Crown Casino, Melbourne - Part 2

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How does that pokerpro game work at crown? Is it worth playing? How do you tell how much chips everyone has left?
After a year's worth of data, you should be able to whittle it down to an error of $20 or so either side? Maybe?

Look at it this way...if you 4-table, 1 hour of online is equivalent to 20 hours of BnM. Would you feel comfortable drawing conclusions after 1 month of online? Well, that's almost 2 years of BnM.

This. Online data shows that winrate can vary pretty significantly on samples as large as 100k. That many hands would take between 1 and 2 years of live play as a full time pro.

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so for every pot over $60 that you win you get $x less. How many pots over $60 do you win per hour? The time charge is a drawback for Crown players. You start every hour $5 behind.

Assuming a table that is 9 handed it means $45 more rake needs to be paid. (10 max, but usually one short on average according to a dealer of mine) as a player you need to make up $5 each hour as a Crown player to beat Burswood i.e a $74 pot and a $100+ pot each hour. At roughly 25-30 hands an hour, I think its close which is better...
Just got home from a 3 hour session. Crap night; only 2 hands of note, both of which were coolers.

Was up $90 after about 15 minutes - which was actually the peak profit for the whole night. Limp in LP with Q10os after a couple of others, SB was a young guy who had no idea what he was doing. He tried to call but accidentally raised to $7, 4 calls and the 5 of us see a Flop of Q:club:10:club:4:heart:. The young guy makes it a solid $5, very loose and bad Irish-man makes it $20, pot is $60 and I re-re-raise to a total of $50. The very tight and solid player next to me goes to fold his hand (like physically holding them over the muck) but then asks the dealer how much I raised, and then decides to flat-call. Everyone else clears out and the turn brings the 3:club:. He only had roughly $90 left, with the pot at $160 it's a pretty shit spot. More than likely was drawing to the flush and hit, but I obviously don't want to give him a free card in case he has something similar to top pair like AQ or KJ etc. I think it's pretty lol bad to check-fold to a shove on the turn, and leading out any amount will have me committed so I figured the standard play was to put him all-in, if he's got it he's got it basically. Or do you think you can actually find a check-fold here on the turn? Thoughts?

He thinks for about 10 seconds so I actually start praying for a call, then he shrugs and puts the remainder in. River blanks and he gestures to see my cards, I table top 2...he then looks at the flop, then back at my hand...and THEN decides to flip over the NUTS A:club:4:club: Hate people who don't just instantly flip-over the nuts, didn't say anything though. Sick setup on the flop. Ship that man the ~$340 pot.

Then 3 minutes before i'm about to leave, an epic cooler. I was floating around $50 profit for the majority of the night until these last 2 hands. Playing 7-handed, a raise from UTG +1, a fairly solid player to $16. 1 call OTB and I call with As2s from the BB. Flop comes down A:heart:7:heart:2:club:, I check (should have lead out really) and he continuations $25, Button calls. I think and eventually make it $80 total with $215 behind. He thinks for a long time, and eventually shoves all in and the Button folds. Turn and river blank out and I announce 2-pair, i'm praying for AK but nope of course he has A7os :rolleyes:. Ship that man the $586 pot.

That left me with $52, EP raise to $15 and it get's 2 callers, I shove from the SB with K:heart:Q:heart:, folds back around to the guy to my right who asks if i'm tilting and then makes the call. Table my hand and make 2 pair by the river, Time is next hand so just leave and cash-out for $137 down $108 in 3 hours 20mins. Overall thought I played really well again, really only won a lot of small pots, didn't get into any big clashes, didn't stack anyone so from that point of view just an average night. Considering 2 pretty large coolers combining to $926 I don't think I did that bad to finish down only $100.

Edit: just remembered the only other 'exciting' hand. In the BB with KQos, UTG and UTG+1 along with the Button and SB limp. I make it $20 total and both UTG and +1 make the call. Flop comes down A:heart: J:club: 6:heart:, I make a mistake and check (sighhh i'm so bad sometimes) and they both also check. Turn Q:spade: I check and UTG makes a very weak bet of $25, UTG+1 calls (Pot $116) and I end up shoving all in for roughly $140 total. Basically figured their most likely range is a weak Ace (extremely difficult call), and/or heart/straight draw. Even if they call and are ahead i'm still going to have a number of outs. IMO my line looks like i've either flopped a set of Aces/Jacks (I would personally continuation 100% of the time, but ALOT of inexperienced players will check there), or turned a set of Queens and don't want anyone to draw. Thoughts on how I played this?

Oh and there was also some very nice entertainment at around 3am with a very drunken guy dancing around the poker room just baiting the floor staff rolling around in front of them, yelling random crap out and just doing a whole bunch of random shit as his mates cheered him on from the bar. Eventually ~10 security guards escort him out of the room. :D
Hand 1 flop raise needs to be to $80 or so, but as played turn is good.

Hand 2 you should probably fold pre.

H1: yup, seem to be making a habit of this. With such a strong draw out there really should have made it ~$80 like you say.

H2: but, but, I was just about to leave!! I'd been really discplined pre-flop all night but A2 s00ted in the BB right before I was about to go home was just too tempting. :(:( Bad attitude I know.

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Yeah, you have to play ten times the stakes to make the same hourly rate as online. Fortunately, the players are ten times worse.

I just find it pretty slow and tedious, granted though I pretty much only play tournaments and I think I would just prefer to multitabling rather then waiting an hour for everyone to put in there ante's and then wait for the dealer to count them all up and shuffle as well. Just lose way to much time unless the structure is good.
I just find it pretty slow and tedious, granted though I pretty much only play tournaments and I think I would just prefer to multitabling rather then waiting an hour for everyone to put in there ante's and then wait for the dealer to count them all up and shuffle as well. Just lose way to much time unless the structure is good.

There are some advantages to playing live though. For example, online you could never get a plastered Craig McDermott to put $700 into the pot with middle pair against your boat by subtly questioning his manhood. :)
There are some advantages to playing live though. For example, online you could never get a plastered Craig McDermott to put $700 into the pot with middle pair against your boat by subtly questioning his manhood. :)

Hmmmm that is a good point, I guess I never really thought about it like that.
There are some advantages to playing live though. For example, online you could never get a plastered Craig McDermott to put $700 into the pot with middle pair against your boat by subtly questioning his manhood. :)

I see your hand with Craig McDermott and raise you getting Brett Peake to put $125 in pre with QJ and then mentioning Im an Eagles fan, getting a call on top pair, rough kicker, having him suck out on the turn then resucking on the river for the $800 win, all the while kissing the Eagles badge on my jacket... :)
Eh, lost $200 tonight, played ridiculously close to my best game tonight and get coolered in a ~$800 pot with AA where the muppet flops the nutz. Strongly considering just getting a job as a dealer and quitting poker for the time being. The net profit won't be as much but as least my mind can be put to rest that i'm actually guaranteed to make X$ amount per X amount of hours instead of putting up with bloody variance screwing with my head. That and i'm not properly rolled for live poker as it's the same cash I use day-to-day, not a separate roll. Full write-up coming later today when I wake up.
Got f***** over last night at Crown, on the Poker Pro tables.

Had pocket 10's whilst another guy had Pocket 7's. He raised it pre-flop so I called.

Flop came - A 10 2

I bet, he popped all in so I had to call. Showed pocket 7's.

Turn came - 7

and of course

River came - 7

Runner, runner :mad: $100 pot.
Got f***** over last night at Crown, on the Poker Pro tables.

Had pocket 10's whilst another guy had Pocket 7's. He raised it pre-flop so I called.

Flop came - A 10 2

I bet, he popped all in so I had to call. Showed pocket 7's.

Turn came - 7

and of course

River came - 7

Runner, runner :mad: $100 pot.

Welcome to Poker Pro - have a nice day.....
That was a nice sleep...

Ok, so sit down and everyone has alot of money. After a little while and after about $1k worth of rebuys around the table the average stack would have been about $400-450, so we're effectively playing 2/5. Pretty much there was alot of limping and a lot of people stacking off with top pair no kicker post flop... overlimp in MP with A4os single raise to $8 and about 5 of us see a flop of 235r Jackpot. Checked to me I make it $25, 1 caller turn blank, bet 50 calls again. River another blank, shove and he calls and after I show he says he had 2 pair...nice double early.

AKss in the SB, EP raise from a fairly bad player to $15, call OTB and I re-raise to $65 initial raiser calls with only $90 behind and button folds. Flop comes down KKQ...I ask him how much he has and think for a little while making out like I actually have a decision and eventually put him all in...he folds.

Over-limp K10 OTB, 6 of us see a flop of Js9c4s bb (same bad player) leads out for $18, folds around to me - I call looking to see any King or Queen to take the lead or Spades for bluff outs. Turn 2s he bets $22 and I re-raise to $85 and TID.

Few other pots where I played really well and thought my radar was about perfect all night, laying down cards in the right spots and calling some people down with marginal hands that were ahead. Overall up about $250 before dealt AA in the SB.

Again said bad player raises to $16 in EP, Button calls (drunk) and I re-raise to $60. Both call and see a flop of 678r, I lead out $125 and the guy thinks for all of 5 seconds before shoving all in having me covered. Drunk guy clears out and now it's decision time. Pretty much hoping he flat-called preflop with 10's-KK and make the crying call. Sure enough he flopped the nutz with 910dd - just lol at how bad this is. Leave down $200 and tilt drive the whole way home. :)
Thats got to hurt the most. Play well all night and then get sucked out with AA.

Like a dagger in my heart, was just gutted leaving the poker room. Like I said, just want to look into getting a job as a dealer after Christmas and (hopefully) focus on Uni a little more.

Cartman, don't sweat it at all!

You played the hand good, he made a bad call and sucked out. That happens.

Don't be results oriented. You played the hand well so it's all good. Those situations will even themselves out in the long run.

The only problem with that is that there may not be a long run if it keeps on happening! :(
Again said bad player raises to $16 in EP, Button calls (drunk) and I re-raise to $60. Both call and see a flop of 678r, I lead out $125 and the guy thinks for all of 5 seconds before shoving all in having me covered. Drunk guy clears out and now it's decision time. Pretty much hoping he flat-called preflop with 10's-KK and make the crying call. Sure enough he flopped the nutz with 910dd - just lol at how bad this is. Leave down $200 and tilt drive the whole way home. :)

God, it just sh!tz you to tears doesn't it?

Non Crown related but AA related --> Last night playing 0.10/0.25 (6max) on Full Tilt and raise it up to 0.85 PF (with AA). 2 callers. I am playing at about 18/12 and the villain is about 73/2. Limps/calls nearly every pot yet has been abusing the table every hand he loses, chastising their play.

Anyway, flop KT8 rainbow. Moron bets $0.25, I re-pop to $3, button folds, moron calls. Pot approx $8.50

Turn 4 - Board KT84 - he bets $0.25 again. This guy has min bet or check called all night with a weak pair or drawing hand and only shoves with a made hand. I decide now is time to take it down and push the stack in. Called. (Stacks pre-flop were $25 me, him about $18IIRC).

Turns over J7o.

River 9. Go f&*k yourself.:mad:
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