News Dr Bridie O'Donnell elected to the board

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They had 2 positions to fill, they appointed 1 male, 1 female, from a shortlist of 7 candidates. Exactly how does that discount males from consideration? What was the gender of the 5 who didn’t gain a position?

ffs how can you still not get this through your skull? The President said they want a female to fill the position that O’Donnell took, which means male candidates weren’t considered as much as females one were.

if I have to make this any more simple for you I just don’t know.
I'll try some "Devil's advocate" style thinking.

Isn't everyone you know who doesn't follow the Pies a bit like this?
Celebrating our misfortunes, barracking for our opponents etc.
Introducing you as a Pies fan but not doing that for others.

Deep down there's often respect or jealousy I find.
let's hope that she can do a professional job.

I still hate their clubs however and find it difficult to barrack for a lot of teams in Grand Finals.
I don't have this issue with other sports I should say.
ffs how can you still not get this through your skull? The President said they want a female to fill the position that O’Donnell took, which means male candidates weren’t considered as much as females one were.

if I have to make this any more simple for you I just don’t know.

The club is genuinely in this position because it has so much financial clout from one-eyed supporters relentlessly defending the club’s every move. If it’s not one fan, it will be another.

To be fair she seems to be very well qualified for the role. It seems the club followed a suitable process including external help when arriving at the decision. Putting aside speculation over who she supports, what makes her unsuitable for the role?
Not speculation.

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ffs how can you still not get this through your skull? The President said they want a female to fill the position that O’Donnell took, which means male candidates weren’t considered as much as females one were.

if I have to make this any more simple for you I just don’t know.
Take it easy Kappa, think of the heart , breath in , breath out, feel better ! This is still the ED Bucks F#ck the Club up.
I'm trying to find the negative in this. I've had dealings with very successful insto funds, private equity groups who purposefully look at a 50/50 male/female split not because they need to but they found they made better investment decisions because of it.

So, I don't see the issue with targeting a female if it leads to a better outcome.

It is fine hiring a woman even having a 50-50 But there reasoning is for progressive change (we are a football club not a public affairs organisation) and they get a gender activist in who doesnt support the club. Why do we need to do this? Do we now have a women problem? Do we need lectures now on both race and women? Have they not trashed the club enough?

We have 1000's women members who love the club. Choose one of those. I want people on the board to be sad when we lose and want to make the place better because they are happy when we win. We are a football club. Someone who loves the club and wants to see it do well. Not someone who will play the sexism card at every opportunity and looks for problems that probably are not there. It is a football club we are all the same colour black and white. They bring in Dr Red, White and Blue to cause division with sexism.

The whole board need to resign let them be cancerous to some other organisation.

I cant believe they paid on an executive search firm to dish up this crap.

These morons need to go yesterday.
Well perhaps I should also confess to not liking

NSW cricket or League
LA Lakers
North Carolina basketball
EPL big 6
Franco's Real Madrid

And did I say Carlton?
1) What is your problem actually?

2) We have had a board chock full of supposedly Collingwood loving tragics...who have driven us off a cliff. Heaven forbid we have someone on the board who is a professional first and not a doe eyed cheerleader. They got us into this sh*t. We need someone brutally competent prepared to be brutally honest. I don't carte if she supports Carlton if she brings those qualities.

3) She is a hard core successful sporting person across multiple codes who has transitioned into significant leadership roles. Playing the tokenism card is an insult to her record, my intelligence, and your claims at being anything other than a moron.

4) Anything Peter Katsambaris thinks is bad is pretty much guaranteed to be good. Go look him up.

5) Again, I ask...what is your problem actually?
That horse deserves a carrot, or an electric pair of spurs.
ffs how can you still not get this through your skull? The President said they want a female to fill the position that O’Donnell took, which means male candidates weren’t considered as much as females one were.

if I have to make this any more simple for you I just don’t know.

I want a date with Kate Beckinsale, doesn’t mean it’ll happen.
"In the interests of good governance the nominations committee, with the assistance of an executive search firm, considered an initial list of 90 potential candidates from which seven were shortlisted. It was from this process, which required approximately eight weeks to complete, that O’Donnell and the recently appointed Neil Wilson emerged"

The same 90 candidates from which the other board nominee, Neil Wilson, emerged?

Neil's an interesting name for a woman.
Obviously our first transgender appointment
And Waislitz has really turned this club around hasn’t he?

Well he joined the board in 1998, so kinda did, then undid it it even?

Like others have said, as a professional O'Donnell should have no problem being a great addition to the club if she has the capabilities, who she used to support shouldnt matter. Just think it's absolute hilarious that with the club in the state it's in we appoint a board member, and within minutes we uncover she's a one time Collingwood hater on twitter. It's just perfect.
Was Christine Holgate a Collingwood girl before she joined the board? Just wondering. I know Richmond's President Peggy O'Neal, was a Richmond supporter for a while at least before joining that board.

Yeah, she was going to Collingwood games before she joined the board.

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And you just know with absolute certainty that if we had hired a Carlton-Supporting male to the board all hell would break loose.

We once hired a Richmond favourite son as our senior coach. All hell broke loose over that but we quickly got over it.

Same with a Hawks favourite son becoming our senior coach, and again, we quickly got over it.
well I’m sure there’s lots of companies who do it and lots who don’t, your anecdotal evidence of 1 company means nothing. The point is it’s sexist and unfair to choose candidates based on gender quotas, and does not lead to the best candidates getting the positions in general.

there’s a shitload of very successful companies who promote people based on Nepotism, does that mean Nepotism is good?
I’m wondering if you actually ‘get’ it.
To begin with I said ‘groups’ which is more than 1.
But what I’m saying is that it isn’t a negative to specifically target someone based on gender for example because it is important to have a board which is contains members with different skills, perspectives, thoughts etc.
What would be a negative is if we brought on a board member who is not as well qualified purely because they are a Collingwood supporter.

And without knowing the Doc, the comments she has made could be just her sense of humour. If she really hated the Pies, do you think she would have accepted the position?

What I am surprised about are the 90 candidates. I wonder what classified as a candidate. Was it nothing more than a bunch of names they compiled prior to actually making enquiries? I just find it difficult to believe there were 90 legitimate options.
If you don’t like the appointment then members are welcome to submit an alternative at the AGM.
I never said I didn’t like her, I don’t know her. It’s the fact that the club is circumventing the members by just appointing who they want. Club members have the right to vote for the board who run the club, that was one of the things that growing up the club always told us. If we wanted to be part of the club and have a say become a member rather than a supporter. Now that right is being ignored, when was the last election for the board at Collingwood?
I remember receiving mail about potential board members with ballots and information on the people running. Now we get a tweet to say someone’s been appointed. This is why the supporters are pissed off at the club about everything, we’re being ignored.

Yes, they stated they STRONGLY wanted a female for the role, but you think it was a completely open and fair process with no prejudice... How cute ! Very naive and delusional, but cute.

Would you be making the same fuss if the Board stated they STRONGLY wanted a male for the role that Neil Wilson filled?
Not being a dyed in the wool Collingwood supporter doesn't worry me; I'd prefer the best candidate regardless of their AFL club. Reading through various posts it's not she's a hardcore fan of another club; instead being new to the sport she seems to change on a whim. Most certainly not all of our paid employees would be Collingwood fans either. As for the anti-Collingwood tweets, they could just be a poor attempt to banter in a sport new to her. That O'Donnell is willing to put her hand up for an unpaid position is enough for me to give her the benefit of the doubt and a chance to show if she's up to the job. Her skill set seems well suited especially with the club now having 3 female teams across 2 sports.
Would you be making the same fuss if the Board stated they STRONGLY wanted a male for the role that Neil Wilson filled?

I imagine so, because prejudice is being applied to the hiring process it has the potential to pervert the outcome.

I don't think it has much to do with which specific gender. At least, I hope not.
Exactly right, I’m sick to death of this politically correct nonsense. Choose the best people for the job!!

No body gives a rats if the board is gender and race balanced!

Um ...

... we’ve had the most horrific run of injuries over the last decade, and now we finally have a medical doctor back on the board, our first since Dr Jack left circa 2015 ...

... and we’re a sporting club, and yet this is one of two people on the current board who have participated in professional sport at the highest level ...

... and this is the only board member we have with links into government, historically an important source of funding ...

... and yet people get their knickers in a twist about this person’s gender? Seriously WTF?!?!

Would there be any fuss if it’d been a man with these credentials? No. (Apart from the team allegiance thing)
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"Why is prejudice being applied to the hiring process?"

"Why are you upset with her gender??!"

"I'm not, I just don't want the outcome perverted by prejudice"

"No, you're just upset a man didn't get the job!"


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News Dr Bridie O'Donnell elected to the board

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