Conspiracy Theory Coronavirus #5: We're in this together!

About Covid vaccines: Opinion on mandates? Your personal situation?

  • I support vaccine mandates for all jobs

    Votes: 24 26.1%
  • I support vaccine mandates for health & aged care jobs

    Votes: 9 9.8%
  • I don't care either way, it's up to each company

    Votes: 4 4.3%
  • Vaccine mandates are immoral and/or unjustifiable

    Votes: 46 50.0%
  • My employer has mandated the vaccine - I got it to keep my job

    Votes: 13 14.1%
  • My employer has mandated the vaccine - I decided to quit my job

    Votes: 8 8.7%
  • My employer has left the decision to get the vaccine optional

    Votes: 8 8.7%
  • I'm not sure where my employer stands on this issue

    Votes: 14 15.2%

  • Total voters

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Went and had my first jab this morning because i want to see my sister early next year as i haven't seen her in person for over two years and i need to catch a plane to do so.

All i will say is no effen way did the needle enter my arm, i've had injections in the past and there is no way an injection has happened that damn fast, from me feeling the needle tip to the nurse saying " that's it done " at pretty much the same time. I even checked my arm when i got back to the car and for the life of me couldn't see any visible mark where the needle went in.
They are pretty much painless, to be honest. It's a very fine needle. If you felt it you're like the Princess and the Pea ;)
Alot of these parents are the ones who take there child to McDonalds for a Happy Meal with Large Coke and a 15c toy and then say "Why is my obese ridden child getting sick for? He must need more vaccines"

People correlate a vaccine as the answer when its only a part of the solution.

I've seen some irrelevant quote replies in my time but this is probably top 5! :tearsofjoy:

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Hilarious Spinner! You cant understand the science, perform a simple search, read a paragraph in an original document and have the single mindedness of a paid toll, promoting Big Pharma.

But it's your sole purpose to be "winning", promoting yourself as some sort of specialist in genetics, while not understanding real specialists and claiming everyone who challenges your fraud, is a chump loser.

You wrongly claimed that the COVID injections were contained such small amount of product it would be impossible to hurt anyone. Clearly you don't understand concentrations and had no idea that each doses contains millions or billions of mRNA, with Moderna more than 3 x Pfizer's concentration in the same size dose.

Your slow moving 5 day train wreck of posts, refusing to believe Pfizer applied to change it's formula for children and added a common cardiac drug, when you could have read the FDA briefing comment and confirmed this within minutes.

You didn't and still you're rattling on about another argument that it can't be given becasue instead of Tris you've looked up TRAM and said it can only be given in 100ml solution!

No one is saying that it is given in the TRAM solution you've claimed. The drug added is tromethamine or Tris which is a common cardiac drug, with serious side effects, replacing the buffer used in all of the approved Comirnaty formula.

Pfizer claim because of the formula change, their product will be able to be kept in a fridge for 10 weeks now and not 6 to 8 hours after deep freeze. However only a small low powered study has been done with some subjects only followed for 2 weeks after jab, so this has not been meaningfully tested. The FDA ordered another 9 pediatric heart inflammation trials not due to be completed until 2023 - 2025, and there are many unknowns in the experimental injection they want young kids 5 years and up to be subjects for!

But keep up with the straw man and gas lighting, the Orwellian enforcers will be there to clap.

Its THAM not TRAM. And THAM per post 7997 is the injectable form of Tromethamine.
In my post # 7583 I actually offered 2 links profiling Tromethamine, therefore you’re confused not me.
Your need to make up BS statements to try and save face is just so predictable.

It’s been added to improve storage - its dosage for any other use doesn’t fit in a jab syringe.

So move along - you’re making yourself look stupid believing all the fake news on this issue.
Even your “experts” aren’t buying this BS.
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You know what, you're not the first I heard of this happening too. Did you get a bandaid? One of the people I know who had a similar experience did not even get a bandaid.
Nope nothing not even a tiny red mark, i was even pressing my thumb into my shoulder trying to find an ache but again nada.
Nope nothing not even a tiny red mark, i was even pressing my thumb into my shoulder trying to find an ache but again nada.

Interesting. Everyone I know has that has actually had it has had some kind of reaction, even if just mild (sore arm, headache, slight fever, fatigue etc.) so if you have absolutely zero reaction I'm guessing you didn't get it.
Yet another unsuccessful challenge to Covid rules, where the courts are very reluctant to overrule a minister's decision that the action is a reasonable public health response. So much for common law precedents keeping government powers in check.

The courts in Australia are hilariously inept. If you read through precedent it literally says I cant sack you due to religious beliefs but if I have a workplace rule that infringes on those beliefs then that is okay and I can sack you....
Yet another unsuccessful challenge to Covid rules, where the courts are very reluctant to overrule a minister's decision that the action is a reasonable public health response. So much for common law precedents keeping government powers in check.

Yep. Courts have been disgusting.
Interesting. Everyone I know has that has actually had it has had some kind of reaction, even if just mild (sore arm, headache, slight fever, fatigue etc.) so if you have absolutely zero reaction I'm guessing you didn't get it.
It's four hours later and i am wondering if i did actually get it as i have nothing, maybe i'm one of those lucky ones who don't get any reaction and even if i did as long as it's not a headache then i'm ok with that. Anyways done now and i also get a nagging parent off my back as well.

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It's four hours later and i am wondering if i did actually get it as i have nothing, maybe i'm one of those lucky ones who don't get any reaction and even if i did as long as it's not a headache then i'm ok with that. Anyways done now and i also get a nagging parent off my back as well.

Put a spoon there. If it sticks you got it

18- 24 hour window.

Victoria sees 1069 new COVID-19 cases amid fears of Melbourne Cup 'super spreader event'

A vaccinated only event is a superspreader event? Explain that one Dan

Because while vaccines provide some short term protection against infection you can still catch it when you're vaccinated.

If they hadn't have been vaccinated, those numbers would be much higher.

The important thing is, those 1069 people have a 95 percent lower chance of death or serious or critical infection. And that's the key here. We're all going to get it, its whether you wind up in hospital (or dead) or not.
Because while vaccines provide some short term protection against infection you can still catch it when you're vaccinated.

If they hadn't have been vaccinated, those numbers would be much higher.

The important thing is, those 1069 people have a 95 percent lower chance of death or serious or critical infection. And that's the key here. We're all going to get it, its whether you wind up in hospital (or dead) or not.

Higher based on what proof? Why not have 50 vaxxed, 50 not vaxxed and see if your belief comes true?

You cant trust the data when you refuse to collect it....
Interesting. Everyone I know has that has actually had it has had some kind of reaction, even if just mild (sore arm, headache, slight fever, fatigue etc.) so if you have absolutely zero reaction I'm guessing you didn't get it.
I didn't feel the needle either, but got a reaction about 12 hours later - brief headache followed by feeling very cold and shivery for about an hour. Took a couple of panadol, went to sleep, was fine the next day except for feeling a bit tired. With the second jab, nothing at all. (AZ by the way)
It's four hours later and i am wondering if i did actually get it as i have nothing, maybe i'm one of those lucky ones who don't get any reaction and even if i did as long as it's not a headache then i'm ok with that. Anyways done now and i also get a nagging parent off my back as well.
Did you tell the nurse you're getting it remorsefully? Maybe she's fake jabbing the hesitant.
If only all Eagles fans were like MrKK :tearsofjoy:

(jk MrK)
All good mate, I'm hardly Gandhi with my token gesture of resistance. Although if everyone who's against vaccine passports/mandates would boycott places implementing them wherever possible it would make a difference. Don't buy into the rubbish that only unvaccinated people are against them.
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