Opinion Geo-Politics Location Location Location

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Still don’t get it

Same MEB.

This is all I have got ...

Turkey is - for obvious reasons - the most fascinating nation from a geo-political stand point in my opinion (and has been for millennia). Straddles both Europe and Asia (as does its capital, Istanbul). Is a part of the larger group of middle eastern countries, and also borders the Caucasus to it's north east. It's also a major partner in NATO and one the US and Europe love to have as said partner to buffer Russian influence.

The Bosporus and Dardanelles are - as always - incredibly crucial shipping lanes. Since the Russian annexation of Crimea, these have become significantly more important, as Russia has always craved that eastern warm water port, which they now have. But they have to negotiate both channels with the explicit consent of the Turkish government if they actually want to project their naval power in the Mediterranean.

Then, the south west of the country we have Syria, Iraq and Iran. That's all I say on that matter.

Only a few years ago it seemed as though Turkey was moving west and "Europeanising", however with the rise in conservative sentiment across the globe in recent times, and Erdogan taking advantage of this, he has strongly pivoted and moved the country back to it's more traditional Islamic roots. He's also, worryingly, an aspiring dictator. Though at this stage is appears that the original Turkish constitution has enough checks and balances in place to keep him in his lane. Time will tell

Current politics aside, it is a fascinating country. Having been the beating heart of the Roman empire for well over a thousand years, then the might of the Ottoman empire after that. But before that, WAY before that, a large swathe of it was the cradle of civilization. If you've not yet heard of it, I strongly urge you to check out Göbekli Tepe. Easily the most fascinating archaeological site on the planet. Who the hell created it? How were people so advanced so long ago? What happened to them?

Planning a big trip to Turkey in 2022 and can't wait.

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I know its a crazy concept, why should anyone be able to stop me from getting on a plane and moving to any country on Earth i so choose, and who are we to stop anyone else? Borders are a made up boundary to assert control.

The Lost City of Atlantis is the place on Earth I would mistake to visit :)
this thread is a slow burn........that's ok.........

Be braver and put it in the politics thread 60 . On topic . I don’t beholden to any country and my mum said this. I’m part where I grew up but love where I ended up. The Carlton Jumper is like a national flag to me .

On iPhone using BigFooty.com mobile app
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I tried.

It seems Geo-Politics is not flavour of the month. When you consider the shit that’s going down around the world I’m surprised.

I’ll have a go based on the program I recommended and what I read.

Australia’s idea that we can take China’s money but crap on every thing else that they do reminds me of a featherweight fighting a heavyweight.

Our continued silence in relation to the US when it is such a horrible example to the rest of the world. Mind boggling.

And the murder of Khashoggi and then mutilation of his body. Nothing from the world other than a tut,tut. And Australia complicit in its silence. Why? Don’t want to upset the Saudis. Might effect too much strategic trade between Saudi Arabia and the rest of the world.

And a clip for the PRC. I don’t disagree with the concept that Australia has a problem with racism. However FFS! How do you categorise what you do to ethnic minorities in your own country.

Plenty more worthy of discussion.

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