News Cyril and Shannyn Rioli speak to Caro - link to club statement in page 8

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Caro timing on the eve of a big match

she does not like hawthorn

Kennett has a big mouth, but Cyril wife needs to get a grip he made a stupid dad joke about ripped Jeans

it's pretty clear also when Kennett leaves Cyril will rock up

I’m sorry but saying stupid things like “his wife needs to get a grip” is exactly the kind of condescending language that got us here in the first place.

We are named the family club for a reason. How Cyril, one of my favorite players, left the club will always leave an awful taste in my mouth.

Yes, Caro always has an angle - but no, this shouldn’t be swept under the carpet and ignored. This is our chance to make real change as a result of this.

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I’m sorry but saying stupid things like “his wife needs to get a grip” is exactly the kind of condescending language that got us here in the first place.

We are named the family club for a reason. How Cyril, one of my favorite players, left the club will always leave an awful taste in my mouth.

Yes, Caro always has an angle - but no, this shouldn’t be swept under the carpet and ignored. This is our chance to make real change as a result of this.
he is one of my favourite players infact my favourite player ....

Kennett making stupid dad jokes about ripped Jeans is not racist .... he has a big mouth but that is not racist

we are the family club's an unfortunate situation, however Caro is a gutter journalist who does hate our club

which senior player allegedly made the boong remark??? he needs to be named and shamed and addressed accordingly if this is true

The hawthorn family en mass loved Cyril Bud Burger Bateman ....especially Cyril ...any isolated incidents need to be addressed ....half that article talked about Kennett ripped jeans stupid joke....
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he is one of my favourite players infact my favourite player ....

Kennett making stupid dad jokes about ripped Jeans is not racist .... he has a big mouth but that is not racist

we are the family club's an unfortunate situation, however Caro is a gutter journalist who does hate our club

which senior player allegedly made the boong remark??? he needs to be named and shamed and addressed accordingly if this is true

The hawthorn family en mass loved Cyril Bud Burger Bateman ....especially Cyril ...any isolated incidents need to be addressed ....half that article talked about Kennett ripped jeans stupid joke....
Mate this is a shocking inditement on the club as a whole and obviously some very central people within the club. It's not good enough.

It's childish for anyone to focus on anything other than the feelings of Cyril and his wife. If someone genuinely respects another person they take the time to listen and understand why someone feels a certain way - not try to invalidate how they feel, regardless of whether others consider it an overreaction or not.

I admittedly haven't spent much time around our indigenous culture so I can't even begin to understand the nuances of being indigenous in our modern society.

The more the focus is shifted away from the Rioli's actual feelings and towards other peripheral things, the less likely we are to see meaningful change.
Kennett making stupid dad jokes about ripped Jeans is not racist .... he has a big mouth but that is not racist
Either you ignored the rest of the article or you don’t know what casual racism is. Maybe both.
It's great that Junior Boy has finally found his voice. I hope that he and Shannyn can have some closure. Some very sad moments in that article, which would be difficult to defend or justify. Seems like it was a steady burn & that Jeff was the catalyst for Cyril pulling the pin way too early. It's been speculated, but now it's confirmed. Let's hope that player & club can reconcile if only for the fans that love him, but if they do, it won't be until Jeff is long gone. Yet another reason why Silk should be President. He values & understands his people. He has emotional intelligence & maturity.
Cyril brought me more joy than any other player ever has. To see how much hurt Hawthorn brought him and his family is horrible.

I’m glad to see Sam is genuinely trying to improve things. I hope that we can make changes and progress. If we do that, then perhaps we can reconnect with Cyril. Jeff’s time is clearly over.

The next step is in our hands. As a supporter I’m glad the mods call out posts on this forum, but the fact they need to is still an issue.

I’m also sure the Burgoyne no longer being at the club will mean others need to step up more in the fight.

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we are the family club's an unfortunate situation, however Caro is a gutter journalist who does hate our club
I really hate these sort of takes.

Caroline is reporting on something that thousands of us have pondered, and wanted to know the reasoning behind.

Fobbing it off as “Caro just hates us” is a childish take, when the level of systemic casual racism is outlined by one of our greatest players and his wife.
The journalist here is telling the story that Cyril wants telling, his story, how he felt, what he and his family experienced. Reads like there were a number of things we could have done better by either actions or awareness. I hope this wakes people up, instigates improvements and somewhere down the line allows Cyril and the club to meet.

Caro might hate Hawthorn but be that has no relevance to the above.
Jeez that was hard to read on so many levels. The part about Amos Frank. Cyril’s missus seems like she’s really looking for trouble, but there is enough in there to reflect really badly on the club and the golden era. I strongly dislike Caro, but this needs to finally come out and be dealt with, so good on her for penning article. Hopefully it precipitates the exit of boofhead Kennett. Be interesting to see how the club responds and what clarko has to say, if anything, about what happened under his watch.
half that article talked about Kennett ripped jeans stupid joke

No it didn’t - half that article talked about how our club was paying lip service only to Indigenous issues. Being that we have multiple proud Indigenous players on the list now and hopefully into the future I hope this is changing and that Sam’s words at the end of the article are meaningful change occurring.
I really hate these sort of takes.

Caroline is reporting on something that thousands of us have pondered, and wanted to know the reasoning behind.

Fobbing it off as “Caro just hates us” is a childish take, when the level of systemic casual racism is outlined by one of our greatest players.
Agree. The article is damning but the hardest-to-read sections are the direct quotes from Rioli and his partner. You can't manufacture that. The comments about senior players and coaches being part of the problem was a big indicator the problem is a lot larger than some stupid jokes by Jeff about jeans.

The club needs to take this squarely on the chin and look at it as an opportunity to recognise that they have been far from perfect in this arena and to make some real changes.

Sad news for supporters.
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Where was Clarko in all this?
He must shoulder some of the responsibility too.

The way Cyril refers to his offers to catch up as ‘throwing a bone’ doesn’t exactly sound positive. I know Clarko said all the right things about Indigenous issues to the press - but the crux of that article is that people might have been saying the right things externally but not following through internally.
Caro timing on the eve of a big match

she does not like hawthorn

Kennett has a big mouth, but Cyril wife needs to get a grip he made a stupid dad joke about ripped Jeans

it's pretty clear also when Kennett leaves Cyril will rock up
Another example of cultural insensitivity
Hopefully it precipitates the exit of boofhead Kennett.
One would think his position is virtually untenable now - although I don't expect his ego will permit him to disappear quietly into the night. I admit I was a big fan of Kennett 10 years ago but since then he has increasingly revealed himself as completely lacking in the nuance and empathy required for the position. The sooner Silk takes over the better IMO.
Football clubs often house some pretty prehistoric thought patterns, and need real change at the top in order to change the directives.

The idea that a player was told to ignore racist attitudes or comments fits with the period(at most clubs, not just ours), as this was around the same period that Adam Goodes was being booed out of the game, where most people and footy clubs thought that it was best to just ignore and pay it no mind.

In hindsight, AFL clubs and supporters recognise that allowing these sorts of situations to occur without calling them out allowed others to think it was ok. This is why clubs jump on any online racism and call it out. They’ve learnt.

The biggest indictment on the club in this atticle is that they had arguably the biggest Indigenous name in our sport on the list and they completely butchered an opportunity to grow with him and his partner. Instead they just wanted him to “concentrate on footy”.

I’m happy to read that Sam is trying very hard to reconnect and progress the club in this regard, but I really hope this isn’t just more lip service.

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News Cyril and Shannyn Rioli speak to Caro - link to club statement in page 8

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