Diet, Supplements and Enhancers

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Oct 16, 2007
AFL Club
Other Teams
Dimma's wife
Just wondering what supplements you people at BF are using for workouts/ training.
I've used a few:
-Musashi Protein, as much as i like the musashi products and the name, it wasnt what i really wanted and was looking for, for me specifically anyway
- Musashi BULK, a bit better than the first one
- Sports Edge or something (mix with creatine) awful tasting, had a bit more energy but made me feel sick
-Vital strength mass weight gainer with creatine mix. VERY good, had more energy, could do more reps and the results started sowing quickly
- EVOLVE MASS FX - started last week taking this, very very good, feel energised and stops muscle breaking down, have more energy. Mate used it and gained muscle rapidly!

but yeah anyway thats my list of protein powders i've used :)
i also take the multi vitamins and omega 3 etc.

What products are you using?
Re: Protein & Other Supplements

Tried a few different supps from ON, UN, BSN, Gaspari, Muscletech, Controlled Labs and MAP.


Optimum Nutrition (100% Whey and/or 100% Casein) is reasonably priced (if you buy online) and tastes pretty good.


Animal Pump (Universal Nutrition) is great but expensive, same with SP250 (Gaspari).

Post Workout:

Nothing beats Torrent by Universal Nutrition.

Multivitamin is a must as well.

In general eating whole foods is better than supplements. The only time protein shakes should really be used if you can help it are first thing in the morning and post workout. :thumbsu:
Re: Protein & Other Supplements

In general eating whole foods is better than supplements. The only time protein shakes should really be used if you can help it are first thing in the morning and post workout. :thumbsu:
I like drinking them during my workout, then I have dinner after. Normally steak, spuds and veges, so I don't need another shake.

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Re: Protein & Other Supplements

I just drink sanitarium up'n'go's and energize's :)

I'm a stop-start trainer,i'll train for a few months,then stop for a few.Whenever i start up i usually use creatine for the first month or two.Although this time i hit the juice,for the first time ever (4 weeks in).
Re: Protein & Other Supplements

If you're serious about putting size on, then getting your diet and supplements sorted is critical.
Pro Body Builders will always be quoted as saying they would miss training before they missed a meal
Re: Protein & Other Supplements FTW

I bought 20kg, didn't have enough containers:p

Schism why would you hit the juice when your training is inconsistent? I would think that is for the fanatics. Anyway you got your PCT sorted?

Nah,low dosage though as it's the first cycle.Will see how it goes - good str gains at this point.I plan to train for more than 6 months this time,injuries permitting.
Re: Protein & Other Supplements

Well i do not take any supplements for proteins rather i like to take them in the most natural manner by having a breakfast of muesli mixed with Soy milk.
Re: Protein & Other Supplements

I train pro ath's, we use a combination of 100% organic spirulina combine protein and similar product made of creatine/glutamine mix.

All sorts of whey protein only have a 20% absorbtion rate, no matter what brand or how good the marketing is. It is also choc full of fillers. The stuff we use is 90-100% effective/absorbtion rate, no fillers or artificial flavouring. Results are outstanding. Ridiculous compared to any whey. However whey is good for cheaper use and taste. A combination of the both is the winner.
Re: Protein & Other Supplements

I train pro ath's, we use a combination of 100% organic spirulina combine protein and similar product made of creatine/glutamine mix.

All sorts of whey protein only have a 20% absorbtion rate, no matter what brand or how good the marketing is. It is also choc full of fillers. The stuff we use is 90-100% effective/absorbtion rate, no fillers or artificial flavouring. Results are outstanding. Ridiculous compared to any whey. However whey is good for cheaper use and taste. A combination of the both is the winner.

Spirulina is what I feed my fish :) Sounds like you get good results from it though. Your not the first I have heard to use this supplement. I would be keen to give it a crack.

I recommend you guys watch this movie if you get a chance. There's an interesting segment on how products like Hydroxycuts are made in mexico and generally do not need to pass any form of testing or regulation. It makes me wonder about the stuff they put in these products and the benefits you gain from taking them.

I have tried all sorts of stuff in my days training in Gym and Kickboxing. I'm not sure if the results I gained were more placebo effect or real gains from products. I think the creatine and natural growth hormone products I took helped increase energy and strength overall. These days all I take is Fish Oil, Glucosomine and Multivitamin. I rarely get sick now. I think diet is the number one routine you need to stick too though.

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Re: Protein & Other Supplements

I train pro ath's, we use a combination of 100% organic spirulina combine protein and similar product made of creatine/glutamine mix.

All sorts of whey protein only have a 20% absorbtion rate, no matter what brand or how good the marketing is. It is also choc full of fillers. The stuff we use is 90-100% effective/absorbtion rate, no fillers or artificial flavouring. Results are outstanding. Ridiculous compared to any whey. However whey is good for cheaper use and taste. A combination of the both is the winner.

I'd like to know where you got your research from on whey absorption because it has a higher rate than meat.

Glutamine has no science behind it for muscle growth or recovery, it is only effective when your in ketosis, it gets converted to glucose for energy or glycogen replnishment.

The jury is out on spirulina(ocean fungus) all vegetable or plant proteins are'nt very effective especially for the sportsman.
Re: Protein & Other Supplements

and used musashi, dunno whether my fast metabolism or poor supplements along with the protein effected the zero gain i got! but i prefer to get my protein from protein rich foods now, no supplements, thats the way to go. along with a healthy diet and solid workout routine :thumbsu:
Re: Protein & Other Supplements

I'd like to know where you got your research from on whey absorption because it has a higher rate than meat.

Glutamine has no science behind it for muscle growth or recovery, it is only effective when your in ketosis, it gets converted to glucose for energy or glycogen replnishment.

The jury is out on spirulina(ocean fungus) all vegetable or plant proteins are'nt very effective especially for the sportsman.

spirulina combine, not just spirulina

it is widely known and proven through any research you find the human body can only absorb so much protein at any point in time, and if you research Whey Protein it will tell you everywhere what I have stated.

Nothing beats diet - if you are looking at any supplement as a "fix" then you are heading in the wrong direction. is the website for the supplements we use

the results of our athletes improved when using the Re-Bar and Green Creatine, as apposed to BSN products (a whey protein and a creatine monohydrate). Recovery time improved and endurance improved.

Can't stress how much more important diet is, supplements are the cherry on top.
Re: Protein & Other Supplements

For the chicks out there I use "define" protein powder.
It is women specific ~ apparently ~ however had better results then using othre brands. (I didnt buy it due to its women specific advertising, bought it due to the low fat and cals within it)

It's the first protein I have used that hasn't made me bloated or ill feeling when I take it. I take it after a work out with rice milk, and sometime frozen berries.

I try to get most of my protein from meats and tend to eat a shit load of salads with tuna or salmon.

Im not necessarilary after bulking up, more tone and definition and have seen the results coming along.

Re: Protein & Other Supplements

i use RedBak suppliments
i have previously used

RedBak WPI (whey protein isolate)

i used the WPI for a while but have now switched to XXL
havent been using it for long.
Re: Protein & Other Supplements

I recommend using gelatine!

100% protein, but the benefit is that gelatine is one of the only sources of glycine and hydroxyproline. These two amino acids actually enhance cartilage regrowth. For a sport that's pretty harsh on knees, cartilage regeneration is vitally important.

I just buy the packets from the supermarket and sprinkle it on my breakfast or juice. No need to heat it up and set it (although you could if you wanted to).

Do it, there's heaps of studies that have shown the benefits of gelatine/collagen.
Re: Protein & Other Supplements

I just use Musashi Creatine, Glutamine and Protein Powder (carb/fat free)

also use Thermogenic called XLR8 and this stuff called GI Factor (designed to support and maintain healthy blood sugar levels in normal people) when trying to lose fat.
Re: Protein & Other Supplements

I recommend using gelatine!

100% protein, but the benefit is that gelatine is one of the only sources of glycine and hydroxyproline. These two amino acids actually enhance cartilage regrowth. For a sport that's pretty harsh on knees, cartilage regeneration is vitally important.
I haven't really heard of this before, but a few net searches show there is a fair bit of merit in this so worthy of consideration.

I have Whey protein shakes & multivitamins, not attracted to any particular brand, next lot will buy in bulk off the net.
Re: Protein & Other Supplements

I've never used any supplements except creatine occasionally (usually when starting up again after a long time off training).I don't think they achieve much if anything.They can't change your genetics or mentality.

Recently completed first cycle,but @ 32 i think it's fair to say i have finished growing naturally.Absolutely slaying on bench and incline bench atm,so i'm happy given chest has always been a weak point for me not,not in terms of size but definitely in terms of shape and strength.

Anyone recommend all this whey type stuff for someone at my stage?
Re: Protein & Other Supplements

Well i do not take any supplements for proteins rather i like to take them in the most natural manner by having a breakfast of muesli mixed with Soy milk.

Yeah I wasted money on supplements for years until I did nutrition at uni. Surprisingly I'm getting better results, it's all about effective training and eating well.

The average Australian diet gets more than enough protein. Powders are a well marketed scam.

Supplements are for high end athletes and probably give you a 1% leg up which is important at the top level. Even professional and semi professional footy players feed themselves up on salad rolls at the end of the game or a training session. Not a shaker bottle in sight. So I'm not sure why the average person in the street throws down hundreds of dollars on this.

I had a personal trainer at a gym say to me "how come people who study nutrition at uni are against supplements?". Dude, you just answered your own question.

I've often thought about selling them to clients but I'm probably too idealistic. It's funny how it's so easy to convince someone to spend a hundred bucks on the a big bucket of powder, but it's almost impossible to convince them they dont need it.
Re: Protein & Other Supplements

I recommend using gelatine!

100% protein, but the benefit is that gelatine is one of the only sources of glycine and hydroxyproline. These two amino acids actually enhance cartilage regrowth. For a sport that's pretty harsh on knees, cartilage regeneration is vitally important.

I just buy the packets from the supermarket and sprinkle it on my breakfast or juice. No need to heat it up and set it (although you could if you wanted to).

Do it, there's heaps of studies that have shown the benefits of gelatine/collagen.

That's fine if those compounds are in cartiledge but how does that create vascularisation in cartiledge? There is a reason why the meniscus doesn't heal.

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Diet, Supplements and Enhancers

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