Culina: AFL supporters who dont embrace football are "insecure in their code"

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I for one would argue that everyone on this board accepts and supports soccer at the large-scale 'event' level (i.e World Cup, Asian Cup). But it's another thing entirely for people to do what Culina has suggested - that being that as a result of the wonderful support for the Australia team in the World Cup, people are under some obligation to support soccer at the club level.

In essence Culina is arguing "Well, you supported 'soccer' during the World Cup - it's now 'unaustralian' to not do the same when my club side competes in some largely unknown overseas competition". He's attempting to imply that the support for the international 'aspect' of soccer should correlate with the 'club' aspect of soccer. A laughable proposition.

The support for Australian sports teams and the support for sports at the club level are mutually exclusive - just because everyone in Australia got World Cup 'hysteria' does not mean they should be lambasted (by a bloke with vested interests) for not caring about a third-rate club competition. It's only natural for people to want to watch sport at it's 'best', that's partly why Aussie Rules, Cricket, Rugby League and Rugby Union are so popular in Australia. That's also why an 'event' like the World Cup was so popular - and it's why the A-League will not gain similar traction in the marketplace IMO.

good points
Culina said those who chose not to embrace the growing nature of football Down Under were unAustralian and insecure in their code.

``All Australians are sports minded people and if you're not going to accept football you're unAustralian,'' Culina said.

What if you just find Soccer boring?
So basically this bloke is telling fans of rugby league and Australian football that we *have* to watch and support soccer whether we like the game or not, without actually saying why. Then for good measure he basically insults anyone who likes sport but doesn't like soccer, as well as insulting RL and AFL in general. Just another overbearing European import rubbishing Australian culture and trying to impose his own on us.

As for the argument that soccer is superior because it's more 'global' and followed by more people... I guess we should all abandon our local resturants and eat exclusively at McDonalds too...

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Culina said those who chose not to embrace the growing nature of football Down Under were unAustralian and insecure in their code.

``All Australians are sports minded people and if you're not going to accept football you're unAustralian,'' Culina said.

What if you just find Soccer boring?

what if you find sport boring?
I feel embarrased for i really do. :eek:

He is right. The current A-League champion is not playing in the Asian champions league. I feel embarrassed that you can't even understand that. The champion at the TIME OF THE CHAMPIONS LEAGUE DRAW is playing, but that was ages ago and they are obviously no longer the current A-league champion. It is ridiculous, they should have just put A-league team 1 and A-league team 2 into the draw and then announced the actual teams once the A-league season was over.

Also it's pretty embarrassing the kind of crowds that Sydney get. What did they get to that match vs Urawa Reds in Sydney? Something like 14,000 even though Urawa had a couple of thousand fans there? Absolutely embarrassing and laughable attendance.
He is right. The current A-League champion is not playing in the Asian champions league. I feel embarrassed that you can't even understand that. The champion at the TIME OF THE CHAMPIONS LEAGUE DRAW is playing, but that was ages ago and they are obviously no longer the current A-league champion. It is ridiculous, they should have just put A-league team 1 and A-league team 2 into the draw and then announced the actual teams once the A-league season was over.

errr i know about all that. Thanks for wasting really thanks. Did you refuse to read what another posted has stated. We are out of synch with the comp being held at present.

Don't worry Melbourne won't be left out of the spotlight and has a chance need to cry.
Just as a polite point - seeing Harry Kewell and Zeljko Kalac facing off in the Champions League final on Thursday morning (Harry @ Liverpool and Kalac @ AC milan) is far more important than $ydney FC playing in Asia.

When the Victory goes into that Asian Champions League next year, then it will gain more interest as Victory >>>>> $ydney
I understand what he's getting at though. Sydney FC (and Adelaide for that matter) are over there representing the A-League in Asia (and doing fairly well) for the first time but most of the media couldn't give a rats.

You don't reckon that's because most people couldn't give a rats? The ratings for these matches on Fox are deplorable - usually around the 50k mark nationally.

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Also it's pretty embarrassing the kind of crowds that Sydney get. What did they get to that match vs Urawa Reds in Sydney? Something like 14,000 even though Urawa had a couple of thousand fans there? Absolutely embarrassing and laughable attendance.

They had 20,000 for the Urawa game. Compare that to some of the attendances in places like China and Korea and it stacks up very well.
Just as a polite point - seeing Harry Kewell and Zeljko Kalac facing off in the Champions League final on Thursday morning (Harry @ Liverpool and Kalac @ AC milan) is far more important than $ydney FC playing in Asia.

When the Victory goes into that Asian Champions League next year, then it will gain more interest as Victory <<<<< $ydney

Edited for accuracy.
You pretty much sum up the idiots he's talking about. Too many AFL fans are in their own little bubble, scared to embrace anything else, especially that game for 'wogs' and 'p**fters' :rolleyes:

Get a reality check n00bs.

Ha ha - you really have no idea about my sporting preferences, do you? :eek:

I love the game as much as Aussie Rules - I just don't like Sydney.
You don't reckon that's because most people couldn't give a rats? The ratings for these matches on Fox are deplorable - usually around the 50k mark nationally.

You don't reckon it's because we're hardly ever exposed to it? I, and many others i'm sure, would love to see Sydney FC competing in such an important global tournament, but it's hidden in a corner somewhere, virtually with no exposure.
From my point of view soccer is a good sport, however it will never replace AFL in my mind. That isn't to say I don't like soccer and don't embrace it. I've been following soccer for a while now (adopted Fulham, my one chance to pick a team with some sort of winning history and a chance of a premiership soon and I picked Fulham) and even tried out the old NSL, which to be honest had the same crowd as the divvy 2 EFL side I play for and less atmosphere. I am yet to attend an A-League game, however this is more to do with my disorganisation instead of deliberately holding out. I like Rugby Union, League in small doses, soccer, tennis, motor sports and of course AFL, however the only one I follow with a passion is the AFL.

I agree that many people have sort of jumped on and off the soccer bandwagon at will, and can see the elation it brings to have just one goal mean so much. However, I haven't been lucky enough to enjoy any of the world cup success because against Uruguay my mates forced me to come to a party with them meaning I missed the penalty shoot out, I missed the second half against Japan cause I had school the next day and the rest wasn't tremendously exciting, so I didn't quite get to experience the World Cup as much as I would have liked.

Soccer is a very good sport, and there is a problem in that it is much more friendly from a parents point of view in that it is non-contact and regarded in Australia as a gentle game (or in harsher terms "soft"), meaning that it may eat into the AFL's participation levels. However the two can clearly co-exist, soccer is played in the summer, AFL in the winter. Both are affordable and easy to access, and both can feature exciting games (and boring ones for that matter).

AFL fans have every right to feel threatened by soccer, however it won't ever become the number one sport in Australia I feel as a) many people are too stubborn to accept it, b) many of us are already committed to football through family and upbringing and c) I don't see how a sport where Australias best players play overseas can consistently draw big crowds nationwide.

I do also thing the Asian league thing is stupid, surely they can allocate those two spots and the teams once qualified can have themselves subbed into the comp.
Ha..One club is busily chasing a marquee player to get fans to watch them (Dwight Yorke 2 years ago?)..the other is growing as club so rapidly, that it has as many members as some AFL clubs, without having to resort in the tactics the former team is doing.

What's the got to do with onfield talent? I'm not denying we struggled with crowds last season, but our negative play can almost entirely be blamed on that moronic coach we were stuck with, and this has been proven with the attacking and successful style we're playing with, under the influence of Culina. Watch and see, my friend.
You don't reckon it's because we're hardly ever exposed to it? I, and many others i'm sure, would love to see Sydney FC competing in such an important global tournament, but it's hidden in a corner somewhere, virtually with no exposure.

What are you talking about? It got massive exposure in the World Cup, and i'd expet most sports loving people in Sydney would have well and truly heard of Sydney FC. But it seems most simply aren't interested. Probably because it's 4th rate rubbish with players in the main that aren't good enough to play in Europe, or were good enough 10 years ago but now are just aging, balding hasbeens.

Are you suggesting it should be shoved down people's throats?

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Culina: AFL supporters who dont embrace football are "insecure in their code"

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