Crown Casino, Melbourne - Part 2

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Re: Experience at crown - Part 2

I have never understood the straddle. Why would you deliberately put money in the pot in bad position with random cards? Makes no sense to me.

For fun. Makes the game interesting and makes some monster pots. Plus you can put in your $8 and then watch people unable to get away from AK offsuit for $300....Good times!

Most of my biggest ever pots have come from me straddling.
Re: Experience at crown - Part 2

hey guys, so i hear theres some big joe hachem/shane warne thing at pokerrooom 7pm monday... rekn i still be ok to head in and get some 2/3 table around 11-midnight.... theyd probably open a few more wudnt they as a few more general public ppl mite come to watch then wanna play?

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Re: Experience at crown - Part 2

My first post in here, but always reading them. have to share a few hads with you guys.

was at the cas today. bought in for 200 on 2/3. lost this in about 20mins to a toss that just couldnt fold. 1st off i had QJss i raise it to 18 on the button. 6 callers. flop 10-9-4 rainbow giving me the open-ender straight. checks aroud to me. i bet 40. one caller. next A. I know he hasen't hit as he's calling everything and he's raised all aces previously but i check with the plan to go over the top. he bets 30 i raise to 80, he calls. river 5. I put myself on a bad misread and concede defeat by checking. he checks!!!! and turns over KQ (theres no way you could possibly fold these when i go over the top could you??:rolleyes:).

Next I have 87hh in the big blind, about 6 to the flop, i consider raising but don't. flop comes 6h5h7s. giving me top pair and the open-ended straight flush draw. I bet 20. same donk rapid calls, everyone else folds. next card Q. I check, he bets 20, I only have 60 left and reckon im in front. I push. he calls. river 5. he turns over 5-2 off suit for trips:eek:.

I consider going home but decide to take a rest to calm down. I rebuy for 200 after 1 hours break. I work my way up to about 500 by folding everything except pictures and pairs in the right situations. I take down two good pots to put me on 700ish. then these two sick hands:

1. me kk in the the small blind (finally a real good hand!) 1 caller and one raises to 15. I re-raise to 40. the original caller calls?? the raiser calls too. Flop Q-9-4 rainbow. Theres abt. 130 in the pot and I suspect someone has hit a Q. I bet 100 (in hindsight too much) original caller goes all-in 175. other guy reluctantly folds (says he had kk too). I call the 75 more and too my horror he has Q-9! how he called my raise pre-folp i have no idea? the board doesnt connect and I lose about 220.

2. now the big one, ive dropped to abt 450 and on the big blind. 10-9 evrybody calls 3 and i check. flop 10-9-3 mixed. I decide to cheak raise. So i check, 1 guy with about 110 in chips makes it 11, another guy makes it 22. I put this guy on a draw and the other on k-10 considering he didnt raise pre-flop. unless there are trip threes i can't put any of them on trips. I decide not to slow play and decide to re-raise to 50. 11 man calls, 22 donk raises it to 120 total. I know I have him beat so I decide to take it down then and there. all in 400. 11 man calls all in for his remaining 50 and captain donk still thinking he's good calls:eek:

turn K, river Q. Now I would have copped it if I got beaten by a straight, but when i see them turn ther cards i was godsmacked. 11man 10-9 fair enough we split the small pot, but captain donk Q-10. thats just wrong!! How could he think he was in front after the flop with two players all-in??????????? That river cost me 1000 dollar pot. he had 3 outs!!?? thats sick!

I was on mega tilt so decided to come home. that's my rant, geez pokers cruel sometimes.
Re: Experience at crown - Part 2

My first post in here, but always reading them. have to share a few hads with you guys.

was at the cas today. bought in for 200 on 2/3. lost this in about 20mins to a toss that just couldnt fold. 1st off i had QJss i raise it to 18 on the button. 6 callers.

Why would you raise with a hand like QJs when you have multiple limpers? The hand plays well multi-way, since those players will give you the odds to draw to straights and flushes later. You were also lucky not to find a reraise from one of the limpers leaving you dominated.

flop 10-9-4 rainbow giving me the open-ender straight. checks aroud to me. i bet 40. one caller. next A. I know he hasen't hit as he's calling everything and he's raised all aces previously but i check with the plan to go over the top.

Hang on, you said you were on the button - now you find youself out of position on the turn and river! I have to say with six players in the pot, you should take the free turn card and give up if you miss. Bluffing into five players is suicide.
Next I have 87hh in the big blind, about 6 to the flop, i consider raising but don't.
Why would you raise? 6 to the flop with no raise is perfect for 87 suited.
flop comes 6h5h7s. giving me top pair and the open-ended straight flush draw. I bet 20. same donk rapid calls, everyone else folds. next card Q. I check, he bets 20, I only have 60 left and reckon im in front. I push. he calls. river 5. he turns over 5-2 off suit for trips:eek:.
The flop is a monster for you. Unlucky suckout.
1. me kk in the the small blind (finally a real good hand!) 1 caller and one raises to 15. I re-raise to 40. the original caller calls?? the raiser calls too. Flop Q-9-4 rainbow. Theres abt. 130 in the pot and I suspect someone has hit a Q. I bet 100 (in hindsight too much) original caller goes all-in 175. other guy reluctantly folds (says he had kk too). I call the 75 more and too my horror he has Q-9! how he called my raise pre-folp i have no idea? the board doesnt connect and I lose about 220.
That's pretty unlucky. I couldn't have put him on Q9. QQ and 99 maybe, but would have expected a raise preflop. I think your play is reasonable.
2. now the big one, ive dropped to abt 450 and on the big blind. 10-9 evrybody calls 3 and i check. flop 10-9-3 mixed. I decide to cheak raise. So i check, 1 guy with about 110 in chips makes it 11, another guy makes it 22. I put this guy on a draw and the other on k-10 considering he didnt raise pre-flop. unless there are trip threes i can't put any of them on trips. I decide not to slow play and decide to re-raise to 50. 11 man calls, 22 donk raises it to 120 total. I know I have him beat so I decide to take it down then and there. all in 400. 11 man calls all in for his remaining 50 and captain donk still thinking he's good calls:eek:

turn K, river Q. Now I would have copped it if I got beaten by a straight, but when i see them turn ther cards i was godsmacked. 11man 10-9 fair enough we split the small pot, but captain donk Q-10. thats just wrong!! How could he think he was in front after the flop with two players all-in??????????? That river cost me 1000 dollar pot. he had 3 outs!!?? thats sick!
Yeah, that was pretty sick. Mind you, with bet, raise, raise, call, raise I am seriously worried about a set on a normal table - probably pocket threes.
Re: Experience at crown - Part 2

Went in 3 times over the past week. Didn't have time to write about the sessions and can't remember much about them. Had 1 losing session (never play 1/2, never play 1/2, never play 1/2, never play 1/2!) and 1 winning session.

Went back in yesterday and couldn't get into any rthym. Started with $150 and seemed to go nowhere with it. After about an hour my mate busted out of 4 tables at this point (lost $400) and was in no mood to continue so I told him I would play until after the button. I get up to the SB and look down at AhQh with $53 left and raise to $15, 4 players call. The flop comes down Jc-6s-3h and I decide there is more than enough in the pot and push all in, 3 guys fold and the last one calls. Turn and river are both hearts which leaves me like $5 in front. The other guy turned over Js5s - I don't understand how he is calling $15 with that.

Then I was about to go home when my old man turned up so we decided to play some PokerPro. There are some very very silly players on there. Only played for about 20 minutes but there was a guy who was pretty chatty and we never got into any big battles and showed down most cards. With my final hand I had K-9 and the flop came down K-9-2. The bet was $6 with 3 callers before I raised to $15. Everyone else folded except for the chatty guy who debated for a while whilst I told him "I've got you", then he called and checked the turn - 8. I bet all in for my last $30 and told him again "trust me I have it", he thought for a while and said "You probably do but I call". He had KQ and the river came up a blank for him. We were being very friendly I still don't know why he didn't believe me. Perhaps I should start doing that to induce calls?
Re: Experience at crown - Part 2

Was in about a week ago on $2/$3. Was up and down like a yoyo for the first hour or 2 then finally started getting some decent hands. One I remember is AQ both clubs where I reraised a small raise to $20 preflop. Got about 5 callers IIRC. Flop comes down 9-7-3 all clubs so I flopped the nuts. First 2 guys checked then one guy bets $30, I just call, guy on the button after me reraises to $50, 2 fold then guy who raised to $30 calls I call again. Turn is 2 of clubs. I was hoping somebody had a queen or king of clubs when this hit. Guy who first bet checks, I raise $50, guy to my left reraises all in, other guy folds I call. He has pocket kings (one of them a club haha) and is drawing dead with the 2nd nuts.

Didn't get much after this till I had pocket queens and bet $20 again preflop got called by about 4 people. I was big blind and it was just called around to me....the amount of people which think that putting $3 in justifies an extra $17 in just so they don't waste their $3 is amazing. I guess I shouldn't complain this is where money is made. Anyway flop comes J-8-x 2 hearts. No king or ace so I was first to act I bet $35 straight out. Everyone folds other than the last person who calls. Turn comes 4 of hearts. I bet $30, he reraises all in and has me covered. I have about $140 left on the table. I try to put him on a hand. Pretty much it came down to whether or not I thought he had the flush and my gut instinct said no he didn't and I was right. He reraised with a straight draw???? My god who plays 10-9 offsuit with a $20 preflop raise? Anyway won that massive pot after the river was a blank and was up about $350 for the day or so.
Re: Experience at crown - Part 2

Went in last night again. Had a really average night which involved me catching absolutely nothing. Had some decent cards too which was really annoying. AK twice, AQ suited, AA, 88, AJ suited, QJ. This was all in 2 hours but the only hands I won were the pocket pairs, never hit with any other hand.

The QJ was the most interesting hand. I had it 3 off the button and it limped all the way round to the button who raised it to $15. I don't play QJ offsuit for $15 very often and was preparing to throw them away when 5 people called in front of me, so I'm sitting there looking at putting in $12 into a $90 pot, instant call.

The flop came down 10-8-4 rainbow and everyone checked it to the button who bet $36 and then 4 people called to me and I had to call $36 for an inside straight draw with about $250 in the pot. I can't make that kind of call and folded. Turn came a 2 and it again was checked to the button who went all in for $48. First 2 people folded, 3rd guy thinks for a while and then calls and the last guy waits an entirnity and folds. The button wasn't wanting any suspense and flipped over pocket 10's and the 1 caller showed 8-6 offsuit. That's right 2nd pair with a shit kicker has put over $100 into this pot. River was an 8 which made it even funnier.
Re: Experience at crown - Part 2

The QJ was the most interesting hand. I had it 3 off the button and it limped all the way round to the button who raised it to $15. I don't play QJ offsuit for $15 very often and was preparing to throw them away when 5 people called in front of me, so I'm sitting there looking at putting in $12 into a $90 pot, instant call.

The flop came down 10-8-4 rainbow and everyone checked it to the button who bet $36 and then 4 people called to me and I had to call $36 for an inside straight draw with about $250 in the pot. I can't make that kind of call and folded.

If 6 people paid $15 PF, and 5 paid $36 on the flop that's $270, giving you immediate 7.5-1 odds. The button has $48 behind, which is going in for sure - that gives you 8.8-1. You need another $117 to go into the pot to make the call correct (assuming your overcard outs are no good). With 4 opponents and some decent stack sizes it's probably a marginal call, but the fold seems reasonable too.
Re: Experience at crown - Part 2

Hi all

Recently caught the poker bug and started playing online and have been winning, so I'm going to give the live tables at crown a go probably in the next week or so.

Was wondering what types of tables are available and what are the blinds and minimum buy-in?

Also, this will be my first live cash game that hasn't been casually with mates, any pointers?
Re: Experience at crown - Part 2

Mon - Thurs - $1/$2 is availble. Buy in is $40-$80 I believe.
All day, every day there is

$2/$3 - $60-$200 which is probably best for your starting point. As for pointers when you sit down the dealer will ask you for $2-$5 for "time". Each hour on the half hour every player must pay $5. They will also ask you if you would like to "come in" straight away. This just means do you want to play the first hand and thus post the blind straight away. A usual raise at this limit pre-flop is between $10-$15 but it can really depend on the table.
Re: Experience at crown - Part 2

went in and played on a table for the first time in my life, started with $70, played 2/3 and did alrite... ended up about 250 up which was really good.... but then blew it lmaooo so yeah not too bad just gotta be more disciplined next time..
Re: Experience at crown - Part 2

I just got invited to come and give my feedback on the Crown Poker Room at the Crown Towers next Wednesday.

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Re: Experience at crown - Part 2

Lol won my biggest pot ever tonight at 5/10NL live.

2.3k effective stacks, 2k buyin.

Utg limps
I make it 50 /w 55 UTG +1
mp1 flats
btn flats

Flop : qs 5s 9x , Check to me I bet 165, mp1 makes it 400, utg shoves, I reshove, MP1 tank calls

turn and river: 10s 10x SUCK ON MY BAWWWWLLLLLLZZZZ

utg shows J9ss , lol **** my life on the turn, mp1 shows QKo HAHAHA lol mouthbreathers

Lol ship the 7kish pot.

mp1 then tried to justify his call because he was 2.7k effective with utg so he would have broken even because he put utg on a flushdraw. He also rolled his hand when he didn't have to to show how he got bad beat for the 'breakeven' side.

Lol lol lol lol

oh yeah and mp the moron said how lucky i was to fill up on the river HAHA
Re: Experience at crown - Part 2

wait, is this one of those guess your hands games?

QQ? :p

he had 55. it's kinda disguised in the post a bit though. took me a couple of reads to work it out. knew he had a set on the flop but couldn't work out which one.
Re: Experience at crown - Part 2

Hi guys i'm 18 pretty soon and would like to hit the tables a couple of times before i go overseas for the year. Are there many tables at crown or are there only a few with higher stakes?

Looking forward to be allowed to gamble legally:p
Re: Experience at crown - Part 2

Hi guys i'm 18 pretty soon and would like to hit the tables a couple of times before i go overseas for the year. Are there many tables at crown or are there only a few with higher stakes?

Looking forward to be allowed to gamble legally:p

There is always about 10 tables running along with pokerpro. Very easy to find a game with any stacksize you want.
Re: Experience at crown - Part 2

There is always about 10 tables running along with pokerpro. Very easy to find a game with any stacksize you want.

are there any mixed games or are most table holdem?

A few of my mates told me they rarely play on tables because some people there have been playing for hours and have accumulated massive stacks and just bully them out of it....Are they exaggerating or is this the case from your experience?
Re: Experience at crown - Part 2

how much is it to buy in on the real min to max?
all i hav ever played is poker pro but im over it coz its rigged
Re: Experience at crown - Part 2

how much is it to buy in on the real min to max?
all i hav ever played is poker pro but im over it coz its rigged

2-3 No limt is $60 -$200

and 1-2 is $40 to $80 but last time i went in there were no 1/2 tables so i dont know how often they run.
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