Society & Culture Favourite Idioms

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Staring into space like a dog having a shit.
Gay as a bag of butterflies/hatful of penises. (NTTAWWT)

Probably not an idiom but on an episode of American Dad, Stan looked at his wifes haircut and said "I don't think I could eat as much as I want to vomit right now".
I have recently brought this one back from the 80s. When my kids are not going to sleep, or messing about up stairs I'll yell out:

If I have to come up there I'll be crackin skulls.

Settles them right down. One day they will watch The Breakfast Club and know not to f*** with Mr Vernon.

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If it was raining vaginas I reckon I'd get hit with my wife's.
Few faves are:

Head like a rat catcher's mallet
Head like a blind cobbler's thumb
Head like a smacked arse

and my favourite, even though it really makes no sense, it just works:

Head like a beaten favourite.

Got a face like a hat full of arseholes and a face like a dropped pie.

When I saw Susan Boyle for the first time I just muttered "face like a dropped pie" and for everyone I was with it was like a light bulb moment. The perfect description of her.

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Society & Culture Favourite Idioms

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