This board is a bit dead so I'm going to post articles that interest me every now and again to see if we can get some discussion going. Even if we don't, I'm going to keep posting until something gains traction.
So, obviously the big news today was the float of Medibank. Turns out this is the 3rd largest float in the world for 2014 netting the government $5.7 billion.
Retail investors were able to get shares at $2 (PE of about 21!), they opened at $2.22 and closed at $2.14. Institutions got the shares at $2.15.
All Ords ended at 5321
Here's a generic wrap up of the markets today:
I'm hopeful things will get more specific down the line but for now - did anyone buy any Medibank shares? Are you going to flip them quickly or hold long term?
Please feel free to discuss or contribute.
EDIT: Actually, help a brother out by contributing.
So, obviously the big news today was the float of Medibank. Turns out this is the 3rd largest float in the world for 2014 netting the government $5.7 billion.
Retail investors were able to get shares at $2 (PE of about 21!), they opened at $2.22 and closed at $2.14. Institutions got the shares at $2.15.
All Ords ended at 5321
Here's a generic wrap up of the markets today:
I'm hopeful things will get more specific down the line but for now - did anyone buy any Medibank shares? Are you going to flip them quickly or hold long term?
Please feel free to discuss or contribute.
EDIT: Actually, help a brother out by contributing.