Social Fights you've been in

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i'm a lover not a fighter.... well i'm not even a lover, I don't know what I am, thanks for plunging me into more self doubt.

I have only been in one real fisty cuffs fight - but it wasn't all that good. Again, with a mate (former mate)

Back in the days... long story short, a not really close mate of mine had this on/off GF. They were in an off phase - for 6 months...apparently according to her it was perma off. She came onto me one night in a drunken stupor, i'm a late teenage boy, powerless to stop such things...

word filtered back to old mate, apparently he only 'dropped' her to teach her a lesson.. for 6 months, apparently he was ropeable.

Of course first thing I did was go around there to smooth things over, I hate uneasy tension. Course it ended well.

He came storming out calling me a dog and other such profanities

I tried to start an explanation, but it would be like trying to explain away the holocaust - some things are not doable.

We came together in standing wrestle mode, he was the angrier party on the attack swinging hay makers so I had to somehow curtail him, I grabbed him by the scruff with my arms over his, so he couldn't get a free punch, he was trying to break free but I was holding on for dear life - just as I thought I had the better of him I see a blinding crack - he headbutted me a beaut.. eyes watering, nose bleeding - we came apart and I hopped in the Cortina - scurried off like a.....

a few other mates caught wind of the scenario, they came over asking how it all panned out - they said "old mate said you were stronger than you look, he couldn't break free"

I was kind of chuffed that I came away with a few points on that...despite the nasal damage.

I didn't see him again for ten years - ran into him at an old rave party, I was off **** - he was working for the St John ambulance. Very stilted conversation ensued, needless to say he had the high ground. I offered a game of hacky sack, he declined. That's the last time we spoke.
I was about 3 mm away from being blinded in my left eye when I got in a fight about 10-12 years ago. A kid that hated me jumped me and poked a stick in that little place between the eyebrow and eye ball. Dragged it over the top too. For the entire next week and a half I was the most popular guy at school, then went back to the nerd nobody liked when I lost the eye patch

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I've only ever been in one fight.

It was outside a pub where a bloke was mouthing off to a mate who'd seen some trouble and was on a good behaviour bond. I told this bloke to **** off, he was being a w***er, he was achieving nothing and nobody appreciated it. Next minute he was in my face and started belting me.

Evasive skills must be inbuilt or he couldn't punch to save himself or something as I woke up without a mark on me. I can recall my first punch, I grabbed his shirt and pulled him into a left arm jab. The next thing I recall was speaking to a bouncer. The bouncer then said, shut up and walk that way. This bloke had walked around the corner of the pub carrying a brick. He looked a little worse for wear, torn shirt and I either cut him around the eye or gave him a blood nose as he was leaking a bit of claret. Needless to say I walked the direction the bouncer told me and I left the bouncer to deal with said bloke.

It actually scares me to think I can't remember what happened during the fight. Yes I was pissed but I can remember everything before and after the fight, a red rage consumed me during it and I have no idea what happened.

I'd far prefer to watch blokes fighting than being involved, and as I've grown older I'd prefer to not witness a fight either.
Would probably have been 20 years ago. Was at 'The Royal' in Essendon was watching my older brother and a smart mouthed mate (who worked there) of ours play pool against a couple of blokes they 'knew.' Sadly as the game went on the mate of ours began playing for sheep stations, talking shit and creating tension. As soon as the game ended with my bother and mate winning, smart mouthed mate went way over the top and basically gave shit to these guys right in their faces as they were all shaking hands. The next thing I knew one of the blokes was clocking my brother, whilst smart mouth mate snuck away.
I was sitting at the bar with some friends at the time and had to go over as it was two against one.

Before we knew it a couple of bouncers were involved, dragging people off one another. My older brother seemed shaken but otherwise ok. I had spent the whole time holding one guys arms to stop him from hitting us with a pool cue. I did not throw a punch.

When the dust settled my brother and I were able to stay in the pub and enjoy the rest of our night whilst the other two guys were kicked out.
Turns out our smart mouthed mate had gone straight to the bouncers, who he knew, when shit started and got them to throw the other blokes out despite it being completely his fault that the whole thing started.
No legit fights, but I did karate when i was 11.

I was sparring with the really good 15 year old who was brown belt and from pure luck i kicked him in the nuts and the sensei lol'd at him.
No legit fights, but I did karate when i was 11.

I was sparring with the really good 15 year old who was brown belt and from pure luck i kicked him in the nuts and the sensei lol'd at him.

I've done no karate per se but dad did get me to paint his fence and wash his car a lot

pretty sure that makes me an expert in jujitsu or something yeh?
I've done no karate per se but dad did get me to paint his fence and wash his car a lot

pretty sure that makes me an expert in jujitsu or something yeh?

I did it the opposite way. I did karate so i could paint fences.
No legit fights, but I did karate when i was 11.

I was sparring with the really good 15 year old who was brown belt and from pure luck i kicked him in the nuts and the sensei lol'd at him.
Coming from a guy that has been on the receiving end of this, although from someone who was around a similar level to me, it's the ****ing worst
No legit fights, but I did karate when i was 11.

I was sparring with the really good 15 year old who was brown belt and from pure luck i kicked him in the nuts and the sensei lol'd at him.
Are you an expert in Roshambo per chance? there a better scene.. as a kid?

Daniel on one leg..hopping.. the music has stopped.. its mano v bullyo.. up goes the crane - demolishes Johnny, right in his stupid face

youre alright larusso!

like he was begging for johnny lawrences approval all this time

(Log in to remove this ad.) there a better scene.. as a kid?

Daniel on one leg..hopping.. the music has stopped.. its mano v bullyo.. up goes the crane - demolishes Johnny, right in his stupid face

youre alright larusso!

like he was begging for johnny lawrences approval all this time
Daniel cheated with an illegal move.

He was the true villain

I couldn’t find a boxing thread so I’m putting this here.
If you grew up in the 80s in country Victoria you only had 2 tv stations but for some reason we got to see the biggest boxing matches. Lots of Larry Holmes world title fights, but my favourite to watch was always Marvelous Marvin Hagler.
There’s been some interesting articles about him after he passed away this week and this short doco shows what an amazing boxer he was.
I couldn’t find a boxing thread so I’m putting this here.
If you grew up in the 80s in country Victoria you only had 2 tv stations but for some reason we got to see the biggest boxing matches. Lots of Larry Holmes world title fights, but my favourite to watch was always Marvelous Marvin Hagler.
There’s been some interesting articles about him after he passed away this week and this short doco shows what an amazing boxer he was.


The man is comfortably the greatest middleweight the world has ever seen.
Funnest fight I had was at lunchtime on the footy oval at school; a guy took a dislike to me (rather suddenly because I thought we were friends), and he spent 15 minutes walking towards me throwing punches. I spent 14 1/2 minutes walking backwards laughing; he didn't land a single punch.

No way way would I ever get into a blue out in the real world.
Funnest fight I had was at lunchtime on the footy oval at school; a guy took a dislike to me (rather suddenly because I thought we were friends), and he spent 15 minutes walking towards me throwing punches. I spent 14 1/2 minutes walking backwards laughing; he didn't land a single punch.

No way way would I ever get into a blue out in the real world.
This slightly reminds me of an idiot I went to school with.

He was actually two years older than me. At some point when I was in Year 9 and he 11, I must have caught his eye and he decided on the spot that I was gay and needed to be mocked relentlessly. So every time our paths crossed he’d make the lisp sound really loudly at me and then do the (I don’t know how else to describe this) gay hand flop at me over and over.

Very weird as I’d never conversed with this bloke before he took a set against me. Homophobia at its finest too, which I’m afraid was a very prevalent thing where I went to school. That I was not gay was not even the point - that this knuckle dragger thought it was something to be mocked in this fashion was very pathetic.

Anyway, one day at the canteen our paths crossed and he started his usual lisping and hand flopping. I looked at him like he was a ****ing weirdo. That was how our interactions went generally. This time though, a mate of mine happened to be about five metres away and armed with a piece of very muddy chocolate cake. He also had what you’d call a rocket arm in cricketing terms.

He threw his piece of cake at this turkey and the cake splattered right on his cheek. Absolutely nailed him. I can still see the remains of the cake sliding down his face while he stood there stunned; the whole canteen was laughing at him. I thought there was going to be full fight then, but instead turkey walked out in disgrace. He left me alone after that.

School, eh?
I was sitting on a bar stool at the bar with a mate, in a moon boot coz I just destroyed my ankle. Some Pohm comes up behind my mate and starts hitting him in the back of the head coz he"d talked to the dude's girlfriend for 30 seconds.
So I jump up and grob the ahole and take him to the ground and my mate jumps on top uf the both of us, puts his arm round and twists the guys nose till it breaks. I heard it go crunch then snap.
I was in an Irish pub so it passed without notice...
Not me but someone I played footy and cricket with decided to have a crack at Molly Meldrum when he was DJing at Wild Bills. jmoo wan was probably working there when it happened. I don't know how it came about but I think Molly might have been giving him shit while he was DJing. It all kicked off with him squaring up with Molly at the end of the bar. He then grabbed him and pushed him, knocking him over. Security came from everywhere and he was banned for life from the hottest club in Cheltenham. It was piss funny to watch from the sidelines.
This slightly reminds me of an idiot I went to school with.

He was actually two years older than me. At some point when I was in Year 9 and he 11, I must have caught his eye and he decided on the spot that I was gay and needed to be mocked relentlessly. So every time our paths crossed he’d make the lisp sound really loudly at me and then do the (I don’t know how else to describe this) gay hand flop at me over and over.

Very weird as I’d never conversed with this bloke before he took a set against me. Homophobia at its finest too, which I’m afraid was a very prevalent thing where I went to school. That I was not gay was not even the point - that this knuckle dragger thought it was something to be mocked in this fashion was very pathetic.

Anyway, one day at the canteen our paths crossed and he started his usual lisping and hand flopping. I looked at him like he was a ******* weirdo. That was how our interactions went generally. This time though, a mate of mine happened to be about five metres away and armed with a piece of very muddy chocolate cake. He also had what you’d call a rocket arm in cricketing terms.

He threw his piece of cake at this turkey and the cake splattered right on his cheek. Absolutely nailed him. I can still see the remains of the cake sliding down his face while he stood there stunned; the whole canteen was laughing at him. I thought there was going to be full fight then, but instead turkey walked out in disgrace. He left me alone after that.

School, eh?
sounds pretty hot
Not me but someone I played footy and cricket with decided to have a crack at Molly Meldrum when he was DJing at Wild Bills. jmoo wan was probably working there when it happened. I don't know how it came about but I think Molly might have been giving him sh*t while he was DJing. It all kicked off with him squaring up with Molly at the end of the bar. He then grabbed him and pushed him, knocking him over. Security came from everywhere and he was banned for life from the hottest club in Cheltenham. It was piss funny to watch from the sidelines.
i can’t remember molly at Wild Bills but he lived at Heat and they were owned by the same people so he probably liked to slum it now and then

i saw the tag and assumed this would be about the 12 year old kick boxer that threw down at me at the MCG that time!

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