Certified Legendary Thread Corona, Jamaica ooh I wanna take ya (COVID-19 Information & Discussion Here) Part 2 "The Second Wave"

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I didn’t really realise they are not as United as we’re led to believe. Our prime minister has had little say in how things are done by the states. It’s a magnitude greater there but Trump did fu** up. It’s just a shame the timing got him and not someone a bit less me, me, me. He’s definitely not alone in having it get out of control though. Australia and NZ are the outliers really
Trump's messaging has been atrocious... compared to most leaders including ScoMo. Further he should have been working with the states with a clear plan.... rather than give a family member another key role in thr pandemic & more intent on fighting the states.

Not a leader's arseh*le!
We will never really know. It certainly wouldn't have found all contacts, probably not even most, but it might have found some. And with the mess the Victoria contact tracing was in why not use it? Seems more likely that it was a decision based on the same logic as not admitting that NSW had a much better system that we could maybe have learnt from....ego and or politics
Given what we know about the system... it would have been a miracle if it uncovered any contacts at all.

However, failure to use any of the tools available to them has to be seen as an epic failure, even if the tool they overlooked was an even bigger failure.
Yet NSW successfully used.

If anything it would have been more use to the Victorians with a worse tracing system & much higher numbers.

Just ruling it out as an option is stupid.
Nobody has used the CovidSafe app successfully. It's a very expensive failure.

NSW found more contacts by looking at Opal Card records (public transport) than they did from the CovidSafe app.

Victoria should have at least looked at the app data, even if they didn't realistically expect to get anything useful from it.

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Trump's messaging has been atrocious... compared to most leaders including ScoMo. Further he should have been working with the states with a clear plan.... rather than give a family member another key role in thr pandemic & more intent on fighting the states.

Not a leader's a-hole!
Do you feel dirty, referring to ScoMo as a "leader"? He's been amazing compared to Trump, and given his own leadership failures, this truly emphasises just how abysmal Trump truly is.
AFR today: COVIDSafe is like Emperor’s New Clothes by Priya Dev

When I was removed from an Australian National University panel on the COVIDSafe app, it reminded me of the folktale The Emperor’s New Clothes, where everyone maintains the illusion of the emperor’s suit because to truthfully say he was naked would reveal them to be fools. A similar myth is being told about COVIDSafe – that it works.

In an analysis published in May, I argued that COVIDSafe is a digital placebo because it doesn’t work on iPhones, and after it was circulated among panel members, I was removed as moderator. The fact of its lack of function on iPhones has been ignored by the government, which insists updates will fix the problem. Even if updates can be proven effective, Apple’s philosophy has been to impede apps that compromise privacy. Thus, any workarounds to fix the COVIDSafe app would probably be closed down by Apple. This is why Google and Apple developed a framework to facilitate digital contact tracing. Today more than 20 countries have adopted this framework.

So, what’s the big deal? Why can’t Australia also adopt this ‘‘Gapple’’ method to control outbreaks?

The government and its advisers appear more enamoured by the data COVIDSafe collects than treating outbreaks. Referring to the Gapple solution, Deputy Chief Medical Officer Nick Coatesworth said: ‘‘There is no way we’re switching to a process that takes out the manual contact tracers.’’ But switching would not replace contact tracers; it would better aid them. Automatic COVID-19 exposure notifications will notify at-risk people faster than human contact tracers. Ongoing claims that COVIDSafe works has cost Australians dearly. The app failed to help contain the devastating outbreak in Victoria. Of 20,000 coronavirus-infected Victorians, 1703 had downloaded the app and not a single positive case was identified. While nationally the app has so far found only 14 cases that had been missed by humans.

These low success rates followed a $60 million marketing campaign that included likening COVIDSafe to sunscreen. With little evidence the app accurately detects close contacts, our government misled citizens into a nationwide public health experiment, with little regard to COVIDSafe’s purpose, efficacy, limitations and risks. These risks included the potential misuse of data. Unlike the Gapple solution, COVIDSafe relies on a centralised database that is used to unmask social circles of infected users. Government advisers have dismissed concerns of privacy advocates. In the concealed ANU panel both panellists said they had no concerns about the privacy of the app.

However, in response to a question about whether the government could be prosecuted for privacy breaches, a legal expert on the panel acknowledged that ‘‘in this case, probably the most significant deterrent is going to be the public’’, above criminal penalties. Given the lack of transparency about the COVIDSafe project, the public is hardly in a position to act as a deterrent.

Speaking on the purpose of the app, a panellist and consultant who worked on the COVIDSafe project said ‘‘a tool for contact tracers’’ was the best way to ‘‘contain outbreaks quickly’’. Other solutions that could achieve the outcome were overlooked. It was also noted by the consultant that, ‘‘if you have lower adoption, the whole purpose of the app falls apart’’. The reality is that adoption is futile if the app doesn’t work, and this is the fundamental truth. I certainly appreciate that not all things tried will work. But if we have any hope of finding solutions, we need to debate options freely.

Priya Dev is a technologist, data scientist and researcher in digital assets at the Australian National University’s College of Business and Economics.
Nobody has used the CovidSafe app successfully. It's a very expensive failure.

NSW found more contacts by looking at Opal Card records (public transport) than they did from the CovidSafe app.

Victoria should have at least looked at the app data, even if they didn't realistically expect to get anything useful from it.

I deleted the App.

An expensive failure given not sure they ever fixed the issue with Apple iPhones.
"Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews has clarified that only dependent children are allowed to accompany adults to another home"

So the 15 year old may visit Grandma - but the 16 year old from exactly the same household and in contact with all of the other members, may not.
"Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews has clarified that only dependent children are allowed to accompany adults to another home"

So the 15 year old may visit Grandma - but the 16 year old from exactly the same household and in contact with all of the other members, may not.
The 16yo would still be classified as a dependent.

The older 20yo brother/sister, who finished school at 18, and has a job of their own, would probably not.
The 16yo would still be classified as a dependent.

The older 20yo brother/sister, who finished school at 18, and has a job of their own, would probably not.

This is the problem with over-elaborate rules:

"Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews has clarified that only dependent children are allowed to accompany adults to another home." So because the 16 year old is a dependent but not a child, they may not visit Grandma
This is the problem with over-elaborate rules:

"Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews has clarified that only dependent children are allowed to accompany adults to another home." So because the 16 year old is a dependent but not a child, they may not visit Grandma
I thought a child is under 18. That’s what I tell mine.
I deleted the App.

An expensive failure given not sure they ever fixed the issue with Apple iPhones.
Deleted mine today to.
Apparently never worked on iPhone anyway.
It would be interesting to find out how much wasted tax money occurs each year and ask for a proportional refund.
Deleted mine today to.
Apparently never worked on iPhone anyway.
It would be interesting to find out how much wasted tax money occurs each year and ask for a proportional refund.
This Govt is getting antsy about a few thousand dollars, spent by the Australia Post CEO. Meanwhile, they waste billions - on things like Sports Rorts, concentration camps, Paladin contracts, and the list goes on. Federal ICAC, with real teeth, NOW!!

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Nobody has used the CovidSafe app successfully. It's a very expensive failure.

NSW found more contacts by looking at Opal Card records (public transport) than they did from the CovidSafe app.

Victoria should have at least looked at the app data, even if they didn't realistically expect to get anything useful from it.

If time and resources are limited, why waste any of it on something you know is going to be a dead end? Much better to use those things wisely.

The Covidsafe app was never going to work, right from the outset anyone who knew anything about technology was saying that.
My favourite pub isn't opening til Friday, and they've already booked out Fri & Sat - Got a table for Sunday

A mate and I went for a bike ride around town (glorious day today) looking for an open bar/pub and eventually found one for a feed - Was so good - The little things, eh?

Think quite a few places will take an extra couple days to open up and get their shit sorted
My favourite pub isn't opening til Friday, and they've already booked out Fri & Sat - Got a table for Sunday

A mate and I went for a bike ride around town (glorious day today) looking for an open bar/pub and eventually found one for a feed - Was so good - The little things, eh?

Think quite a few places will take an extra couple days to open up and get their sh*t sorted

Would have felt like living in Adelaide again until today.
My favourite pub isn't opening til Friday, and they've already booked out Fri & Sat - Got a table for Sunday

A mate and I went for a bike ride around town (glorious day today) looking for an open bar/pub and eventually found one for a feed - Was so good - The little things, eh?

Think quite a few places will take an extra couple days to open up and get their sh*t sorted

If you follow our lead, your pub will be like a restaurant but with fixed sittings. No food, no seated, no brewskies. In at a time, out at a time for next seating.
If you follow our lead, your pub will be like a restaurant but with fixed sittings. No food, no seated, no brewskies. In at a time, out at a time for next seating.
I had plenty a spontaneous food outing aborted early in the piece where I just went somewhere only to be told we’re full. It just doesn’t suit me to book ahead. It’s fine here now, but a few poor workers copped a Hangry “****-it”.🤣
The case numbers are becoming scary again and winter is coming. It is just sure incompetence by world leaders - Europe and the Americas. The second wave is well and truly on. This as we said from the start is a health problem and until you get the health problem under control there is no need to worry about the economy because if you don’t get the health problem under control you won’t have an economy.

All I can say is I’m glad I live in Australia and more particularly Adelaide.

The case numbers are becoming scary again and winter is coming. It is just sure incompetence by world leaders - Europe and the Americas. The second wave is well and truly on. This as we said from the start is a health problem and until you get the health problem under control there is no need to worry about the economy because if you don’t get the health problem under control you won’t have an economy.

All I can say is I’m glad I live in Australia and more particularly Adelaide.

Both Germany and France heading back in to lockdown.... talk about trying to shut the door after the horse has bolted.
The case numbers are becoming scary again and winter is coming. It is just sure incompetence by world leaders - Europe and the Americas. The second wave is well and truly on. This as we said from the start is a health problem and until you get the health problem under control there is no need to worry about the economy because if you don’t get the health problem under control you won’t have an economy.

All I can say is I’m glad I live in Australia and more particularly Adelaide.

Scary numbers, looks like Italy are becoming the next Italy.
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