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He just said, "In play"

He didn't specifiy. He said when he knew more he'd get back to me.

He was on the money with Bailey Smith stuff so his track record is pretty good.

I don't post stuff here claiming to know mate just has close ties to the club and when we have a phone chat or text chat he'll flick me some juicy stuff he knows or has heard

Whereas people here who post on good authority, I usually just sit back and wait and see what happens as i don't want people to think i myself have the answers. I just have a good friend who has an inside link.

I don't pretend that i personally am someone super close or run with stuff that isn't true. I'm just passing on what he's told me.

He doesn't give me anymore than he wants to or is allowed to divulge.

Plenty of ITK's that post here who would have better knowledge on this stuff than I do.

My mate just usually flicks me word when he hears/knows stuff that's going on.
