Greg Broughton

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Mar 18, 2011
AFL Club
Gold Coast
Other Teams
New England Patriots

Age: 26
Height: 185
Weight: 87kg.
Games: 68.

Averages per game

2012 (15 games): 18 disposals, 4 marks, 5 tackles. 0.4 goals 0.2 behinds. Played out of position. Injured in back half of season.

2011 (21 games): 21.9 disposals, 4 marks, 4 tackles. 0.2 goals 0.2 behinds.

2010 (17 games): 24.3 disposals, 5 marks, 3.4 tackles.

2009 (15 games): 22.9 disposals, 6.3 marks, 3.1 tackles.


Round 3 v Brisbane. 23 touches, 7 marks, 7 tackles, 5 I50s.
Round 7 v Port. 22 touches, 3 marks, 11 tackles, 2 I50s.
Round 8 v Hawks. 28 touches, 8 marks, 3 tackles, 4 I50s.
Round 10 v Crows. 24 touches, 7 marks, 2 tackles, 2 GAs, 5 I50s.

90% of his 2011 numbers were bordering on elite level. I'll just pick out the best 5.
Round 10 v St.K. 27 touches, 5 marks, 5 tackles, kicked 2.1.
Round 11 v St.K. 29 touches, 7 marks, 5 tackles, 2 GAs, 11 I50s.
Round 14 v Brisbane. 32 touches, 7 marks, 7 tackles, 4 I50s, kicked 2.1. 3 brownlow votes.
Round 15 v Suns. 32 touches, 7 marks, 11 tackles, 3 I50s, kicked 0.1.
Round 17 v Swans. 31 touches, 6 marks, 5 tackles, 5 I50s.

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SUNS land Broughton.

GC SUNS General Manager - Football Operations, Marcus Ashcroft said the deal was a great result for the GC SUNS, and Broughton would add valuable experience and versatility to the team.

Securing another experienced player like Greg, and maintaining our position with a selection within the first round of the National Draft is an excellent result for the club.

"We have been active in our pursuit to further strengthen our list, Greg now joins Tom Murphy in adding valuable experience to our list," Ashcroft said.
Whirlwind 48 hours for Broughton.
"I am very excited that the GC SUNS have given me an opportunity," said Broughton.

It all happened really quickly; I heard on Wednesday morning that the GC SUNS were interested, and by the afternoon I was signing the transfer forms.

“It is an exciting young group, and I am just looking forward to coming over and joining the GC SUNS.”


“I haven't done altitude training as yet, but I know it helps with your recovery, but I am sure the club will inform me what it is all about,” he said.

I am looking forward to being able to meet and bond with the playing group over there, and the challenges the camp will present.

Broughton has made a name for himself in defence and it’s a role he likely to continue playing for the Gold Coast SUNS after an initial chat with coach Guy McKenna, something Broughton is quite comfortable with.
You guys gotta be happy with getting Broughton.........really good player in defence and midfield still cant believe we traded him

i hope he has a massive year and makes this trade look silly


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