Eagles Interchange error

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Re: Eagles 19 men on Ground

yer, just heard on the radio. i hate the rule. imagine if it altered the result of a game. Lucky west coast are streets ahead or there may have been a riot.

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Re: Eagles 19 men on Ground

Well, I've already posted this on the main board, but might as well go again here:

I tihnk this rule is pretty stupid. How hard is it to pay for 1 steward per bench who makes sure that a team doesn't have extra players on the ground? Get rid of the paperwork and the stupid yellow boxes, all you need is a pair of eyes on each bench, how hard can it be?

Regardless, they have brought in this rule. Don't whine that he wasn't on the ground, the rule is "Don't leave the yellow box uintil the other player is in." Channel 10 ran their "NAB analyser" gimmick on the interchange rule tonight, and (without actually highlighting the incident as they were too busy crapping on about what a non event it was) showed us footage of an Essendon player leaving the box, then taking about 2 steps onto the field of play, before being dragged back by his trainer (as he was not the player on the slip of paper, presumably). A different player ran onto the ground to complete the interchange.

Now, I thought the weeks grace to get used to the rule was last week, and they were going to start enforcing this rule this week. It sounds like they are over in the west. How come this wasn't pulled up at the 'G though? Maybe the AFL has employed Wayne Harmes to do the officiating at the 'G? Maybe the guy they have doing it was really affected by Michael Long's singing. I don't know, but it is fairly dodgy.

Robbo, if you are reading this, can you please publish something about it?
Re: Eagles 19 men on Ground

I can't see why they need to fill out paperwork at all. Still the rules are in place as they are and West Coast DID infringe so the penalty was fair enough.
Re: Eagles 19 men on Ground

yer, just heard on the radio. i hate the rule. imagine if it altered the result of a game. Lucky west coast are streets ahead or there may have been a riot.

Imagine back to round 6 and you've just about got it.
Re: Eagles 19 men on Ground

I can't see why they need to fill out paperwork at all. Still the rules are in place as they are and West Coast DID infringe so the penalty was fair enough.

Agreed....there's the line - don't cross it - how hard is that?:rolleyes:
Re: Eagles 19 men on Ground

I thought this rule was supposed to stop teams having 19 men on the ground but we didn't.. we had 17 :confused: Why put a stupid yellow line 2 metres from the boundary line as a point of reference when for 100 years players have been using the boundary line as the point of reference. AFL are ____ing stupid.
Re: Eagles 19 men on Ground

It could get even worse. Apparently the free kick is only if the player actually crosses the white line, and it is only a fine for leaving the yellow box early. I'm looking for the actual rules now to confirm, but yeah, I think the wrong penalty was applied.

Anderson = An absolute muppet.

*Still can't find the actual rules, but Voss and Christian on the 5th quarter sound pretty convincing....

I wonder if this will be covered up by the AFL, if they will claim it was for some other technicality like not dotting the i on the permission slip. What a joke.
Re: Eagles 19 men on Ground

I thought this rule was supposed to stop teams having 19 men on the ground but we didn't.. we had 17 :confused: Why put a stupid yellow line 2 metres from the boundary line as a point of reference when for 100 years players have been using the boundary line as the point of reference. AFL are ____ing stupid.

Quoted for absolute truth and common sense. AFL rulemakers are a joke.

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Why not just have a disc that the players on the bench must carry?

When you interchange, you must hand over the disc. Easy.

That's a good idea, similar to the armband idea.

It is probably a bit too easy for Mr Anderson though. Maybe the AFL could put ankle bracelets on all the players, with any unapproved player receiving electric shocks until they leave the field of play.

By far the simplest way would be to have someone watching the interchange gate, and ensuring that a player doesn't go on until another player leaves.

I can't wait to see the egg on the face when this rule gets canned/altered in the next week. What a disgrace that they can bring this in during the season, and ____ it up so monumentally.
I can't wait to see the egg on the face when this rule gets canned/altered in the next week. What a disgrace that they can bring this in during the season, and ____ it up so monumentally.

They won't admit they ____ed it up... because it was actually the umpire who ____ed it up. The Eagles should not have been penalised a kick on goal.... it was only a fine. So Demetriwog and the rest of his idiots will say the rule was correct but the umpires misinterpreted it :rolleyes:

One has to wonder.. when they bring these rules in do they actually do some testing? go through scenarios to find every possible problem that could occur? It seems like they go half assed and do the Microsoft approach.... we'll release it... you try it out and use it and tell us if its ____ed :confused:
I'm going to keep saying it until someone acknowledges it (I might be completely wrong but I don't think so):

Essendon breached this new rule tonight. No penalty was given. It might only be a fine-worthy offense, but I'm pretty convinced it should have been a shot at goal for the Tigers. An Essendon player left the interchange box, and stepped onto the field of play. He was grabbed by the arm and dragged back into the box. He was trying to replace a player who had already come off, so it wasn't a 19th man issue. Presmable it just wasn't his name/number on the permission slip. Another Essendon player then took the field.

I haven't heard any mention of this elsewhere, but there was footage of it at half-time on 10. They didn't mention it specifically, they were just talking about the rules instead.

Interestingly, I haven't been able to find full details of the new rules anywhere. You'd think they would make them easy to find, but no......

. The Great Gonzdrian


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Eagles Interchange error

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