Crown Casino, Melbourne - Part 2

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Re: Experience at crown - Part 2

Atleast while you are waiting you aren't being bad beated!. (well you are but not for too many $$).

Lol very true, but the $20 spent on food while waiting and the $50 cab ride home was still pretty annoying. Normally the poker covers the cab ride which is why I was reluctant on leaving. :eek:

PS. Sorry for complaining so much lately. Poker is a cruel game. :D
Re: Experience at crown - Part 2

Have rarely played at Crown in the last few months but I went last night and played 2/3. One hand of note that got unexpectedly big. New guy sits down in MP, gets dealt a card, dealer asks if he wants to play or not, he says yes and puts out 3, I tell him he should wait a hand, that's a bad card. Guy next to him also limps, I make a gay raise to 7 with my monster 7c5d in the CO. Blinds fold, limpers call. Flop A34 with two diamonds. Check, bet 30, I call, new guy pushes! Damn, too much action. I'm thinking will the middle guy squeeze me out, flat or even fold. It's 108 to him. He says new guy must be on a flush draw and calls. I'm not happy to get so committed but I call. Pot is about 480. Turn is Qd, my HU opponent pushes for about 150.

I'm in a bind, what do I do? What do they have? I thinking flopped set and made flush, so drawing to my double belly is throwing good money after bad. What hand do you think each player had? Should I call to see a river? Where do you think I may have ****ed this up? I'll reveal all later.
Re: Experience at crown - Part 2

Have rarely played at Crown in the last few months but I went last night and played 2/3. One hand of note that got unexpectedly big. New guy sits down in MP, gets dealt a card, dealer asks if he wants to play or not, he says yes and puts out 3, I tell him he should wait a hand, that's a bad card. Guy next to him also limps, I make a gay raise to 7 with my monster 7c5d in the CO. Blinds fold, limpers call. Flop A34 with two diamonds. Check, bet 30, I call, new guy pushes! Damn, too much action. I'm thinking will the middle guy squeeze me out, flat or even fold. It's 108 to him. He says new guy must be on a flush draw and calls. I'm not happy to get so committed but I call. Pot is about 480. Turn is Qd, my HU opponent pushes for about 150.

I'm in a bind, what do I do? What do they have? I thinking flopped set and made flush, so drawing to my double belly is throwing good money after bad. What hand do you think each player had? Should I call to see a river? Where do you think I may have ****ed this up? I'll reveal all later.
well your not quite getting enough odds to call.

630/150 = 4.2/1 , and the chance of hitting your doublebelly are 38/8 or 4.75/1..... there's no more implied odds obviously.

throw on top of that the Qd means there's a flush on the board so you might only be getting your HU opponents 150 or you might be drawing dead to him already or he might have a d higher than your 5 which takes out two outs.

easy fold. i haven't been able to do the maths in my head just yet either but the turn call doesn't look too good either.

not too mention if you call your going to have showdown your "gay raise".....
Re: Experience at crown - Part 2

I personally dont like the flop call of 30 IMO. You say there was 2 limpers your raise, they both called and the blinds folded. Thats $26 if my sums are good. First bet on the turn is 30, over the pot. You played next, so that is a bad call IMO, even taking into accout implied odds etc... Because it is a two tone board. You have 3 outs to the nuts, 3 to what is most likely the best hand, beaten only by 65, which is pretty unlikely... Given your unsure about what the new guy might do, I would throw it away, particularly because the board is two tone (ignoring your backdoor 9thish nut flush draw...)

After that is just what can happen when you make one bad play at the start of a hand (the 30 call, not the 7 raise) dropping over a buy-in if you call the 150 and lose...

There are a few ways this hand could have gone down...

1) New guy has a pretty strong hand, remember, he posted so he is getting very good odds with a lot of hands for what was effectively a min-raise. Maybe even an A4 or A3? Or a low set. Either way, he is pretty strong but the two tone board worries him a bit.

2) Other guy not so sure what he is betting 30 and just smooth calling. Most hands he would shove over the top on that flop and get it heads up with new guy, rather then flatting.I wouldnt bet that much on a marginal hand in this spot like a weak ace or pockets 10's through 5's. A5 for the gutshot and top pair maybe? Im not sure, and pretty intrigued as to what he is going to turn over here...

So the ways this could go down.

1) You make the call and new guys shows top 2 (A4) and the other guy something else. Somehow the river is a 4th Diamond and your 5d plays to scoop the pot and earn the ire of the table.

2) You fold, and one turns over a weak ace, and other something really spewy like pocket 9's with the 9d...

Either way, tell us!!11!111

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Re: Experience at crown - Part 2

Have rarely played at Crown in the last few months but I went last night and played 2/3. One hand of note that got unexpectedly big. New guy sits down in MP, gets dealt a card, dealer asks if he wants to play or not, he says yes and puts out 3, I tell him he should wait a hand, that's a bad card. Guy next to him also limps, I make a gay raise to 7 with my monster 7c5d in the CO.

Ugly start. I'd say dump it, or make a proper raise that will get you heads up.

Blinds fold, limpers call. Flop A34 with two diamonds. Check, bet 30, I call,

Dangerous flop. A decent ace or big draw will want to put plenty of action on the flop. If you were heads up here, I would probably call or raise. Stuck in the middle, you are not closing the action and should probably fold.

new guy pushes! Damn, too much action. I'm thinking will the middle guy squeeze me out, flat or even fold. It's 108 to him. He says new guy must be on a flush draw and calls.

Yuck. It's such a horrible situation, I am probably folding again here. You are almost certainly up against a made hand and a draw (two made hands if you're lucky). I make the pot 440 if you call (138*3 + 7*3 +5). If you are up against a flush draw, you only have six clean outs, if you are up against a set or two pair they have redraws if you hit your straight. An added problem is that you are likely to face another big bet on the river if you miss on the turn.

I'm not happy to get so committed but I call. Pot is about 480. Turn is Qd, my HU opponent pushes for about 150.

Bleurgh. It just keeps getting worse. What are the chances neither player has the flush here? Even if neither player has the flush, you are probably a 7-1 dog to scoop the pot. I fold again.

(then again, maybe they both have sets and your 5 high flush draw is good)

I'm in a bind, what do I do? What do they have? I thinking flopped set and made flush, so drawing to my double belly is throwing good money after bad. What hand do you think each player had? Should I call to see a river? Where do you think I may have ****ed this up? I'll reveal all later.

IMO you ****ed it up on every street. I fold everywhere. But then I'm a bit of a wuss.
Re: Experience at crown - Part 2

Yeah they call min raises gay for a reason, it just doesn't achieve anything. I told new guy to wait a hand, he had wired 4s and flopped a set. Other guy flopped a damn wheel. What I didn't realise was two things:
- I wasn't drawing dead as neither had the flush
- I was the only one with a diamond and my flush draw (5d) was good.

I folded. River was a diamond. If I raised a little more pre-flop, I would have gone heads-up and all the way against Mr 44 and busted him with my flush.

I went to Crown again last night and my two biggest pots were with 63hh (which I raised to 12 from CO) and 52hh where I limped. $600 with a turned wheel with the 52, even though the river was a 5, I still got paid off.
Re: Experience at crown - Part 2

Yeah they call min raises gay for a reason, it just doesn't achieve anything. I told new guy to wait a hand, he had wired 4s and flopped a set. Other guy flopped a damn wheel. What I didn't realise was two things:
- I wasn't drawing dead as neither had the flush
- I was the only one with a diamond and my flush draw (5d) was good.

Always a chance, but a slim one on that board vs two players. 52 pre, nh sir.

I went to Crown again last night and my two biggest pots were with 63hh (which I raised to 12 from CO) and 52hh where I limped.

52 pre, nh sir. :D
Going to crown tonight

im off to crown in about 10 mins any quick tips/ hints/ tables to play.... all suggestions welcome as it is only my 2nd time playing at crown and last time i went was peak time, tonight i dont no wat will be on and etc... help please
Re: Going to crown tonight

play the 50c/$1 pokerpro

or play 1/2 on the tables and buy in for max $80. top up if you need to.

play abc poker.
Re: Going to crown tonight

sweet thanx mate, so there will be tables running? i cant find anywhere on the site about what tables will be running etc... sorry about all the noob qns... thanx for all ur help
Re: Going to crown tonight

1/2 runs on the tables monday to thursday. 2/3 and 2/5 are always running.

then there's 5/10 limit if that's your style.

pokerpro has 50c/$1 and 1/2 and these are always running.

there's always a game. i played 2/3 last night and left at 3:30, still a few 2/3 tables running at that time, 1/2 was probably closed by then, and there's always a few on pokerpro till very late/early, like 4am at least
Re: Going to crown tonight

hey guys thanx for all ur help, went in about 10pm and played for about an hour/ hour and a half.... not a good night i guess couldnt get a decent hand all night won a few tiny pots with 2 pair and top pair but just could not get a decent hand.. best hand was probably pocket 9s where i hit top set on the river but every1 folded to my $10 bet... played against a few donks and this is still a learning experience from me... im happy with how i played but need to play tight the hole night, i guess i relaxed a little too much and my range opened up as the nite went on.... overall lost my $50, was as high as $110 but then a few bad beats cost me.. some hands of significance were losing a showdown with a straight only to be beaten by a higher straight and also my ace high straight a few hands later being beaten by a full house... thanx all and hope to see some of u guys at crown one night
Re: Experience at crown - Part 2

Went in last night. One limper before me, I look down at 72o in the SB and raise to 15, BB folds, MP calls. Q7x flop, I lead for 15, he calls, J on the turn, check, check, Q on the river, I bet 25, he makes it 50, I'm a bit confused, should call but let it go, maybe he had an underpair which he thought was good. I eventually bust about 2 hours later when I raise to 15 pre with JThh, two callers. Flop QQ8, I plan to push and take it down except MP bets 25, I still push for about 60, one guy folds, Mr 25 calls of course. And what does the muppet have? A9o for complete ****ing air which is actually good and stays good :rolleyes:

So I go get some dinner, and for a while now, dinner has meant East & West on the ground floor next to Margo's. $7 for whatever meat you want (also have parmas and lasagne) with chips/mash/potatoes and vegies.

I go back and play for less than an hour cos I plan to see the late screening of Slumdog Millionaire. Start with 200, get down to perhaps 170 or so. A couple decent players, the rest average to awful. I'm in seat 2, and seats 1 and 9 get into a pre-flop raising war. Seat 9 is giving the talk so I'm thinking he has the bullets. Well, he had AK and the other guy had AA. Say goodbye to one buy-in. He reloads.

I get 33 in MP and limp, there's a raise to 10 after me, about 5 callers. Flop 10-3-2 with 2 diamonds. EP bets 10, there's a call, I call, PFR makes it 20, a call, then seat 9 3-bets to 60 and it's on me. I push for about 140, PFR says he has to go all-in, I'm hoping he doesn't have top set, and for some reason, seat 9 also pushes. PFR has KK, seat 9 has AT lol. I fade a King.

Another big hand develops between seats 1 and 9 on a 9 high flop, they get it all in, seat 1 with A9, seat 9 with K9. Bang, King on the turn for the suckout and seat 1 is pissed and leaves. I comment to new guy on my left that I'm the only one that's been able to take chips off him.

Just a few hands later I get wired 10s and limp from MP, yeah I should bump it, but I didn't. No raises. Flop 10-8-3 rainbow. Check, 10, I call, raise to 35, call, on me. I make it 135. Seat 8 is sick, asks me if I flopped a set again, I say yeah of course. He is at pains to fold, eventually calls. Seat 9 also calls, this is going good!

Turn is a 9, check, check, I tank for a few seconds and push for 450 even. Seat 8 has to call, he only has about 35 left. Seat 9 has me covered. I appear to be stressing, shaking my head, head in my hands. He takes forever AND CALLS! River is a King, seat 8 flopped bottom 2 pair to be almost drawing dead, never saw seat 9's cards, maybe he had AT/KT/JJ, I don't know.

In the 2 big hands I won, seat 9 gave me about 700 that he really shouldn't have. Even Mr 83 should probably have laid his hand down and saved himself 150 or so.

So I'm up from about 170 to almost 1400 within one orbit, I play a few more hands, cash in at 11:30 when they call time and go off to see Slumdog Millionaire. A good night overall :thumbsu:
Re: Experience at crown - Part 2

I've been trying to remember how the betting went exactly on each street of the (2nd) big hand I won, and by my calculations, the final pot, less $6 rake was $1360.

So that would be my biggest pot at 2/3, beating my previous record of about $1200. On that hand, I called a pre-flop raise of 15 or 16 with 88, flop 873, two clubs. I managed to get a bit too aggressive on the turn when the Ac fell and we got it all in, and one guy had Kx for the turned nut flush. Pre-flop raiser had 77 to be drawing thin, lucky for me the river was another Ace and I booked up.
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