Certified Legendary Thread Covid, Life, UFOs, Food, & Wordle :(

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Aug 4, 2018
AFL Club
With overseas events being cancelled/played behind closed doors, Switkowski from Freo waiting for results as we speak and a briefing for the clubs planned today what are everyone's thoughts on the season ahead?

This is the first year in a while i have bothered to get a membership now my girls are old enough that i can get away to watch a game or two, personally i would be seriously peeved but unsuprised/understanding if similar measures come into effect.

It is going to be an interesting year ahead both in footy and for the world as a whole, with unprecedented measures being put into place already in countries such as italy and china and sadly its looking like alot of other countries including possibly our own might be forced to follow suit.

People seem to be aware of the bad news, judging by the supermarket shelves. The good news is that the rate of new cases has slowed in both China and Korea, and with the northern hemisphere coming into warmer months, the spread of virus may be slowed as people move outside more and no longer remain in such close quarters.

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Once the virus reaches BF I can confidently say it's reached pandemic stage. Look out, it was the one place I thought I was safe.

I'm going out to get more toilet paper to cover the keyboard.
Once the virus reaches BF I can confidently say it's reached pandemic stage. Look out, it was the one place I thought I was safe.

I'm going out to get more toilet paper to cover the keyboard.

I'd pass on some of my stash, unused of course, but I used most of it to soak up the bile which poured from the practice match thread the other day.

But more seriously, my thoughts are that the footy season will likely suffer some interruption. Public events are being affected in the northern hemisphere, so I'm not sure that events in Australia can be unscathed in an effort to contain the virus. It'd be a small price to pay, and we'll still have Big Footy.
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I'd pass on some of my stash, unused of course, but I used most of it to soak up the bile which poured from the practice match thread the other day.

But more seriously, my thoughts are that the footy season will likely suffer some interruption. Public events are being affected in the northern hemisphere, so I'm not sure that events in Australia can be unscathed in an effort to contain the virus. It'd be a small price to pay, and we'll still have Big Footy.

At this stage our relatively low person to person infection rates are the only saving grace. That changes and we'll definitely see these types of events closed to the public.
Massive over reaction if they dont allow people to attend games or worse - call them off.

The regular flu kills more people than what this has, SARS had a higher fatality rate. Media are to blame for this, people flooding the super markets for toilet paper, pasta, flour etc is ridiculous.

Well with the Government in Charge anything is Possible.

Sadly there is a Very Good Chance it will happen.

Flu you can get something to help you with Chronovirus there nothing can be done yet.

Plus IF Health People saying you can't go and nothing can be done

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Massive over reaction if they dont allow people to attend games or worse - call them off.

The regular flu kills more people than what this has, SARS had a higher fatality rate. Media are to blame for this, people flooding the super markets for toilet paper, pasta, flour etc is ridiculous.
The whole regular flu line is bullshit. If this infected as many or more people as the flu does - and yes it does have the potential to, the loss of life based on the current mortality rate would be catastrophic.

We have no vaccine and no antibodies to it. It's potential to kill millions is mind boggling. Thankfully if your not over 65 your in a much better seat for this ride but the economic impact it is already having looks like it will worsen significantly and even if you have 0 issues with the virus itself, that is going to bite you on the ass.

Seasonal flu varies between what 0.1-0.? Percent (help me out here medical boffins) covid is going at approx 3% do the numbers yourself, they aren't pretty.......

That being said I really want to go n watch the footy........
The whole regular flu line is bullshit. If this infected as many or more people as the flu does - and yes it does have the potential to, the loss of life based on the current mortality rate would be catastrophic.

We have no vaccine and no antibodies to it. It's potential to kill millions is mind boggling. Thankfully if your not over 65 your in a much better seat for this ride but the economic impact it is already having looks like it will worsen significantly and even if you have 0 issues with the virus itself, that is going to bite you on the ass.

Seasonal flu varies between what 0.1-0.? Percent (help me out here medical boffins) covid is going at approx 3% do the numbers yourself, they aren't pretty.......

That being said I really want to go n watch the footy........
I reckon it's just scare tactics.
Seen it too often.
Bird flu.
Mad cow
Ebola etc etc.
Keeping people in a state of fear is handy for politicians.

Enjoy the footy. You will be fine. :thumbsu: :thumbsu:
I’ve been touting the empty stadium scenario on the Motor board;


So I’m fully expecting empty AFL stadiums. And as a niche sport, this is going to have a huge effect on the game.
Would not surprise to see the players asked to take pay cuts to ensure club survival.
AFL360 explored a similar idea tonight. No extra ticket sales means a loss of $500,000 to a million each game played without a crowd.
Thats potentially 9 million dollars per round. On top of that is revenue lost from food/alcohol sales. Realistically, 6 rounds of AFL without crowds could wipe out the AFL‘s reserve contingency of $60,000,000.
There will be many businesses go to the wall if we instigate a complete shut down of the state. Cinemas, retail bricks and mortar stores, anything that relies on human beings turning up and handing over cold hard cash.
I expect several airlines worldwide to fall over. They work on tiny margins with big overheads. If their leased multi million dollar aircraft are not in the air more than half a day, they are in the negative cash flow.
Interesting times.
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I reckon it's just scare tactics.
Seen it too often.
Bird flu.
Mad cow
Ebola etc etc.
Keeping people in a state of fear is handy for politicians.

Enjoy the footy. You will be fine. :thumbsu: :thumbsu:

I'm always pretty keen to give the politicians a backhander, but how they stand to benefit from the crippling of the global economy is unclear to me.
I reckon it's just scare tactics.
Seen it too often.
Bird flu.
Mad cow
Ebola etc etc.
Keeping people in a state of fear is handy for politicians.

Enjoy the footy. You will be fine. :thumbsu: :thumbsu:
Not one of the diseases you mentioned have the transmission rate of Coronavirus.
Bird flu was a slow mover that was easily contained when resources were thrown at it.
Mad Cow was isolated to a particular region/country.
Ebola was restricted to a few countries. Again, a disease that was a slow spreader which enabled the scientific community to respond.
You may take the Trump/preppers view that the Government(s) are simply trying to control the population by fear. But I can only ask, are you taking any extra precautions? Are you heeding the advise to limit contact? Are you washing hands more? Are you using Hand sanitizer? Are you stocking up on T.P?
Answer yes to any of those things then you are like the rest of us.
I reckon it's just scare tactics.
Seen it too often.
Bird flu.
Mad cow
Ebola etc etc.
Keeping people in a state of fear is handy for politicians.

Enjoy the footy. You will be fine. :thumbsu: :thumbsu:
Ah not so.
No need to panic (which I suspect is what ur trying to say) but that sweeping statement is just that & simply incorrect and ill-informed.
I reckon it's just scare tactics.
Seen it too often.
Bird flu.
Mad cow
Ebola etc etc.
Keeping people in a state of fear is handy for politicians.

Enjoy the footy. You will be fine. :thumbsu: :thumbsu:

Handy for politicians? This has been an absolute disaster for every government it's hit, for the 1st time in a long time people are in open-revolt against President Xi and Trump has been hit hard too.
Damn being old!

I hear that there are good points. There's:

(a) the getting of wisdom
(b) being able to soil yourself and having other people clean up the 'disaster'
(c) being able to act the grumpy bastard
(d) forcing people to repeat themselves five times and then pretending to misunderstand them anyway.

Such are the rewards for persistent living. There are some drawbacks, of which the latest virus is one, but I'm sure you can see that the good outweighs the bad by a fair margin.
I hear that there are good points. There's:

(a) the getting of wisdom
(b) being able to soil yourself and having other people clean up the 'disaster'
(c) being able to act the grumpy bastard
(d) forcing people to repeat themselves five times and then pretending to misunderstand them anyway.

Such are the rewards for persistent living. There are some drawbacks, of which the latest virus is one, but I'm sure you can see that the good outweighs the bad by a fair margin.

You can also tell people "Things were better back in my day", with absolutely no evidence to back it up, and when people question it say "well you weren't there".
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