Dandenong's Demons

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Sep 5, 2007
The Den
AFL Club
St Kilda
OK, I have a question to Wayne Holdsworth and the SFL.

How is it, that the Dandenong Demons will be granted their wish to hold off from paying their fees, like every other club, yet they seem to have the money to pay ATLEAST 5 players which i know of, $250 or more per game of football?

Now, dont get me wrong, I have no worries at all with clubs paying their players, we do, I'm sure all clubs do, but it doesnt seem right, that a club can be excused from their financial obligations when they do not seem to be in the financial difficulty they propose to be when they can afford these sorts of monies.

If they win and came up to division 2, would the other division 3 teams feel wrongly done by. I know as a division 2 team, we would feel we are playing against a bunch of cheats, although we WILL be in division 1 next year.

Any thoughts?
im pretty sure dandy is one of the only teams in divi 3 that pays players. which i funny cos it just shows you where money will get you in divi 3. who cares anyway, i'd rather them be playing in the comp then having 7 teams. as if anyone would get $250 a game in divi 3, that is laughable, haha, maybe $100 at a push
St Kilda City were supposedly on a payment plan for their league fees in the early stages of 2007. It's only fair that all financially struggling clubs are given this opportunity.

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St Kilda City were supposedly on a payment plan for their league fees in the early stages of 2007. It's only fair that all financially struggling clubs are given this opportunity.

They shouldn't be given that oppurtunity if they are paying out dough to players. The first thing stuggling companies do is cut expenditure so surely this can be done at a football club (without asking not to pay their league fees). It is not fair that some clubs pay and prop up the league while other clubs get a free ride...
Tongue was firmly in cheek there donkey. I agree with you - mostly. I think for a club to get a couple of quality/profile players who may attract interest and stimulate recruitment to the club, you could argue a case for allowing this. I do agree however that this concession shouldn't extend to propping up a big-spending club's cash-flow issues.
This is an absolute joke, as has happened in the past with SO many other teams they pay out huge money to also ran footballers looking for success and get a massive walkout at the end of the year

Strong mail around the Old Dandy Inn is three players from Springvale Districts have been approached with a combined wage promise of $700.00 per game mutiply that by 18 and we get the league fees for 2008,2009.2010, and half of 2011.

Three middle of the road players is not worth bringing a club down on its knees, its time the SFL stood up and get Dandy to put a business plan togeather going forward.
It's always guesswork trying to figure out what (if anything) players get paid. This sounds like it would be fairly informal, not like the AFL where the league wants copies of the clubs bankbooks and everything. I don't think it's a big deal. I see what you're getting at in principle, that the money not being paid to the SFL is paying players and therefore the SFL is effectively paying the players, but I think that Dandy will pay eventually so it's not terribly important.
At skye we do not offer per game payments, clearly because we want to build the bank and make sure the club is as stable and successful off the feild as well as on, to be successful on, first you must be successfull off!!

everyone knows this

I wouldnt know, but i am sure there would be a few players at skye who wouldnt have to pay fees etc etc, but to me, this is a little insulting that the league would allow dandy to pay in installments while dandy go out and pay big money

I know nothing about dandy's financials, and if they say they arn't paying any money then fair enough, because I know FOR A FACT that we are not paying anyone, maybe Corey gets a hot dog or something for coaching???

Now this is based on here say from what i hear from around the league, that even last year dandy paid alot of money..... as i said just rumours..... but i reckon it would be a safe bet to assume that kemp is fairly expensive if he is as good as people tell me!!!

I could be wrong, maybe i should suggest to our club that we propose to the sfl a payment plan so we can go hire some mercenaries for 2008????

am i being too synical??
It concerns me how little respect some coaches have for clubs that give them the opportunity to coach. They seem to be so self centered that they would run a club into submission just so that they might walk away with a premiership next to their names.

Not that I'm saying Dandy are doing this, but we all know it does happen.
It concerns me how little respect some coaches have for clubs that give them the opportunity to coach. They seem to be so self centered that they would run a club into submission just so that they might walk away with a premiership next to their names.

Not that I'm saying Dandy are doing this, but we all know it does happen.

yes you are, and they are. If it's true they've poached 6 springy players and are paying them yet can't pay there fees then I only hope these players leave halfway through the season after taking there money and f*ck dandy around
who the f**k would play for Dandenong in the first place. Even if the offered $1500 per game, i would not play for a club that has this name, and the reputation for the amount of gear they get on is second to none.

Who is this d###head!!!! I hate people who jump on here and throw in one comment then f##k off to the next forum. Don't you have a goat to f##k somewhere in your paddock hillbilly.
Is any SFL Division 3 Club in a financial position to make payments before a ball is kicked without income coming in from players fee's, canteen, social events, sponsorship (Don't know of to many companys that sponsor football clubs over the summer).

At the end of the day if the fees are paid there should be no problem.

The facts are simple Dandy have recruited very well picking up 6 players from Springvale, two of which are 6ft 5 and we all know these types of players don't grow on trees. The facts are a week after these players signed at Dandy an article coinicidently appears in the journal of which Springvale coach is an employee, stating that dandy are not financial. The fact is the club has never been in a stronger position. You can all draw your own conclusion but it seems as a severe case of sour grapes.

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Is any SFL Division 3 Club in a financial position to make payments before a ball is kicked without income coming in from players fee's, canteen, social events, sponsorship (Don't know of to many companys that sponsor football clubs over the summer).

At the end of the day if the fees are paid there should be no problem.

The facts are simple Dandy have recruited very well picking up 6 players from Springvale, two of which are 6ft 5 and we all know these types of players don't grow on trees. The facts are a week after these players signed at Dandy an article coinicidently appears in the journal of which Springvale coach is an employee, stating that dandy are not financial. The fact is the club has never been in a stronger position. You can all draw your own conclusion but it seems as a severe case of sour grapes.
Yer bring them on who cares a horses patoot what they have recruited good on them,just don't hit that self distruct button.
Is any SFL Division 3 Club in a financial position to make payments before a ball is kicked without income coming in from players fee's, canteen, social events, sponsorship (Don't know of to many companys that sponsor football clubs over the summer).

At the end of the day if the fees are paid there should be no problem.

The facts are simple Dandy have recruited very well picking up 6 players from Springvale, two of which are 6ft 5 and we all know these types of players don't grow on trees. The facts are a week after these players signed at Dandy an article coinicidently appears in the journal of which Springvale coach is an employee, stating that dandy are not financial. The fact is the club has never been in a stronger position. You can all draw your own conclusion but it seems as a severe case of sour grapes.

sour grapes? of course you toilet, you can afford to pay players but you can't afford to pay to be in the league. pretty self explanitory as far as i can see.
Maybe Dandy are doing a Parkmore/St Kilda and a sponsor is paying these players? If thats the case the arrangement between the club and the league is between those 2 entities ! Second will the SFL allow these springy players to leave as I'd say they sound like springy will they need them and is the 5 player rule stand ? or does that only apply if its in the same division? Ive heard that alot of Dandy's senior list has either left due to alot of inhouse issue's from last season or they have retired can anyone confirm from Dandy ? what about you joose ?
At the end of the day if the fees are paid there should be no problem.

The facts are simple Dandy have recruited very well picking up 6 players from Springvale, two of which are 6ft 5 and we all know these types of players don't grow on trees. The facts are a week after these players signed at Dandy an article coinicidently appears in the journal of which Springvale coach is an employee, stating that dandy are not financial. The fact is the club has never been in a stronger position. You can all draw your own conclusion but it seems as a severe case of sour grapes.[/quote]

You MUPPET, " the clubs never been in a stronger position" I hope the league's CEO hasn't got the same opinion as you or the whole league is knackered.
As stated they can't pay there fees at the start of the season but have been offering huge amounts of money to play 3rd division for christ's sake.
All club's committee's bust there arse's to leave money in the bank for the incoming committee so this problem does not arise. I would say Dandy have been insolvent for years just nobody has done anything about it.
Maybe Dandy are doing a Parkmore/St Kilda and a sponsor is paying these players? If thats the case the arrangement between the club and the league is between those 2 entities ! Second will the SFL allow these springy players to leave as I'd say they sound like springy will they need them and is the 5 player rule stand ? or does that only apply if its in the same division? Ive heard that alot of Dandy's senior list has either left due to alot of inhouse issue's from last season or they have retired can anyone confirm from Dandy ? what about you joose ?

Reply about the players from last year. Some have moved onto other clubs and leagues and some have retired.
As for money problems, as others have stated on this thread, the majority of clubs have no income on the off-season that they need to put a payment plan in place. This doesn't mean Dandy has no money, just not enough to pay the fees required to the league at the start of the season.

Does anyone else know of clubs who can do fork out the required amount, in the ball park of $20,000? I know of a few clubs in the same boat who will be on a payment plan.
Money, players and even a Premiership!
Why would you want to be involved at a club like Dandy?
Imagine celebrating with all those toothless terrors. No thanks!!!

Isn't former SFL Secretary Bev White on the Dandy Committee?
Are the SFL looking after a long serving employee?
Money, players and even a Premiership!
Why would you want to be involved at a club like Dandy?
Imagine celebrating with all those toothless terrors. No thanks!!!

Isn't former SFL Secretary Bev White on the Dandy Committee?
Are the SFL looking after a long serving employee?

Monkey you are exactly that what a stupid comment to make about Bev White and the SFL :thumbsdown::thumbsdown:
What are you talking about junkie?

I think it's time you took another hit!

Good luck to all the new Dandenong players anyway, hope they have iron lungs and no need for a brain.

Sounds like you have a bad case of herpes that is affecting your brain bfamb. Not everyone on this thread/froum comes from dandy or plays there. You seem to know so much about the place, it wouldn't suprise me if you are living in the dumper out the back of the dandy inn.
It would be interesting to see how many clubs do not pay players. It is extremely difficult to recruit players these days as players put ridiculous amounts of money on their heads. As a coach in the SFL I am amazed how tough it is to bring players into the club who will
1. Fit into the culture of the place
2. Will hopefully play for the club for an extended period of time
3. Are commited to training and other aspects of a football club (social nights, meals etc)
4. Are approaching or at their best (23-27/28) and not at the end of thier career
5. Will not milk the club dry with ridiculous contracts/ requests

Not only is there an over saturation of clubs in areas, players believe their own press and expect the world

I have had instances where you speak to players who say are worth 100 and they will ak for 300+, jobs etc.
As a club you simply have to say no as these blokes will not have the interest of the club at heart.

It is also very difficult when people from outside your club come in and offer your players substainally large sums of money. No mater how much you want to keep them or need them often you have no option but to let them go. In most cases they have lost sight of the reason you play footy and what it should be all about.

As for coaches who come in and try to buy a flag for personal game, they are in it for shit house reasons. You should leave a club in better condition thatn you found it. A parkmore type scenario is no good for anyone.
Good work Bails, i agree 100%

This topic went down the toilet fairly quickly!!

Just let it be i spose, Bails is right its bloody hard to recruit so all clubs have to do what they have to, if its going on a payment plan to make sure the right recruits come in, then thats what they have to do, as long as the fees get paid in the end then let it be i spose

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Dandenong's Demons

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