Opinion Help save Levi's Doughnuts

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Aug 17, 2009
AFL Club
West Coast
Hi all,

I have been an on again off again reader of big footy for a few years and rarely have anything constructive to add - BUT I do today. Before you read on and crucify me for being a WCE supporter I believe what I have to say goes beyond club loyalties so please hear me out.

If any of you sit at the city end of Paterson's Stadium you would be aware of a distinct absence of that sweet alluring smell and taste of Levi's Doughnuts this year. If you have visited the Fremantle Markets or been at the games for the past 5 years you may have also tasted possibly the best tasting doughnuts ever locally produced.

Now before you ask, I am just a WCE member who loves his team and has had a tradition at every home game (for about 5 years) of devouring a 3/4 time traditional doughnut from Levi's stand. We could just say I am a regular customer.

When Levi didn't turn up at the first home game I got in contact with Levi to ask him what the story was...and this is the shortened version.

Essentially Levi was told 10 days prior to the season starting that his stand was none compliant (like many other stands still operating) and that feedback suggested the crowds wanted more coffee stands so they didn't have to wait. There is a little more to it but that is the crux of it. In his place you will notice some coffee and churro stands which are just a frozen American product reheated. Levi built his business from locally sourced produce and local knowledge as a chef of 10 years to produce what I and I know many others believe are the best and only doughnuts of its kind made right here in WA.

I have taken up the fight to support a local business who is being pushed out for just another mass produced far inferior imported product.

In order to convince the new catering company, who will be taking over from Spotless, that Levi's Doughnuts are worth inviting back for 2015, we need your support.

So first step is to "like" Levi's Doughnuts on facebook so further info like an online petition, twitter account and correspondence can be sent to his many loyal WCE and Fremantle customers, to keep them updated. We have until July 2014 to convince the suits that this business has a regular, strong customer base...please get on board and share it with everyone you know.

Sorry for the long first post.

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I want an Albhi's Vanilla Slice stand

This post can't be liked enough.

Tell me more...haven't heard of them!

The best vanilla slice you will ever eat. It's more of a French vanilla cream rather than that gelatinous crap you get in a normal vanilla slice. The top is also edible as it isn't an inch thick of sugar.

Abhi's is a bakery in Freo.
Albs Vanilla slice and coffee is the best pick me up and get me going start of a late morning ever .
Mate the doughnuts would struggle to get within a country mile and we have done our research throughout the state .
Harry stated us on the pursuit of food happiness and it was right there in the Freo Markets all the time .
You seriously haven't lived if you haven't had one .
But A WARNING should be issued to you now once bitten You will have to finish it and sharing is out of the question
BUY YOU BLOODY OWN this ones MINE SO PISS OFF , is quite common the response heard from their clients when they are asked whats it like
Albs Vanilla slice and coffee is the best pick me up and get me going start of a late morning ever .
Mate the doughnuts would struggle to get within a country mile and we have done our research throughout the state .
Harry stated us on the pursuit of food happiness and it was right there in the Freo Markets all the time .
You seriously haven't lived if you haven't had one .
But A WARNING should be issued to you now once bitten You will have to finish it and sharing is out of the question
BUY YOU BLOODY OWN this ones MINE SO PISS OFF , is quite common the response heard from their clients when they are asked whats it like

Ha ha Classic

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Gees there is a bit of a variation in the spelling on this thread. Its Abhis.
the original shop is on south terrace down toward the Seaview, they have an outlet at Freo Markets too.
I always get a spinach and cheese sausage roll and an almond croissant. To die for. But the Vanilla Slice is the preferred pastry of the majority of training watchers and many have been consumed in or on the way to the Salim Malik Stand.
This guy is obviously Levi or has something to do with that stall.

Sorry to hear about the way you were treated, never tried anything from your stall but maybe you need to make it a coffee and donuts stall.
I cant see a donut stand being too popular.

I know when I go to games the last thing I would ever think of buying is a donut.
Yes I enjoy the odd donut once in a while but at a game I want something more substantial and a drink.

Don't normally buy coffee at games but if I was a coffee buyer at games and saw some tasty donuts also for sale I would grab a coffee and donut.

Time to move with the times.
Space is at a premium either evolve or get forced out.

Goodluck but I don't like your chances.
I was regular at the Doughnut stall. Wondering why he had disappeared. I'll give him a like for two reasons 1. I liked his Doughnuts 2. He was a variation from the shit served up at the general concession.
Yeah but nah..... prefer coffee and waiting 20mins sucks. Sorry bro

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I guess it is more about supporting and giving Levi a fair go rather than saying you don't like doughnuts so you wouldn't support it...how many coffee stands are there around the ground? We are talking about 1 area for 1 small business...give him a fair go.
This guy is obviously Levi or has something to do with that stall.

Sorry to hear about the way you were treated, never tried anything from your stall but maybe you need to make it a coffee and donuts stall.
I cant see a donut stand being too popular.

I know when I go to games the last thing I would ever think of buying is a donut.
Yes I enjoy the odd donut once in a while but at a game I want something more substantial and a drink.

Don't normally buy coffee at games but if I was a coffee buyer at games and saw some tasty donuts also for sale I would grab a coffee and donut.

Time to move with the times.
Space is at a premium either evolve or get forced out.

Goodluck but I don't like your chances.

No, I am not Levi or do I have any vested interest in his business...just a regular customer who felt for Levi for the way he was treated. Yes I have met him since and spoken to the Football Commission and Manager of Patterson's Stadium so I am reasonable well informed. I happen to be a small business owner myself and can empathise for Levi given how hard it is to build a business and put literally your house on the line to try and make a go of things...only to be shut down because of some dubious management and poor communication (and maybe a little political muscle)...where would we be without small businesses...undoubtedly a coffee and a doughnut from the same stand is appealing for some but he was never given that feedback...the issue has less to do with the product or service because he was a very busy stand and often sold out by 3/4 time...its more to do with being forced out due to poor management and miscommunication in order to put in a franchise type store in...think independent café vs a chain takeaway.
My family have loved levis doughnuts. Mum only goes for his doughnuts when she found he was no longer there.she had a big dummy spit and only went to 4 games last year. Paying $11.50 for 3 stringy churrios and a coffee was too much. I will support your efforts as they the best of their kind in not only in aus but the world.
Don't judge till you try them.
My family have loved levis doughnuts. Mum only goes for his doughnuts when she found he was no longer there.she had a big dummy spit and only went to 4 games last year. Paying $11.50 for 3 stringy churrios and a coffee was too much. I will support your efforts as they the best of their kind in not only in aus but the world.
Don't judge till you try them.

That is great that joined BF to write this post.

So, what are your thoughts on a timeframe for any of the new guys cracking the 22?

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Opinion Help save Levi's Doughnuts

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