News Cyril and Shannyn Rioli speak to Caro - link to club statement in page 8

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We ve had many aboriginal players and have one currently …thankfully they have not expressed such feelings

After the stories of Goodes, Lumumba, Rioli etc about systemic racism within the AFL industry, do you really believe that because Wingard (who I assume you are referring to) hasn’t commented on similar issues means they don’t exist?

I’d suggest every single Indigneous player (or multicultural in the case of Lumumba) in the league could tell you stories about cultural insensitivities to downright racism they’ve experienced from coaches, officials, teammates, supporters etc.

Taylor Walker has admitted to a racist public comment and got slapped with a wet lettuce leaf. That says all that needs to be known about how racism is tackled in footy.
The statement from the club is a little underwhelming tbh but I suppose it's something whilst they work out how they really respond to this.

To their credit at least they said sorry for the incidents occurring - not Shannyn and Cyril feeling that they occurred or some other verbal gymnastics.
If you can’t even bother to read the article you don’t get a say here. The article is about more than a joke about jeans. Toddle off.
I've read it and I'm sorry, but looking at most these comments, social media response and even the article itself, Jeff cops most of the heat. Andrew Newbold doesn't even get a mention and he was president between 2012-2015, where Shannyn states most of the trouble happened. Why isn't Clarko copping as much? Shannyn mentions he didn't even bother to reply to her! Sorry, I just think it's wrong that Jeff is solely to blame and that "the insult" was the core of what made him leave.

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Isn’t the expression ‘old white guy’ racist? Much like old black guy would be. I just don’t see how one is supposedly better or worse than the other
Funny how you can lose respect for posters in an instant. We are brought together by the mutual love of our club but this topic really has showcased ignorance and privilege that is astonishing.

Time to look in the mirror. We have been a stealth racist organisation for the better part of half a century and the chickens have come home to roost. Removing Jeff is not the answer. It's systemic, part of who we are. I'm ashamed. No words.
I've read it and I'm sorry, but looking at most these comments, social media response and even the article itself, Jeff cops most of the heat. Andrew Newbold doesn't even get a mention and he was president between 2012-2015, where Shannyn states most of the trouble happened. Why isn't Clarko copping as much? Shannyn mentions he didn't even bother to reply to her! Sorry, I just think it's wrong that Jeff is solely to blame and that "the insult" was the core of what made him leave.

Which is why I’ve said, in two occasions in this thread now, that reading the article is important because it is an accusation against many club leaders including Clarkson and player leadership groups.

Where it comes back to Jeff is that there is a rather large contingent on here and in the greater public that want Jeff gone. That his comments were what finally cost us the end of Cyril’s career just add to the large number of issues those who want a new president have. That’s why he is a focal point - but as it relates to this article I think many are responsible and have questions to answer.
Which is why Cyril, Shannon and the article point out that was the ‘breaking point’ not the whole issue. Which is the point that (not you) people saying ‘BuT iTs JuSt a JoKe aBoUt JeAnS’ are painfully missing because they can’t be bothered to take a couple of minutes to read an article.
I can see why both sides would have the view they had about the jeans incident. But most of the issues seem to be prior to Kennett coming back, Kennett's comment and reaction at the meeting after being the final straw.

As much as this is now being used to push Kennett out sooner, there also needs to a spotlight on the actions on those involved in the incidents prior and that includes club legends like Clarkson, Hodge, Roughead and Lewis (potentially Mitchell as well but i thought he completely stepped away from the leadership group) as well as others like Newbold
As much as Jeff can put his foot in his mouth at times, making a light hearted joke about someones ripped designer jeans warrants a role of the eyes at best. The Sunday Church ladies could heckle harder. Just because you're offended, doesn't mean you're right.
That’s the way, wear your ignorance like a badge of honor.
As much as this is now being used to push Kennett out sooner, there also needs to a spotlight on the actions on those involved in the incidents prior and that includes club legends like Clarkson, Hodge, Roughead and Lewis (potentially Mitchell as well but i thought he completely stepped away from the leadership group) as well as others like Newbold

Fully agree.
Is it possible to believe that Cyril and Shannyn were deeply hurt and entitled to their experience and opinon, but also not believe the Hawthorn footy club to have been nearly as toxic as is being painted by some?
Funny how you can lose respect for posters in an instant. We are brought together by the mutual love of our club but this topic really has showcased ignorance and privilege that is astonishing.

Time to look in the mirror. We have been a stealth racist organisation for the better part of half a century and the chickens have come home to roost. Removing Jeff is not the answer. It's systemic, part of who we are. I'm ashamed. No words.
I agree with you but would add that you could make the same comments about every club in the league, every sporting competition in the country for that matter. Hell, let's face it, it's a reflection of the country as a whole. We have a long way to go in this country.
In our club's case, I imagine the senior player who made the racist comment has moved on, as has Clarko and others who may or may not be implicated in this sorry saga.
Which brings us back to Kennett... I'm not suggesting he was or is totally to blame for this mess but it is clear to me that for the club to genuinely embrace change, to start the process of making things right and to sincerely bring Cyril and Shannyn back to our club, then he has to go.

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Very disappointed in Silk's lack of leadership and action. I thought we were in better hands.

Possibly he felt he was better served working from the inside and was counselling Cyril. Some people in marginalised communities are told to keep a low profile, not make trouble etc. I’m not going to put that much expectation on the one other senior Indigneous player on our list. There’s plenty of other club leaders who’ve seemingly failed here.
Is it possible to believe that Cyril and Shannyn were deeply hurt and entitled to their experience and opinon, but also not believe the Hawthorn footy club to have been nearly as toxic as is being painted by some?

The club statement wasn’t remotely trying denial, so take that for what you will.
Hope in time (once Jeff is gone) the club will mend the relationship here.

But we should be having this conversation now and reviewing the issues after Jeff had departed in December last year. To sit here now and have him still apart of the club after the mess from last year and this issue ongoing for the last five years. (I’m sure their are others)

You can’t tell me no senior member other then Jeff didn’t know about the issue and fractured relationship with Cyril and club, to allow this to be at this stage when Jeff should have left and the club and the club having enough structure to manage itself, honestly **** him off. Appreciate the work his done but his overstayed his welcome for 6 months to long.

The club in its current state has grown so much and can see that through jarman and wingard and hopefully we keep fostering that. Would be great for Brockman and wingard and impey to have input from Cyril but that won’t happen while the old dinosaur chooses to decompose by trying to remain relevant.
I don't think much progress will be made until Australians in general understand and embrace Aboriginal culture.
The longest extant culture in the world. around 75,000 years. Anywhere else in the world it would be celebrated.
If you didn't already love Cyril - sweeping Jeff from the club is as good as him running down a rebounding defender at a packed MCG.
No, it would be better. Jeff's always been loudmouthed, arrogant tosser. I'm sure he would not see the racist overtones in his comments. Then he makes it worse by saying this:

"Kennett insisted that he had been joking about the jeans and said he had spoken to Shannyn in a way he regularly spoke to his children."

How demeaning for any adult women, black, white or brindle, for him to say this. He really shows no understanding. He hasn't got a fuc*ing clue. He's a dinosaur and needs to go. If he doesn't resign he should be got rid of ASAP.

(Background sound of burning membership)
Ian Silk is a board member of 5 minutes. These actions have occurred over many years before his time on the board. Are you taking the piss?

I read it as Burgoyne. If he meant Ian, the agreed - what the proverbial?
Funny how you can lose respect for posters in an instant. We are brought together by the mutual love of our club but this topic really has showcased ignorance and privilege that is astonishing.

Time to look in the mirror. We have been a stealth racist organisation for the better part of half a century and the chickens have come home to roost. Removing Jeff is not the answer. It's systemic, part of who we are. I'm ashamed. No words.
😂 the self professed knowledgeable ones in racism discussions 😂
If I told you I wasn’t white as you have assumed would that change your views?
I don’t care what you think of me and my views, and who you respect.

I personally faced a lot of racism as did my parents, so please spare me your type of grandstanding as I am neither privileged or racist.

Clearly the club has work to do. I don’t think anyone has said otherwise
Which is why I’ve said, in two occasions in this thread now, that reading the article is important because it is an accusation against many club leaders including Clarkson and player leadership groups.

Where it comes back to Jeff is that there is a rather large contingent on here and in the greater public that want Jeff gone. That his comments were what finally cost us the end of Cyril’s career just add to the large number of issues those who want a new president have. That’s why he is a focal point - but as it relates to this article I think many are responsible and have questions to answer.

It's the highlighted bit I'm questioning there, that it finally cost us Cyril. What cost us Cyril was everything before it. Had the club solved previous issues and been better at communicating with Shannyn and Cyril, then maybe she could have laughed off Jeff's gag. Find it strange that Cyril states he will never go back to the club while Jeff is there, but according to Jeff is exchanging text messages with 5 weeks prior from last Friday. Anyway, it is only one side of the story and I'm not looking forward to the response considering our PR has been terrible the last couple of years.
Group think. Nice. Can you accuse me of virtue signalling next so I can complete my ‘ignorant campaigner who deliberately wants to miss the point’ bingo card.

Oh and to spare you the time because comprehension doesn’t sound like your strong point - the article is at pains to state there were far more issues at play and leaders to blame than just Jeff.
I just put him on ignore. Best feature of this site.
There needs to be more focus on education within our walls. The lack of leadership from our senior players, from Clarko and really everyone involved reflects a lack of empathy and cultural understanding. It’s incredibly saddening hearing that Cyril experienced casual racism and it’s damning to hear that he felt he couldn’t speak up. Ditto experiences for his wife, for Amos Frank and all others.

It sounds like Mitchell has started heading us in a positive direction and I really hope it’s not token bullshit. Kennett also has to go as any attempt to establish cultural awareness is void when your president is someone who doesn’t see the problem with keeping golliwogs.

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News Cyril and Shannyn Rioli speak to Caro - link to club statement in page 8

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