Crown Casino, Melbourne - Part 2

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Re: Experience at crown - Part 2

Well i havent been to the Casino in a while and thought i would head down as i had made a bit of money on the horses. I start off with a casual 100 and after an hour or so i get up to 500 and am sitting chip leader on my table. Im holding AJ and on the button, small blind calls, i raise 20, he calls. flop AJ6 small blind bets 30 usually i would just call to slow play but i was interested to see if he had something so i reraised another 30 and he pushes me all in for a total of $400 im thinking he has AK but was worried he was holding the pocket 6s but i had to call. Turn 4 river K i show my AJ and he shows Q 10. I got up in shock and told him that he was a fish and said that i was coming after him. 2 hours later im up 800 and hes going home lol.
Re: Experience at crown - Part 2

Had a pretty shit night last night. My 2nd hand in I lost my first stack. Raised it to $12 pre flop with AK and had 3 callers, flop came down K-J-8 and I bet out $20 and was raised to $50. I have played with this guy before and seen him make moves with 2-8 offsuit and the like and couldn't put him on a hand and decided to call. Turn came a 6 and I had $75 left and pushed it in, the guy insta called and showed his pocket 8's. That's the shortest time I have had a buy in last.

Bought back in and couldn't hit anything for an eternity when the same guy raised it to $10, looked down at AJ in the SB and called. Flop came A-3-6 and I checked to him, he bet out $15 which I and another guy called. Flop came the J and I checked with the intention to raise but both of them checked to the final card which bought out a 3. I bet $30 and was called by the initial raiser who showed 3-8 offsuit. Started thinking it wasn't my night at this point so I pulled out what was to be my last $100 and decided to be ultra tight.

Didn't play a hand for about an hour and was down to $35 when I saw JdQd and limped in for $3, it got raised to $10 and 5 people caclled to me on the BB so I called thinking I would push if either card hit. Flop came Jc-8c-5h and the SB bet out $110, I called for my remaining cash straight away and it folded around. When the last guy folded 2 people said they folded the flush draw so I was happy when the SB turned over Ac9c. Turn came a Q and river was a 10 so I more than tripled up.

After about 30 minutes I look down at JJ in mid position and UTG raised to $7 which had 2 callers so I raised to $21 which was enough to take down the pot. Very next hand I get JJ again and it's limped to me, I raise to $12 and get 3 callers. Flop comes Qc5cQd and the guy to my right again bets out for $30. I tank for an enternity and end up pushing all in because I don't believe he has it and I want to get rid of flush draws. New guy at the table who has played every hand calls and so does initial better. Flop comes a J and inside I breathe a sigh of relief. Turn is an A and initial better shows nothing whilst the caller showed Q-10. He was fairly pissed off when I showed my JJ. I never suck out like that so I was very happy to have finally done it. He questioned how I could go all in with 2 Q's on the board and then 10 minutes later he had pocket 10's and moved all in on a flop of J-9-6, just a shame that the other 2 players had JJ and QQ.

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Re: Experience at crown - Part 2

Didn't play a hand for about an hour and was down to $35 when I saw JdQd and limped in for $3, it got raised to $10 and 5 people caclled to me on the BB so I called thinking I would push if either card hit. Flop came Jc-8c-5h and the SB bet out $110, I called for my remaining cash straight away and it folded around. When the last guy folded 2 people said they folded the flush draw so I was happy when the SB turned over Ac9c. Turn came a Q and river was a 10 so I more than tripled up.

If that is the correct board you lose the hand, as opponent has Q, J, 10, his 9 plus the 8 for a straight...
Re: Experience at crown - Part 2

Would be awesome if that was the hand and nobody noticed :D

First ever hand that happened to me. I had TPTK on the flop and ended up all in. Villian shows two pair and I make runner runner flush. I havent noticed and walked off, and it was only one bloke in the corner who said out loud what the hell are you doing, you leave the table and you cant have the pot awarded to you. I ask whats going on, and dealer points out I have a flush....:D
Re: Experience at crown - Part 2

I was there last night, playing 2/3 though. Was up $140 after 80 minutes, the table dynamic had changed a little, I didn't like it, so I just went home.

Last hand (which I folded), new guy sits to my right and checks his option. Someone raises to 7, maybe 3-4 callers, including new guy. Flop J-8-5. Check, check, new guy bets 30, all fold except noob donk. This guy had been buying in for 100, and had reloaded a few times, but a mate of his at the table was giving him the cash each time.

Turn: 8. Donk bets just 15 which was terrible. There's a flush draw out and a straight draw out there. New guy decides to push for 162 lol. Donk insta-calls. New guy has the 8 and says that the other guy must have a better kicker. Nope, he has J-6o :eek:

River bricks, donk busts, new guy doubles up with 9-8o. I leave.
Re: Experience at crown - Part 2

Welcome back R+B, finally someone to keep me updated with the going ons at Crown...:thumbsu:

ROFL at the 1/6th pot bet on the turn...
it's an optimal sized bet on a paired and flush and straight-drawing board isn't it ;);)

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Re: Experience at crown - Part 2

Went in yesterday for a 90 minute session and played terribly. To be somewhat fair to myself I didn't hit anything but I kept going against my instincts. My pocket 9's had a flop of AK8, pocket 6's AQ9, pocket 5 K-10-5. The only hand I played pretty well was my 46os.

Flop came down 2510 and I led out for half the pot against a guy who I have played with a few times who has me down as a pretty tight player. Turn came out a 8 and I sized up the pot before leading out for 3/4. The other guy tanks for an eternity and I made sure I did nothing that could give away my hand. After about 2 minutes he folded and he wasn't overly pleased when I showed my hand.

My most annoying hand was the pocket 9's which I should I have seen out. I made it $15 to go pre flop and was called by 1 guy with $45 left after the call. The 2nd the flop came out he chucked it all in and I folded to him. He showed my QJos. I should have called the $45 as really if he hits that flop at all he is checking to the bettor to get some more cash in the pot. Somehow I still came out $40 up but overall it was a disappointing day.
Re: Experience at crown - Part 2

My most annoying hand was the pocket 9's which I should I have seen out. I made it $15 to go pre flop and was called by 1 guy with $45 left after the call. The 2nd the flop came out he chucked it all in and I folded to him. He showed my QJos. I should have called the $45 as really if he hits that flop at all he is checking to the bettor to get some more cash in the pot. Somehow I still came out $40 up but overall it was a disappointing day.

The bet doesn't make much sense as a bluff either, as you are calling him way too often for it to be profitable for him. I reckon your fold is fine and just mark him down as an idiot.
Re: Experience at crown - Part 2

Ok so I was in the $250 Satellite phase 2 for Aussie Millions.

I was in Seat 2 and had been playing well all night and had $8200 the second most at the table with chip leader on $9800 who was sitting in seat 8.

The blinds were 300 - 600 and seat 5 was the button. So my man in seat 8 the chip leader goes ALL IN. I look down at my cards and see two black pocket Aces. The action folds around to me and I go All IN for my $8200 with his $9200 ALL IN plus the 900 in blinds.

Everyone else folds after me. He flips his cards and what does he have but the two red Aces!. We both thought great split pot :thumbsdown:.

The flop comes 10h,2h,8h! Turn comes Qh! He Catches the dam flush on the bloody turn! and knocks me out! :eek:

Terrible terrible night :(
Re: Experience at crown - Part 2

j2kboiz that is very unlucky, however it happens in poker.

My 18th bday is around the corner and really looking forward to hitting the tables at Crown.:thumbsu:

my 18th has just been and am looking foward to playing some poker at crown
Re: Experience at crown - Part 2

j2kboiz that is very unlucky, however it happens in poker.

My 18th bday is around the corner and really looking forward to hitting the tables at Crown.:thumbsu:

Yeah I know I am over it now anyway lol.

I am 19 and on my 18th last year I entered the Vic Champs maine vent and came 30th and took away $2800 in my first tourny :) was very happy.

It is great fun you will love it!
Re: Experience at crown - Part 2

James Potter on Bluff Radio was just talking about the APPT and that Paul Khoury and Daniel Negreanu were "very close friends". He said it wice. Well, Paul had done a bit of modelling work and Daniel is now separated or divorced from that Asian bird that was obviously a (very transparent) cover, so you never know.

I'm sure it was Daniel and not Evy that called off their past relationship.
Re: Experience at crown - Part 2

James Potter on Bluff Radio was just talking about the APPT and that Paul Khoury and Daniel Negreanu were "very close friends". He said it wice. Well, Paul had done a bit of modelling work and Daniel is now separated or divorced from that Asian bird that was obviously a (very transparent) cover, so you never know.

I'm sure it was Daniel and not Evy that called off their past relationship.

Are you saying they like rainbows?????

Anyhow, i had this hand come up recently at Crown.

2/3 full table. I get KK on the button. LAG in MP ( $390 ) raises like he has been to 25. Guy in hijack ( $800 ) calls. I ( $700 ) raise to 90, LAG calls and hijack calls. Flop comes J103, 2 clubs. Check, check, i bet 150, LAG insta jamms for $300, hijack calls! WTF?

In this position do i jam, or do i call?
Re: Experience at crown - Part 2

Smooth call is a worry, looks similar to the hand that knocked Tiffany Michelle out of the 2008 WSOP.

MP's pfr could mean anything, HJ might flat for 25 to trap spewy player or because he's speculating. You bump as you should, MP and HJ call. I have to give LAG's hand some respect, what's his range for $90 pre-flop? If HJ has a monster AA/KK/QQ surely he re-pops there, unless he's like Peter Eastgate lucky.

I'm guessing HJ has top set on the flop and knows both of you are drawing very thin at best. MP could have a flush draw with two overs, maybe, I'm wondering why he would check the flop. Is he so strong he can afford to check? Has he too flopped a set, perhaps middle set. I probably wouldn't put anyone on a flush draw here, maybe MP has AcKc or AcQc, but I doubt it.

I think calling is not an option. It's jam or fold.
Re: Experience at crown - Part 2

yeah i'm with red and black, fold or shove.

probably leaning towards fold as well to be honest.

if you shove, your hoping at best the hijack has queens and you'll still come out just a little bit down if mid position has a set (you'll still only get some money back if the hijack calls you with queens which he may not do either, he cold fold to your shove....), but more likely your against a set from at least one of them (i think most likely the hijack has a set and he has you covered so your ****ed there), but if he has a club draw then he still has 9 outs and a fairly good chance to beat you.

you could also be up against set over set in which case your severely ****ed.

i definetaly think LAG has a flush draw, he has tried to trap some extra money from you or the HJ betting and he has check-raised hoping to see folds all round but if not he has plenty of outs... whilst MP wouldn't call a bet and a shove with anything less than a set surely. If he Calls that with just queens its a pretty poor call IMO and that's the best your hoping for....

If i was LAG on the flush draw (assuming he's on it) i would've shoved on the flop hoping to see folds straight away. if he shoves straight away, there's now around about $600 in the pot and $300 for HJ or yourself to call, so if both of you fold he walks away with a $300 pot uncontested.....

THe way it panned out I'd fold and curse the world.
Re: Experience at crown - Part 2

yeah i'm with red and black, fold or shove.

probably leaning towards fold as well to be honest.

if you shove, your hoping at best the hijack has queens and you'll still come out just a little bit down if mid position has a set (you'll still only get some money back if the hijack calls you with queens which he may not do either, he cold fold to your shove....), but more likely your against a set from at least one of them (i think most likely the hijack has a set and he has you covered so your ****ed there), but if he has a club draw then he still has 9 outs and a fairly good chance to beat you.

you could also be up against set over set in which case your severely ****ed.

i definetaly think LAG has a flush draw, he has tried to trap some extra money from you or the HJ betting and he has check-raised hoping to see folds all round but if not he has plenty of outs... whilst MP wouldn't call a bet and a shove with anything less than a set surely. If he Calls that with just queens its a pretty poor call IMO and that's the best your hoping for....

If i was LAG on the flush draw (assuming he's on it) i would've shoved on the flop hoping to see folds straight away. if he shoves straight away, there's now around about $600 in the pot and $300 for HJ or yourself to call, so if both of you fold he walks away with a $300 pot uncontested.....

THe way it panned out I'd fold and curse the world.

Thanks for that guys.

Well i did jam, and got snapped called by MP, and HJ took ages to make a decision before actually calling.

Flop - J103 Two clubs.

LAG- A10os
HJ- KQos

I did jam there as i wanted to isolate LAG as his range of hands was large,and also from watching him play monsters he was slow rolling quite a bit. He did this everytime he flopped a set. He usually played his draws very quickly, but i didnt think HJ would call. HJ i thought was very solid, and had only been playing premiuim hands, and when he hit flops, he attacked them hard. So i was pretty confident that with him just calling, he was only on a draw.

The end result was the turn and river both blanked and i scooped a very nice pot.:)
Re: Experience at crown - Part 2

lolz, i would have given LAG respect for something a little better than A10o ! AJ had crossed my mind, but not A10. Either he's an idiot or he squarely put you on AK.
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