Scandal Dani Laidley Arrested - Leave the Tasteless Jokes at the Door When Entering

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You're looking at it totally the wrong way. There is no causal link between AFL coaches and meth, rather a link between meth and society. By pure numbers alone there is bound to be people from all works of life using it and the AFL is not immune to this. The AFL being a microcosm of society is appropriately often branded as reflecting the problems of the community when they arise in the AFL, whether the general population is aware of them or not.
Sure but I find it a bit bizarre that now multiple high profile AFL coaches have gone down such a terrible path. Meth isn’t exactly your typical drug you’d associate with someone with a bit of cash.

Leaves me to wonder have they gone horribly wrong financially and with drugs or come into contact with shit people.
so the cop has been suspended, whoopdee doo.

sack the campaigner. What a disgrace.
Due process... potentially wasn’t serious enough for instant dismissal.

I’m surprised he was suspended with pay, however once investigation is complete it’s hard to see how the member won’t be dismissed, especially with the public eye now firmly on this offence
Sure but I find it a bit bizarre that now multiple high profile AFL coaches have gone down such a terrible path. Meth isn’t exactly your typical drug you’d associate with someone with a bit of cash.

Leaves me to wonder have they gone horribly wrong financially and with drugs or come into contact with shit people.

From what I've seen the playing day influences hang around, drop by uninvited, buy your children things - lead the player astray with talk about the good old days.
Sure but I find it a bit bizarre that now multiple high profile AFL coaches have gone down such a terrible path. Meth isn’t exactly your typical drug you’d associate with someone with a bit of cash.

Leaves me to wonder have they gone horribly wrong financially and with drugs or come into contact with shit people.

Again, you are totally reading and understanding the situation wrongly and I am not having a go at you btw.

You're inability to identify meth with people in high positions or with money and them using it is an incorrect assumption and one that is commonly made by people all the time. The general assumption is that meth is a 'junkie' drug, used by 'scummy' people and that something like cocaine (given it's price and social status) would be more for the professional, more affluent types who may be inclined to using drugs in the first place. This is a wrong assumption and the truth is, meth is prevalent throughout society and across all socio-economic demographics. It is a scurge on society and it's use is sadly rampant.
Again, you are totally reading and understanding the situation wrongly and I am not having a go at you btw.

You're inability to identify meth with people in high positions or with money and them using it is an incorrect assumption and one that is commonly made by people all the time. The general assumption is that it is a junkie drug and that something like cocaine (given it's price and social status) would be more for the professional, more affluent types. This is a wrong assumption and the truth is, meth is prevalent throughout society and across all socio-economic demographics.
I know it isn’t just the choice of junkies anymore. It definitely isn’t just around everywhere either though. I’ve seen coke, MDMA etc around everywhere. I know meth is a problem in society, just surprises me seeing high profile people getting into trouble with it. Just has me wondering how they’ve ended up using such a nasty drug.
"built like a tunnel"

It was short for tunnel vision.
I played with Dean in the late 80’s & he was an angry man so I never asked him directly. But I think it was John Duckworth (I could be wrong, it might have been the property guy Joe Barron)who said there was nothing of him when he arrived at WP, he was more tunnel than body.
The tunnel vision description came when he went to WC. That is my memory of it.
The cop will obviously face the consequences of his actions and deservedly so, but it's interesting how the media immediately changes the narrative to make the guy arrested for allegedly stalking and breaking an AVO into the victim.

Certainly that seems how the narrative is being framed. I'm no conspiracist, but if I was practitioner of the dark arts I'd argue this leak actually helps Laidley, in that you can't help but feel shocked and perhaps feel some empathy, for someone who 99% of people wouldnt personally know but formerly attached the credibility of being a public figure, appearing completely broken and unrecognisable.

What's increasingly lost in the saga is that Laidley has (likely) broken mutiple laws and is a danger to himself and others. And frankly, there are bigger privacy concerns people should be worried about than someone who is, at the very least, inviting public scrutiny of his life.

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Sure but I find it a bit bizarre that now multiple high profile AFL coaches have gone down such a terrible path. Meth isn’t exactly your typical drug you’d associate with someone with a bit of cash.

Leaves me to wonder have they gone horribly wrong financially and with drugs or come into contact with shit people.

You'd be surprised the sort of people who are high functioning meth addicts, I used to work with one and he was a senior partner in a law office.

And as I advised my oldest son a few years ago (after he moved to Melb to complete his Masters); 'I'm not that fussed what you try or experiment with in relation to social drugs, but there are two rules; 1. Don't tell your mother and 2. Never, ever go anywhere near Meth/Ice..!!!'
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Why can’t you believe it? It’s a big story and headline grabbing photos landed in their lap. They are just doing their job.

Save the indignation for the junkie scumbag criminal. He’s outed himself through his actions.

Agree its poor form that the pics were leaked, hopefully that’s dealt with appropriately by vicpol.
Because there’s a thing called privacy and innocence until proven guilty. Police cannot just to leaking things like that and a paper shouldn’t be posting confidential info like that. Scumbag paper and scumbag constable who leaked it.
Whatever offence he/she is alleged to have committed is now secondary to the huge damages claim against Vic police for that leak of photos.

I have no idea on arrest protocol but I hope for the judicial process, the cops haven't stuffed this up
I know it isn’t just the choice of junkies anymore. It definitely isn’t just around everywhere either though. I’ve seen coke, MDMA etc around everywhere. I know meth is a problem in society, just surprises me seeing high profile people getting into trouble with it. Just has me wondering how they’ve ended up using such a nasty drug.
Meth is often referred to as the anti-social drug whereas cocaine isn’t... but it is 100% around everywhere, just more hidden than other drugs
I have no idea on arrest protocol but I hope for the judicial process, the cops haven't stuffed this up
Probs not. But you would need to know the ins and outs of criminal and judicial code to really know. Theyve posted images. If that text is correct, other problems will come up Which may well scupper the case
Gotta love the AFL and their PR department with their one and only article about this on their website leading with the headline "Unlawful" Police officer suspended over Laidley photo leak.

No way their PR would have the headline "Former AFL player and coach charged with stalking"
I liked that the AFL did that. Laidley has little chance of bouncing back from this, purely because of the idiotic decision of somebody that’s paid to protect the public. His family will suffer immensely now when they didn’t have to.

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Scandal Dani Laidley Arrested - Leave the Tasteless Jokes at the Door When Entering

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