" shirt
on and I instinctively swerved as if to hit him.

But, as usual, I swerved back into the road just in time. Even though I was
certain that I had missed the guy, I still heard a loud "THUD." Not
understanding where the noise ame from, I glanced in my mirrors but still
didn't see anything. I then remembered the priest, and turned to the priest
and said, "Sorry Father, I almost hit that Pittsburgh fan."

"That's OK," replied the priest, "I got him with the door.:D

Bring em on!
Re: Bring it on you say ??????

CLEVELAND (Dec. 24, 2005) -- The Pittsburgh Steelers didn't overlook the Cleveland Browns. They overran, overpowered and overwhelmed them instead.

Ben Roethlisberger threw one touchdown pass and Willie Parker busted off an 80-yard TD run as the Steelers improved their playoff chances with a 41-0 demolition of the Browns on Saturday.

With thousands of their fans waving "Terrible Towels" from every corner of Cleveland Browns Stadium, the Steelers (10-5) dominated the Browns as thoroughly as in almost any meeting in the rivalry's 55-year history.

Pittsburgh outgained Cleveland 457-178 and sacked rookie quarterback Charlie Frye eight times. The Steelers handed the Browns (5-10) a loss every bit as demoralizing as their 43-0 shutout in 1999 when Cleveland returned to the NFL as an expansion team.

The Steelers even roughed up one foolish Browns fan, who sprinted onto the field in the fourth quarter before he was picked up and slammed to the turf by Pittsburgh linebacker James Harrison before police took him away.
:D Was that you back pocket ?????? Enjoy your xmas in the can. :p
Re: Browns V Pukesburgh

I 'll cop it sweet Woodson.........:eek:

Were $hithouse....:eek:

Good luck hope you make the playoffs for our division....;)
Re: Browns V Pukesburgh

Backpocket said:
I 'll cop it sweet Woodson.........:eek:

Were $hithouse....:eek:

Good luck hope you make the playoffs for our division....;)

Tough break kid. At least you're a GOOD sport unlike some around here.

I'm anticipating a Division re-match vs Cinci in the Wildcard. And how about those Beng.....ooops >>>> Bungals :D .... actually, it's amazing how taunts keep coming back eh Backpocket ?? Where's Coasting disappeared to suddenly ?? Wasn't it He? that slagged ex-Brown QB Kelly Holcombe after I gave him a good rap at the start of the season ????
Re: Browns V Pukesburgh

Re: Browns V Pukesburgh

Backpocket said:
I 'll cop it sweet Woodson.........:eek:

Were $hithouse....:eek:

Good luck hope you make the playoffs for our division....;)

I liked your joke anyhow. :D

I dont mind the Browns, in fact i could very well be a Browns supporter, they were the first team that caught my eye (what was i thinking :D ) when i got interested in the NFL a few years ago. You can thank John Elway for tilting me towards the Broncos, i just had to support that guy.. and now im obsessed with them. (Im sure Jim Brown would have caught my attention 50 years ago)

I have a soft spot for the Browns and Cards though, Good luck next year, oh and thanks for the linemen, they're doing a great job :thumbsu:
Re: Browns V Pukesburgh

Well, you guys might want to watch out or the Brownies in the years to come

Good coach- Romeo will get the job done

Promising young QB in U of Akron (YO!!!!! I lecture there) Charlie Frye

A good WR corps, with rookie Braylon edwards coming back next year to take charge

Perhaps an injury free Winslow (if he stays off the damn motorcycle) at TE

Need to build the O-Line and defence....moving in the right direction, though
Re: Browns V Pukesburgh

Mention the Bronco's and that brings back horrible nightmares.............The Drive......The Fumble........etc.......:eek: Been following the Brown for years when Kosar was QB.....Clay Matthews (big heart).......Ozzie Newsome.....Kevin Mack etc playing in the Old Municipal Stadium with the Dawg Pound .Got close in the late 80's but had to play second fiddle to the Steelers and Bronco's.:)

We will be back slowly rebuilding.................meanwhile I turn to the Cavaliers for Cleveland Joy.....and the Indians.;)

Cheers fella's and good luck with your teams towards the playoffs!!:D

Oh and Camsmith you had to bring up got our defence and now look what happens.......$hhhhhhiiiiiiiiiittttttttt!. Damm Bronco's.....
Re: Browns V Pukesburgh

The honeymoon is over for Romeo Crennell. While this year is primarily an evaluation year, there is still clearly alot of work to be done. Charlie Frye actually didn't play too bad considering it was a blow-out win. I think they might have a keeper there. When they get Braylon Edwards and Kellen Winslow II back I think that offense could actually be dangerous.

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Re: Bring it on you say ??????

The Steelers even roughed up one foolish Browns fan, who sprinted onto the field in the fourth quarter before he was picked up and slammed to the turf by Pittsburgh linebacker James Harrison before police took him away.
:D Was that you back pocket ?????? Enjoy your xmas in the can. :p


Its stupid running onto the field in the first place, let alone running near a Steeler defensive player. GOLD!! :D

Click here to watch a video of the Browns fan getting slammed.
Re: Browns V Pittsburgh

The Browns fan can count his blessings he didn't sustain any spinal injury. First time I've actually seen any video footage. I knew about the incident and even seen a photo of this but man, the dump was dangerous.

And what was the fininacial penalty dished out to this zealous fan?
Re: Browns V Pukesburgh

This thread should have stayed where it was...

No not really Sammy D.

Needed to be exhumed as ONLINE video footage of the zealous Browns fan needed to be examined.

And the call 'JACKED UP, JACKED UP!!' needed additional clarification.:)
Re: Browns V Pukesburgh

The Browns fan can count his blessings he didn't sustain any spinal injury. First time I've actually seen any video footage. I knew about the incident and even seen a photo of this but man, the dump was dangerous.

And what was the fininacial penalty dished out to this zealous fan?

Did you ever hear from 'back pocket' again :D I guess not.

Funny how he came in and trash talked you only to get shutout 41-0

Theres lots like him that come and go on Bigfooty, just wish some would stay to make it more fun around here

This thread should have stayed where it was...

Its the offseason and I was bored. Plus its all danielz23 fault when he recently brought up the 'Looking back at the archives' thread :p
Re: Browns V Pukesburgh

Did you ever hear from 'back pocket' again :D I guess not.

Funny how he came in and trash talked you only to get shutout 41-0

Theres lots like him that come and go on Bigfooty, just wish some would stay to make it more fun around here

Its the offseason and I was bored. Plus its all danielz23 fault when he recently brought up the 'Looking back at the archives' thread :p

Lucky I was passing by to see my name... I even get the blame when i'm not active, haha.

the archive could become the most dangerous weapon. you say something the archives will hold you accountable!!
Re: Back_Pocket in remission

Did you ever hear from 'back pocket' again :D I guess not.

Funny how he came in and trash talked you only to get shutout 41-0

Theres lots like him that come and go on Bigfooty, just wish some would stay to make it more fun around here

Well, at least he/she was BRAVE ENOUGH to take his/her medicine like a true sport would. I respect that.

Don't appreciate JUNKIES & JUICERS that are full of it and die off completely without a cause. Spineless posters really. I must say that this Supabah, we've done very well. Exceptionally happy with the quality of discussion & new poster input in the play-off lead up. We're always going to get strangers to the game that care to get some lowdown, just irks me when any team makes it to the Supabah and suddenly these gatecrashers are climbing on the last leg of the bandwagon trip ....Go Seahawks...blah blah blah.. didn't see any of these same suckers of yesteryear this season... wonder why??

Surprised Indy didn't get much/ if any? support either. Danielz was the lone cheerleader.
Re: Back_Pocket in remission

Surprised Indy didn't get much/ if any? support either. Danielz was the lone cheerleader.

Give me a P
Give me a E
Give me a Y
Give me a T
Give me a O
Give me a N

Re: Danielz the Ultimate Colts Cheerleader (on BF anyway)

Give me a P
Give me a E
Give me a Y
Give me a T
Give me a O
Give me a N


:D .... still can't get enough eh? Who would feature in the Danielz Does Indy movie and what would be the plot be, Danielz?

Remember what Albert Einstien once said "Imagination is better than knowledge".
Re: Danielz the Ultimate Colts Cheerleader (on BF anyway)

:D .... still can't get enough eh? Who would feature in the Danielz Does Indy movie and what would be the plot be, Danielz?

Remember what Albert Einstien once said "Imagination is better than knowledge".

I'd suggest perhaps they'd be Peyton Manning... Marvin Harrison... Reggie Wayne... Dwight Freeney... and Bob Sanders as the feature stars.

I'll restrain from further detail

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Teams Cleveland Browns - GPODAWUND [sic]

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