Didak's punishment - the real story

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Apr 13, 2001
AFL Club
Other Teams
It may be folly for a mod to add to the Didak histeria but people are too quick to look at Didak, see has has been given no fine or suspension and think he's gotten off scott free. Here are the facts:

- Didak will be given stringent conditions on his contract that are as strict (if not more so) than Ben Cousins AFL-imposed contract conditions. He has been put on notice, not wrapped around the knuckles. I would rather cop the 1 week and not have to worry about it than have every move scrutinised by the club.
- The whole media circus over this is a form of punishment in itself.
- Didak wouldn't be happy about having to talk to police, more embarresment.
- Didak saw the man he met, on the news one Monday, and found out he (allegedly) shot and killed some innocent people in the city, do you think he feels fine about this?
- Didak has been labelled in some way responsible for the death of a human being on the paper, how do you think he feels about this, fine?

Alan has not got off scott free by any stretch of the imagination.

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Absolutely agee. Suspension for a few games does not even compare to having the grieiving mother point to you as contributing to the death of her son. The media has handed out sufficient punishment, and the punishment will likely continue for the rest of didak's life.
Didak would have feared being F'd up big time before anything else went down anyway. He was a witness to fired shots by a gang member.
The kid has been living in fear.
If the club had suspended him just for one week, all this dam hysteria would not be taking place!
BUT, there has been more info coming out about Didak. He knew Hudson BEFORE that night, his phone number was in Hudson's phone, this is how the police came to interview him about that night,and the EX girlfriends of both were friends with Hudson.
Alan Didak, one thing to remember, bringing this club into disrepute is this,
And remember, the police said that he was just a witness! A WITNESS to WHAT???
This isn't over yet by a LONG stretch..What a great example to set our young players, go out and get blotto, don't worry about the situation you may get yourself into..
The club will get you off, as usual.
Too much has been swept under the carpet by our club for too long.
Time to stand up Collingwood, and do the right thing by ALL players, supporters & the club,not just the players that we can't afford to leave out of the team!! I am sick of all the crap going on within the club!!!
Yes, I am disgusted, just in case you didn't know:mad:
IT's pure double standards by McGuire. The same as when Chad Morrison was fined $20,000 (probably decreased) and then Tarrant and Johnson got let off scot free for their part in a brawl. I am happy that Didak didn't get suspended but when you have someone like McGuire who says at the Copeland last year 'If you step out of line you are going to pay big time' and then drop off this with such a tame punishment for Diddy, it's reflects on Edward poorly.
If the club had suspended him just for one week, all this dam hysteria would not be taking place!
BUT, there has been more info coming out about Didak. He knew Hudson BEFORE that night, his phone number was in Hudson's phone, this is how the police came to interview him about that night,and the EX girlfriends of both were friends with Hudson.
Alan Didak, one thing to remember, bringing this club into disrepute is this,
And remember, the police said that he was just a witness! A WITNESS to WHAT???
This isn't over yet by a LONG stretch..What a great example to set our young players, go out and get blotto, don't worry about the situation you may get yourself into..
The club will get you off, as usual.
Too much has been swept under the carpet by our club for too long.
Time to stand up Collingwood, and do the right thing by ALL players, supporters & the club,not just the players that we can't afford to leave out of the team!! I am sick of all the crap going on within the club!!!
Yes, I am disgusted, just in case you didn't know:mad:

Where is your source for this new information? Please do not say talkback callers on SEN.

As for the bold part, did you read my post? He hasn't escaped sanctions. I infact think they are pretty harsh (ffs they are in the same vein of Cousins' contract conditions). Collingwood can only go on the information given to by the police, they can't go on "he said she said" crap or talkback callers, or rumours or innuendo from Sherlock Holmes wannabes working for tabloid magazines. The police are not charging Didak with any crime.
IT's pure double standards by McGuire. The same as when Chad Morrison was fined $20,000 (probably decreased) and then Tarrant and Johnson got let off scot free for their part in a brawl. I am happy that Didak didn't get suspended but when you have someone like McGuire who says at the Copeland last year 'If you step out of line you are going to pay big time' and then drop off this with such a tame punishment for Diddy, it's reflects on Edward poorly.

Ok. Edward McGuire was in Italy. The decision was made by Pert and Arocca along with the board and NOT McGuire. Besides what would you define as "pay big time". IMO Didak IS paying big time (FFS look at the front page of Herald Sun THAT IS PUNISHMENT ENOUGH IMO).
Rex Hunt stated today on 3AW that Hudson had Didak's phone number in his mobile phone, and that is how they got to interview Didak about this event.

Hunt said that the information came from the Police, Rex is an ex cop, and there is a good chance would have inside contacts.

If what Rex said is true than this contradicts everything. If he just meet him as a random occurance why would they exchange numbers if he was if he was soo freightened. Doesnt sound right.
Eddie was told of this misdemeanour last Thursday night. He was on the radio today, and he is a hypocrite of the largest degree! Tony Shaw wrote an article today in the paper, condemning the Club for taking no action.McGuire phoned Shaw this morning stating that he AGREED with his article..

When McGuire was asked whether he agreed with the board/Pert decision,
he stated he also agreed with THEIR decision. They then asked him how he could ALSO agree with what Shaw wrote.You can't do both Eddie. One or the other..You either agree with the board or you agree with Shaw..Mike Sheahan was on the ball in his article today, and I don't usually agree with him.
If that's not hypocrital I'd like to know what is!!!Two faced Eddie!!!You are fast losing respect Big Eddie...
Rex Hunt stated today on 3AW that Hudson had Didak's phone number in his mobile phone, and that is how they got to interview Didak about this event.

Hunt said that the information came from the Police, Rex is an ex cop, and there is a good chance would have inside contacts.

If what Rex said is true than this contradicts everything. If he just meet him as a random occurance why would they exchange numbers if he was if he was soo freightened. Doesnt sound right.

I heard this this morning on SEN but didn't want to bring up more crap to the stroy. They said the story was that when they were talking Hudson asked Didak if he could organise tickets or get him in to the rooms that's how they think his numbers got on his phone.

Rex Hunt is a former policeman, he should also have faith in the police force, they actually cleared Didak and did not place any charges on him.

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Eddie was told of this misdemeanour last Thursday night. He was on the radio today, and he is a hypocrite of the largest degree! Tony Shaw wrote an article today in the paper, condemning the Club for taking no action.McGuire phoned Shaw this morning stating that he AGREED with his article..

When McGuire was asked whether he agreed with the board/Pert decision,
he stated he also agreed with THEIR decision. They then asked him how he could ALSO agree with what Shaw wrote.You can't do both Eddie. One or the other..You either agree with the board or you agree with Shaw..Mike Sheahan was on the ball in his article today, and I don't usually agree with him.
If that's not hypocrital I'd like to know what is!!!Two faced Eddie!!!You are fast losing respect Big Eddie...

I heard Eddie on the radio. He never said he agreed with him saying the sanction was a joke. He said it's fine for Shaw (dial a quote) to have that opinion. I thought Eddie wasn't in town (he only landed in Australia 6am today).
- The whole media circus over this is a form of punishment in itself.

-- Didak has been labelled in some way responsible for the death of a human being on the paper, how do you think he feels about this, fine?

these 2 points i couldnt agree with more.if anything is going to get alan back on the striaght and narrow it will be the public humliation and attention he has received.

I do think the club shoul give him a week or so off, not as punishment but to get his head right.
From what the papers have said about Hudson it is unlikely Didak knew him before that night. Hudson had only been in Melbourne 2 weeks before the shooting and was a native of Queensland. Although whether Didak had met Hudson at another time while either here or Queensland.
Jabso, McGuire might have been in Italy, but he certainly would have had a hand in the decision NOT to sanction him..Quote:

Collingwood's new chief executive Gary Pert, in a decision approved by club president Eddie McGuire and Pert's No. 2 Eugene Arocca, put on a straight face yesterday when he said Didak would not be punished by the club because he had not broken any team rules

Can't be much clearer than that...
Jabso, McGuire might have been in Italy, but he certainly would have had a hand in the decision NOT to sanction him..Quote:

Collingwood's new chief executive Gary Pert, in a decision approved by club president Eddie McGuire and Pert's No. 2 Eugene Arocca, put on a straight face yesterday when he said Didak would not be punished by the club because he had not broken any team rules

Can't be much clearer than that...

Perhaps. But the paper has been wrong before (Arocca is McGuire's no. 2 not Pert's). I just think that the whole thing happened too quickly for McGuire to get involved. Anyway the point still remains I suppose.
I actually don't think the whole thing with Hudson is the issue you guys should be worried about. Here is an experienced player who should be setting an example to his team mates (public opinion is immaterial), who is out on the gas mid season within hours of a game. I am not a professional sportsman, only a semi serious runner, but even I do not follow that type of "recovery" after a hard session. Not exactly the team thing to be doing.

And if Didak did nothing wrong, how come they have told him that if there is repeat of this he will have his contract cancelled? Makes you wonder doesn't it.

I take it as a compliment that the Hawks are travelling so well, that you need every bit of help you can get!!! And glad he is playing. We want to meet you as best as you can field.

Good luck tomorrow. And BTW tell Joffa no need to bring the jacket... Jeff's got his! :D
If the club had suspended him just for one week, all this dam hysteria would not be taking place!
BUT, there has been more info coming out about Didak. He knew Hudson BEFORE that night, his phone number was in Hudson's phone, this is how the police came to interview him about that night,and the EX girlfriends of both were friends with Hudson.
Alan Didak, one thing to remember, bringing this club into disrepute is this,
And remember, the police said that he was just a witness! A WITNESS to WHAT???
This isn't over yet by a LONG stretch..What a great example to set our young players, go out and get blotto, don't worry about the situation you may get yourself into..
The club will get you off, as usual.
Too much has been swept under the carpet by our club for too long.
Time to stand up Collingwood, and do the right thing by ALL players, supporters & the club,not just the players that we can't afford to leave out of the team!! I am sick of all the crap going on within the club!!!
Yes, I am disgusted, just in case you didn't know:mad:

They also said that when Hudson was interviewed, he stated he met Didak at the pub and got his number after asking if Dids could get him into the rooms at the Sydney match. Believe whatever you like, but it would seem Hudson denied knowing Didak prior to the night after the QB game.
- Didak wouldn't be happy about having to talk to police, more embarresment.
- Didak saw the man he met, on the news one Monday, and found out he (allegedly) shot and killed some innocent people in the city, do you think he feels fine about this?
- Didak has been labelled in some way responsible for the death of a human being on the paper, how do you think he feels about this, fine?

Alan has not got off scott free by any stretch of the imagination.

Sorry, but the consequences that result from doing something stupid is not punishment. If that were the case no footballer would ever be punished, because theyre always 'humiliated' in the media by having the story of their incident scruitinised and picked apart. I find this line of arguement pretty lame to be totally honest. He should have been suspended for damage done to the clubs reputation.

Further, Im quite sick and tired of highly paid footballers doing dumb things as a result of drugs or alcohol. I think its pretty clear that taking a hard line is the only way to get through to these morons.
It happens every week across Melbourne, just because he is an AFL footballer he should be different? Probably easier than waiting around for a taxi with other drunks outside

What, happens every week? Hooking up with a Hells Angel at a nightclub? Getting taken to a bikie clubhouse at 3am? Or being in a car while someone shoots a gun and then not reporting it?

Wow Melbournes a wild place!


You seriously dont think he thought he was just getting a lift home from some average joe fan? Oh and by the way Mr Nobody here is my phone number, hassle me for passes to the rooms any time.
I actually don't think the whole thing with Hudson is the issue you guys should be worried about. Here is an experienced player who should be setting an example to his team mates (public opinion is immaterial), who is out on the gas mid season within hours of a game.
The players were given permission to go out as it was the beginning of the bye week.
And if Didak did nothing wrong, how come they have told him that if there is repeat of this he will have his contract cancelled? Makes you wonder doesn't it.
Well that's pretty obvious. Public condemnation of the fact that Didak was discovered to have been in the presence of a murdering thug within days of him shooting three people. Whether right or wrong, it does the club no favours, and it does not look good. The club has a responsibility to it's members and sponsors. Didak needs to be told to make better choices, and although apparently he doesn't drink often, it may be best if he consumes even less if he can't make logical choices.
I take it as a compliment that the Hawks are travelling so well, that you need every bit of help you can get!!! And glad he is playing. We want to meet you as best as you can field.
Well that's not going to happen as a number of Collingwood's best players will be missing, and it is one of the reasons that Hawthorn are such raging hot favourites to win.
You seriously dont think he thought he was just getting a lift home from some average joe fan? Oh and by the way Mr Nobody here is my phone number, hassle me for passes to the rooms any time.
That's the problem with this issue, too many people 'think' they know. In an incident such as this, there needs to be proof. It is quite possible that Didak didn't know he was a Hells-Angel when he passed on his phone number and accepted a lift. People share phone numbers with people they hardly know all of the time, but considering he is a publicly known figure, it is a bit stupid to hand it out too regularly.

Now, even if he did know beforehand that he was a Hells-Angel, what does that prove anyway? Are you trying to suggest that all members of that club are murdering bastards, thugs and criminals? Didak was stupid, and Didak was drunk on a night that the players had permission to go out, but that is all that is confirmed at this point in time. Anymore than that is judgemental speculation, gossip, and innuendo.
That's the problem with this issue, too many people 'think' they know. In an incident such as this, there needs to be proof.

Rubbish. Here is a quote for you...facts are over rated.

PR 101:

Spin is the art of concealing certain damaging facts, and revealing others that arent damaging. Big public organisations (eg Football clubs) are experts at it.

If you want to understand the truth you dont look at facts from spinning organisations, you look at whats been denied and what hasnt. Because its ALL about plausible denial.

They will deny any and every accusation that is hurtful to their spin if they can plausibly do so - whether its true or not. If they dont deny a damaging accusation, its almost certainly a concealed truth because you can bet your ass they will have tried their hardest to come with a plausible denial.

For instance..

Its been widely reported that Didak was in the car when shots were fired. It hasnt been denied. You figure it out.

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Didak's punishment - the real story

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