Society & Culture Favourite Idioms

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So hungry I could eat a baby's bum through a cane chair.

So hungry I could eat a horse and chase the rider

Useless as a one legged man in an arse kicking contest.

So slow they couldn't run out of sight on a dark night

Couldn't organise a piss up in a brewery

Fell out of the ugly tree and hit every branch on the way down

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She/he looks like they went c#*t up in a tackle-box is a good one that I discovered recently :D

Thats a good one - I can just picture it.:D

A couple I use to describe my heavy night on the piss include:

"I was as blind as a welders dog" last night.


"I was as full as a state-school".

Ive a list somewhere...I'll post it if I can dig it up.


As flat as a ducks instep

As black as a dogs guts

More pricks than a second hand dart board

As full as a doctors wallet

As bold as brass

As cold as a witches tit

As cold as a mother-in laws kiss

More moves than a steam driven stopwatch

As sharp as a sugarbag full of wet spaghetti

About as subtle as a smack in the chops

Vanished like a fart in a fan factory

Lower than a snakes belly in a wheel rut.

As funny as a hat full of arseholes

Dry as a pommies towel

As thick as a brick

As happy as a pig in shit

As tight as a camels arse in a sandstorm

As confused as a blind lesbian in a fish market

As useful as a one-armed trapeze artist with an itchy arse

As nervous as a long tail cat in a room full of rocking chairs

Cold enough to freeze the balls of a brass monkey

Flat out like a lizard drinking

Dropped him like a sack of spuds

He had a head on him like a half-chewed mango

Jumpy as a cat on a hot tin roof

As flat as a shit carter's hat

As tight as a fishes arse

As sharp as a tack

Higher than Joe Cocker

As loose as a goose

As silly as a wheel

As full as a bull's bum

He's as sharp as a billiard ball

As silly as a cut snake

As mad as a meat axe

As dry as a dead dingo's donger

As busy as a one-armed paper hanger

Busier than a one armed bricklayer in Beirut

Hung like a mallee bull

As thick as two short planks

As thick as a brick

Slower than a wet week

Dumber than dog shit

As silly as a dog with two dicks

As dry as an arabs fart (loved the popcorn fart one though) hehehe

Busier than a one legged man in a bum kicking competition

As strong as an ox

Got a head on her like a robbers dog

Colder than a nuns nasty

Off like a brides nightie

As useful as an ashtray on a motor bike

As useful as a hip pocket in a singlet

As happy as Larry

Sticks out like the back wheels on a dog

As useless as a spare prick on a wedding night

As useless as a half opened pocket-knife

As shakey as a shithouse rat

Up and down like a whores drawers

Had more pricks than a pair of rental trousers

Had more pricks than a second hand dart board

As toey as a roman sandal

Seen better heads hanging over a piss trough

Got a head like a kicked in shit bin

Got a face like a dried up buffalo ****

As tough as boarding house steak

As crook as rookwood (A massive Sydney Cemetery)

As useful as a chocolate teapot

She could eat an apple through a tennis racquet

Got a head on her like a twisted sandshoe

As full as a fairies phonebook

Harder than the hobs of hell

As popular as dandruff

About as bright as a hurricane lantern

As busy as a one-armed pickpocket at a kangaroos' convention

As much use as an ashtray on a windsurfer

As flash as a rat with a gold tooth

Done up like a pox-doctor's clerk

More degrees than a thermometer

Older than methuselah

As popular as a pork chop in a synagogue

About as sharp as a bowling ball

As hard as a bulls head

As bright as a box of budgies

As blind as a welders dog
Whines like the wife on payday

As ugly as a mud fence

As poor as church mice

As awkward as a cow with a musket.
The farmer always drives when it's necessary to do so.


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Society & Culture Favourite Idioms

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