News Cyril and Shannyn Rioli speak to Caro - link to club statement in page 8

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Again - people really need to look beyond a comment about jeans, Kennett and Caroline Wilson and look at the deeper problems in this article. If you have only read the headline - honestly read the article. If you loved watching Cyril do what he did for us on the field please take the time to read what he has to say about his time at the club, as unpleasant reading as it is. As supporters of the club and Cyril we owe him that.

Yes, Jeff gets drawn into this - but even if you are pro-Jeff or anti-Jeff there is a lot more to it than just his stupid comment. Whether you have a pathological dislike of Caroline Wilson - she didn't put the words in Cyril's mouth, she just put them in the paper. A legend of our club says our club needs to do better - we should listen.
As much as Jeff can put his foot in his mouth at times, making a light hearted joke about someones ripped designer jeans warrants a role of the eyes at best. The Sunday Church ladies could heckle harder. Just because you're offended, doesn't mean you're right.

Just because you can post trite Reddit edgelord lines doesn't make Shannyn or Cyril wrong either.
Sorry for the intrusion; I just couldn't find a main board feed to post on. I've been reading your comments and am pleased that the majority are supportive and looking for change.

I'm reminded of a Ziggy Ramo quote, "I honestly believe and would like to believe that good, logical, kind, compassionate people, once presented with the information, will see the light."

It's okay to make mistakes, but it's how we listen and act on these moments in how we should be judged. Let's not take it personally, and just see the objectivity of it all.

For those not thinking the ripped jeans comment is a big deal. Yes, when my mum would make similar comments to me about the ripped jeans I wore when growing up, of course, that's fine. But the context of a white mum to a white son compared to a club president (and very powerful Victorian) saying that to an Indigenous woman (where there's a clear power dynamic), when there were clearly lingering tensions, is a different context all together. If she feels isolated, othered or belittled by a joke like that, then that's the end of it. It carries racist undertones and needed to be rectified.

AFL clubs have been isolated environments for a long time where only certain types of men are geniunely celebrated and embraced. Every club needs to improve.

Accepting the Rioli's version of events is a small thing we can all do, so that more Indigenous players can speak about their experiences. Just imagine if Hawthorn act positively out of all this and embrace the Riolis with genuine change in mind, imagine what that will do for the Indigenous people who were on that Crows pre season camp, who may feel nervous about the repercussions of sharing their experience.

Thanks for the conversation and I hope you beat the Blues tomorrow, you've had an awesome start to the year.

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Tough to read that. Hopefully something good can come of it.

That airport comment Kennett made along with the offer of loose change... I accept it was intended as a joke but it's not hard to see why it wasn't taken that way and was instead humiliating, especially as it came after a number of hurtful race tinged incidents over the years. What you teasingly say to your kids or their friends can translate quite miserably to other situations or people. It does matter who the recipient of your joke is, how you know them, what your relationship is, the context. It's basic human interaction 101.

I'm glad the welfare officer role has been mandated as full-time by the AFL although would have been good if we had come to that realisation on our own. Clearly a lot more needs to happen to make the club a genuinely supportive environment for all players.
I must say I’m always a bit uncomfortable professional footy clubs getting money and facilities for this community ‘need’ or that. Just give the money direct to the issue and let the clubs find their own money.
As much as Jeff can put his foot in his mouth at times, making a light hearted joke about someones ripped designer jeans warrants a role of the eyes at best. The Sunday Church ladies could heckle harder. Just because you're offended, doesn't mean you're right.
Imagine living life with opinions like this.
Have the awareness to not say what he said.
I feel Jeff often has the air of "I'm sorry you feel that way."

Which is essentially means - This is your fault.
Just because you can post trite Reddit edgelord lines doesn't make Shannyn or Cyril wrong either.

Yeah sorry, I should read the The Age more from biased, moral grandstanding journos. Seriously you're that precious you can't take a bit of light hearted heckling? Ok be angry about the lack of interest in investing in indigenous programs, but don't lose it at a guy just trying to make a sh@t gag about your fashion style.
I feel Jeff often has the air of "I'm sorry you feel that way."

Which is essentially means - This is your fault.
It is how narcissists apologise. People can inadvertently and unintentionally offend. What that warrants is listening and learning why offence was caused and then apologising for one’s own ignorance that led to the comment. Instead what the likes of Kennett and McGuire do is claim not to have intended offence, give the matter no self reflection and then “apologise” that the victim was offended. Inherent in that is the attitude that the wrongdoer was the victim for misinterpreting them. And then they do it again and again and never develop a shred of empathy or understanding
Yeah sorry, I should read the The Age more from biased, moral grandstanding journos. Seriously you're that precious you can't take a bit of light hearted heckling? Ok be angry about the lack of interest in investing in indigenous programs, but don't lose it at a guy just trying to make a sh@t gag about your fashion style.
Wow, I wonder if you could be any more incapacitated to read the room.
Yeah sorry, I should read the The Age more from biased, moral grandstanding journos. Seriously you're that precious you can't take a bit of light hearted heckling? Ok be angry about the lack of interest in investing in indigenous programs, but don't lose it at a guy just trying to make a sh@t gag about your fashion style.

If you can’t even bother to read the article you don’t get a say here. The article is about more than a joke about jeans. Toddle off.

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Caro timing on the eve of a big match

she does not like hawthorn

Kennett has a big mouth, but Cyril wife needs to get a grip he made a stupid dad joke about ripped Jeans

it's pretty clear also when Kennett leaves Cyril will rock up

Kennett is in a position of power and shouldn't be opening his mouth in such manner. Disgraceful.

What is Kennett still doing at our club? Time to ship him off.
What was said apart from the jeans thing, for those that don’t have access to the age?

Private browsing window/incognito window = access to the article. The 9 news sites aren’t quite as locked down as the News Ltd ones are.
Wow, I wonder if you could be any more incapacitated to read the room.
Sorry that I don't agree with the group think that Jeff is to blame and considering he wasn't even President between 2012-2016, where Shannyn has stated during that time, she tried to communicate to numerous people at the club about various indigenous programs, including Clarko, with no reaponse. If you're gonna go hard on Jeff, then Clarko and Andrew Newbold (Who doesn't even get mentioned in the article) should get just as much scorn, if not more.
For all the talk about Kennett the worst incident in 2013 happened when Kennett wasn't even at the club

Which is why Cyril, Shannon and the article point out that was the ‘breaking point’ not the whole issue. Which is the point that (not you) people saying ‘BuT iTs JuSt a JoKe aBoUt JeAnS’ are painfully missing because they can’t be bothered to take a couple of minutes to read an article.
Sorry that I don't agree with the group think that Jeff is to blame and considering he wasn't even President between 2012-2016, where Shannyn has stated during that time, she tried to communicate to numerous people at the club about various indigenous programs, including Clarko, with no reaponse. If you're gonna go hard on Jeff, then Clarko and Andrew Newbold (Who doesn't even get mentioned in the article) should get just as much scorn, if not more.

Group think. Nice. Can you accuse me of virtue signalling next so I can complete my ‘ignorant campaigner who deliberately wants to miss the point’ bingo card.

Oh and to spare you the time because comprehension doesn’t sound like your strong point - the article is at pains to state there were far more issues at play and leaders to blame than just Jeff.
Group think. Nice. Can you accuse me of virtue signalling next so I can complete my ‘ignorant campaigner who deliberately wants to miss the point’ bingo card.

Oh and to spare you the time because comprehension doesn’t sound like your strong point - the article is at pains to state there were far more issues at play and leaders to blame than just Jeff.
Surprised “sheep” and “woke” haven’t got a run either. Just waiting on an anti-vax comment to complete the profile
Feeling really disappointed as a supporter today. Especially with the comment made at the end of 2013 and no action being taken to address it. Really disappointed and it hurts knowing one of our club greats got to a point of having enough of it that he left and won’t come back in any capacity. Sad day.

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News Cyril and Shannyn Rioli speak to Caro - link to club statement in page 8

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