Movie Films You’d Like to See Made

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Mar 3, 2005
Tombstone, AZ
AFL Club
Western Bulldogs
A thread for historical events, people, novels or other ideas that you think have the potential to make a great film but (for whatever reason) have never been adapted.

For me, I have always wondered why nobody has made a modern blockbuster about the Battle of Jutland - one of history’s most epic, controversial and tactically-interesting naval battles. It has some great characters, and the three phases of engagement would fit the story beats of a film quite well.

Maybe it’s just too expensive.
Something on the Battle of Ramree Island - worth looking up - though it’s historical accuracy is often questioned.

Basically Japanese troops retreated into crocodile infested swamps and the British stayed up all night to their screams.

Some real horror potential there.

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A thread for historical events, people, novels or other ideas that you think have the potential to make a great film but (for whatever reason) have never been adapted.

For me, I have always wondered why nobody has made a modern blockbuster about the Battle of Jutland - one of history’s most epic, controversial and tactically-interesting naval battles. It has some great characters, and the three phases of engagement would fit the story beats of a film quite well.

Maybe it’s just too expensive.
Have there been many (any) well done Naval battle films? Master and Commander i guess?
Das Boot and The Cruel Sea are the first that spring to mind… but definitely not many
Das Boot good call, didn’t think of that but a great film.

Seems like it’s a very hard thing to set a film around, having them as a broader part of the battle seems doable but just naval seems real tough to sustain.
Expensive I think - most of the good naval films I can think of were filmed in the 50s, using actual WWII battleships as sets

Master & Commander was not a cheap movie to make and in general there are not a lot of period-accurate tall ship replicas available for making films set in the golden age of sail

Midway is the only recent blockbuster I can think of that focused on a naval battle - I’ve heard it is quite historically accurate but I haven’t seen it
If there's ever been a biopic about the Duke of Wellington, then I don't know about it.

Every single British film seems to be a period drama replete with ladies in bonnets, yet possibly one of the most influential people and one of the most famous events of the Georgian period (Battle of Waterloo) get overlooked.
A stagey King Ahab & Jezebel is something I've craved since my youth. In the backdrop style of those Technicolor 50s and 60s biblical films, with a Lion in Winter or Nicholas Ray kinda zest.
Expensive I think - most of the good naval films I can think of were filmed in the 50s, using actual WWII battleships as sets

Master & Commander was not a cheap movie to make and in general there are not a lot of period-accurate tall ship replicas available for making films set in the golden age of sail

Midway is the only recent blockbuster I can think of that focused on a naval battle - I’ve heard it is quite historically accurate but I haven’t seen it
Midway was entertaining but not good. I have no idea how historically accurate it was and it did have a b movie cast.

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Expensive I think - most of the good naval films I can think of were filmed in the 50s, using actual WWII battleships as sets

Master & Commander was not a cheap movie to make and in general there are not a lot of period-accurate tall ship replicas available for making films set in the golden age of sail

Midway is the only recent blockbuster I can think of that focused on a naval battle - I’ve heard it is quite historically accurate but I haven’t seen it
Midway was entertaining enough but too Hollywood for my liking, prefer grittier war films.

Greyhound (Tom Hanks) wasn’t bad, he captains a destroyer as part of an escort for a convoy going across the North Atlantic trying to avoid uboat attacks.

Also towards the end of WW1 the Germans desperately tried to break through the British fleet’s huge naval blockade. Not sure if there’s a movie in it but there was hundreds of ships involved in the battle on both sides, was carnage. The Germans I think sank more
vessels but couldn’t get thru.

There’s so much focus on the Somme and Gallipoli but there’s so many other stories in WW1 that would make good movies that aren’t as depressing. The Aussies in particular did awesome stuff in Europe but pretty much all we ever focus on is Gallipoli.
The first Jedi (not by Disney+)
There is a victimised/oppressed civilisation somewhere in the galaxy who's beliefs revolve around "the force" being real even though no force wielders exist yet, but they prophesize that a force wielder will come to them and save them from their oppressors. An outsider (a young downtrodden slave perhaps) joins them not knowing that he (or she I suppose) is this force wielder and becomes their saviour.

Probably should be called 'The first Force Wielder' but that's not very catchy.
Something like The Expendables, with all the action stars, but the story that the current action stars betray their government and are the bad guys, and the government has to call in Arnold, Stallone, JCVD etc to kick arse and save the day again.
Should call it the Film Actors Guild.
Not so much undone, but I want to see more portal movies separating just two worlds. Like Counterpart.

We have two contrasting worlds separated at some point which parallel with someones mental state of mind. I did find Counterpart way too predictable as it was obvious pretty much every step of the way.

Also more "What if" movies, or tv series like For all Mankind

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