Politics Fascist takeover US 2025.

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That's an extreme and concerning position, but you also need to take into account that The American Conservative has a circulation of just 5,000.
Peter Tonguette - the writer of that opinion piece, is one of the partners of project 2025.
I think most people lean left on alot of issues so it shows how mental/extreme the left have gone that there's that much divide tbh.

Have they really gone mental? Like really question it, cutting back on the ****ter bashing and giving a few black kids scholarships, is this actually extreme or have you been told that it is

You seem to be supportive of rather extreme economic left wing policies but think mildly socially progressive policy is insanity
Have they really gone mental? Like really question it, cutting back on the NTTAWWTter bashing and giving a few black kids scholarships, is this actually extreme or have you been told that it is

You seem to be supportive of rather extreme economic left wing policies but think mildly socially progressive policy is insanity

I posted a meme video that highlights the delusion of the trump hating. People cant see passed him to notice a fireman saving lives. Its satirical of todays landscape and you see it in the srp. Its a pisstake

I posted a meme video that highlights the delusion of the trump hating. People cant see passed him to notice a fireman saving lives. Its satirical of todays landscape and you see it in the srp. Its a pisstake
And what a cracking piece of satire it is lol :drunk:

Reminds of that recent Daily Wire movie about blokes playing women's sport that was going to be a doco but they couldn't actually find a league that would let them do it.
And what a cracking piece of satire it is lol :drunk:

Reminds of that recent Daily Wire movie about blokes playing women's sport that was going to be a doco but they couldn't actually find a league that would let them do it.
Not exactly Peter Cook is it.
Perhaps there is some recency bias. I'm happy to be shown errors in my thoughts here.

As far as I'm aware, there's only minority support for Trumps actions after the last election from within the Republican party. The vast majority of Republicans support democracy, and even Pence distanced himself from some of Trump's actions after the election loss.

Where do you see weaknesses in their democracy? Sure you can point out bad actions under the Trump administration as well as Trump's desire to ignore elements of the democratic process, but I sincerely doubt things will get anywhere near as far as you've suggested.
If that’s true, how is he the nominee?

Why wasn’t he impeached and banned from the party.

I posted a meme video that highlights the delusion of the trump hating. People cant see passed him to notice a fireman saving lives. Its satirical of todays landscape and you see it in the srp. Its a pisstake
Yeh that's my point, you're taking a mediocre satire of a self imposed victim narrative as a talking point. Is this real? has a firefighter ever been questioned in the line of duty
Because winning elections and holding seats is the most important thing in the world to politicians here and in the States, and the Republicans rightly believe Trump is their best chance.
<<<As far as I'm aware, there's only minority support for Trumps actions after the last election from within the Republican party. The vast majority of Republicans support democracy, and even Pence distanced himself from some of Trump's actions after the election loss.>>>

Then that statement rings hollow.

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<<<As far as I'm aware, there's only minority support for Trumps actions after the last election from within the Republican party. The vast majority of Republicans support democracy, and even Pence distanced himself from some of Trump's actions after the election loss.>>>

Then that statement rings hollow.
I agree completely with btdg on the last part of his recent post that Trump is surrounded by bad-faith sycophants who are leaching off him.

Whether Trump wants to go as far as some here suggests is one question, and whether those sycophants give him as much wiggle room on that leash this time is another.

I honestly expect more of the same thing we got during his first term if he wins, maybe a bit more restrained next time given the shock factor is gone from his arsenal. Of course, it could go the other way...but I see that as unlikely. Time will tell.
<<<As far as I'm aware, there's only minority support for Trumps actions after the last election from within the Republican party. The vast majority of Republicans support democracy, and even Pence distanced himself from some of Trump's actions after the election loss.>>>

Then that statement rings hollow.
yes the Republican calls for Trump to bow out or to vote against him are deafening. :p
The only ones who are are the ones who aren't up for election. They are the retired or retiring elder party people who the base vilify as soon as they utter a word.
Whatever is in the rest of the party's heart of hearts, particularly current office holders and donors, they have not turned away from supporting him. The reports seems to say some of the behind the scenes guys are coming back because he will be the nominee and all they care about is getting the power back. Having some beliefs that are deeply buried and not acted on mean nothing. The actions do, and if the they do come out and proclaim that they will not support nor vote for Trump, but will in fact vote for Biden so that Trump has not chance of winning then they have acted on their beliefs and in the spirit of patriotism. They could easily say they will vote R up and down the ticket except for POTUS. But they won't. Their flaccid, not agreeing with some of Trump's actions is not good enough, and not even a scuff mark on the Trump machine.
I agree completely with btdg on the last part of his recent post that Trump is surrounded by bad-faith sycophants who are leaching off him.

Whether Trump wants to go as far as some here suggests is one question, and whether those sycophants give him as much wiggle room on that leash this time is another.

I honestly expect more of the same thing we got during his first term if he wins, maybe a bit more restrained next time given the shock factor is gone from his arsenal. Of course, it could go the other way...but I see that as unlikely. Time will tell.
The real danger will be from that group. They are the ones who will feel unleashed to put their fantasies into operation. Stephen Miller was trying to do it in the first term. He'll have a woody just thinking what he could do if Trump gets up in Nov. Bannon arguably did the most damage in 2016 by appointing all those unsuitable a holes to the cabinet and other departments. "Deconstruction of the administrative state" is his whole thing. With Trump willing to bully anyone who crosses him or one his sycophants, any and all government related agencies will feel the pressure to do what the larger Trump admin wants. You can bet local GOPs will be pushing more of their voter suppression activities so that they will be almost impossible to vote out. They have already been trying to do it during a Dem admin. They already feel no compunction about passing laws to neuter an incoming Dem governor or trying to an impeach a judge they feel isn't in their tribe. Trump's 2nd term will enable it all.
And we know Trump will do whatever vindictive, petty meanness that glides across his mind, if he has the energy to get off the toilet.
While I'm sure he would like to change the rules to suit himself, I suggest the US democracy is a bit more robust than some here give it credit for.

There's a lot of exaggerated fear on this thread. I'd personally vote for Biden over Trump given opportunity, but the melts on social media would make a Trump win hilarious.

Well the systems only just held on in 2020.

The point of project 2025 is for a trump government to replace all those people who were the guard rails in 2020 with blind loyalists who will do literally anything he says, no matter how illegal.
I think most people lean left on alot of issues so it shows how mental/extreme the left have gone that there's that much divide tbh.

I think it’s more that both major parties (especially in the US) have become beholden to donors. In reality both the Dems and republicans are further to the right of what the general population want.
Perhaps there is some recency bias. I'm happy to be shown errors in my thoughts here.

As far as I'm aware, there's only minority support for Trumps actions after the last election from within the Republican party. The vast majority of Republicans support democracy, and even Pence distanced himself from some of Trump's actions after the election loss.

Where do you see weaknesses in their democracy? Sure you can point out bad actions under the Trump administration as well as Trump's desire to ignore elements of the democratic process, but I sincerely doubt things will get anywhere near as far as you've suggested.

Next VP will do whatever Trump says.

Also most elected republicans are either blind loyalists to Trump and/or shit scared of him and his base.
People being pushed into niche extremist views through social media algorithms hasn't helped. I rarely meet the extremities from either side in public, but they seem quite vocal about their views on social media.

It also gets people down weird culture war rabbit holes that are more a distraction to real issues (mainly corruption in politics and enrichment of the elites at the expense of everyone else).

Some People think left v right is just about trans issues or wokeness or some shit.
That's an extreme and concerning position, but you also need to take into account that The American Conservative has a circulation of just 5,000.
I think the real concern should be on if there's any credibile elections after 2024 should he win, not if he simply ran for a third term.

Though a Trump v Obama 2028 election would make for some interesting clown world shit. Imagine being told that in 2012.
It also gets people down weird culture war rabbit holes that are more a distraction to real issues (mainly corruption in politics and enrichment of the elites at the expense of everyone else).

Some People think left v right is just about trans issues or wokeness or some s**t.
Never have I seen such bullshit in the ferocity of this Trans talk. It's an issue that literally does not effect the majority of the people who care so deeply about it.

Would rather talk about decaying industrial relations, the impossibility of home ownership and more broadly the growing wealth inequality, the regulation and implementation of AI, oh yeah that global warming thing that's kind of like a sleeping crocodile were all ignoring in the living room while were watching TV... but no, it's very important that other people use the correct toilet, and women's sports that we all definitely watch and are invested in have integrity. That's what we really need to be focusing and voting on.

I ****ing hate how everything is just getting dumber. Trump calling people fat and Elon Musk telling advertisers to **** off while simultaniously missing yet another deadline on some piece of vaporware. That weird republican state of the union response. These things were funny 8 years ago. But not anymore.
While I'm sure he would like to change the rules to suit himself, I suggest the US democracy is a bit more robust than some here give it credit for.
It really isn't and I dont know how anyone could emerge from his last term not seeing this. The Mueller report basically concluded that a sitting president can't be indicted, and even if someone wanted to revisit that conclusion, the justice department can be ordered to drop it. And he could just pardon himself anyway. The president is by design above the law, beholden only to an impeachment process that would require bipartisan support for removal.

Convention and political pressure on those within various positions are the guard rails. Replace them with collaberators backed by a popular movement and you have your fascism. What process do you think is there to stop it?

There's some hard core normalcy bias going on here.
It really isn't and I dont know how anyone could emerge from his last term not seeing this. The Mueller report basically concluded that a sitting president can't be indicted, and even if someone wanted to revisit that conclusion, the justice department can be ordered to drop it. And he could just pardon himself anyway. The president is by design above the law, beholden only to an impeachment process that would require bipartisan support for removal.

Convention and political pressure on those within various positions are the guard rails. Replace them with collaberators backed by a popular movement and you have your fascism. What process do you think is there to stop it?

There's some hard core normalcy bias going on here.

Bingo, many are projecting their own normyness onto the current iteration of the GOP.

I once did myself, I thought that democracy was a given but it really isn’t. When you have a cult like leader who wants to destroy it and millions of followers willing to do whatever he says, you’re in big trouble.

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Politics Fascist takeover US 2025.

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