News AFL Tribunal appeals board upholds Houston's 5 Week Suspension

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Be amusing if Houston dobbed Hinkley in at the tribunal

Clearly there was a message to target Rankine

Course there was, not sure why you think that's a secret.
Teams do it all the time and plan for it.
It's worked well in the past with us and gawn.
Butters has been targeted as he's known to fire back etc.
Happens every week by every club
Course there was, not sure why you think that's a secret.
Teams do it all the time and plan for it.
It's worked well in the past with us and gawn.
Butters has been targeted as he's known to fire back etc.
Happens every week by every club
Yes but if Houston is leaving he may spill the beans to lay blame elsewhere

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They clearly were targeting Rankine - makes it hard to argue the contact was careless rather than intentional. Dixon also got reported for striking Rankine earlier in the game. Footage here shows Boak/Butters/Horne F all getting stuck into Rankine.
From TheRoar /First Crack
Except the MRO graded it as careless, so unless Houston wants to argue for a longer sentence, it doesn't matter
Be amusing if Houston dobbed Hinkley in at the tribunal

Clearly there was a message to target Rankine

Really? It's not like he was having that much of an impact up until that point.
Surely he plays the Tom Stewart / Charlie Cameron good guy card.
Racist actions have been committed by both supporters yet you only seem to care when it's Port and NOT your own mob... go figure

Yeah because the coward got their membership removed after that match not to mention this happened 7 years ago now and your Rioli treatment happened only last weekend. But it's not a Port fan so obviously you refuse to acknowledge. Because your supporters are just SO perfect and likeable aren't they :tearsofjoy::tearsofjoy::tearsofjoy:
In that Exact game game you guys dished out horrible messages to Paddy Ryder... which you once again refuse to admit to
You've already got the bigger track record of racism in total incidents so keep crying.
This thread is supposed to be about the Houston hit anyway, but as we can see we win ONE showdown and you crybabies lose all your self restraint and composure lmao
Oh okay then.

As you point out, the thread is about Houston yet you were the one that raised the racist comment first on here which I responded to.

The racist BS that is sprouted by both sets of supporters (and other clubs supporters as well) is abhorrent. I think we can all agree on that.

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No, I think youre missing the point.
No one is suggesting Dan wont get weeks, for the very reasons you put forward.
The dispute is over intent and the mechanics of the concussion.
It was a poorly executed in play bump by an otherwise fair player that didnt necessarily hit him high, he will get weeks but doesnt deserve the 6 some lunatics are calling for.

In terms of intent, obviously Houston did not mean to KO Rankine. However, he did intend to bump.

The point being that a bump at speed is always fraught with danger because of all of the variables that can go wrong, whereas a tackle less so. Houston had the option to tackle and intentionally chose a bump instead, he intentionally chose the dangerous option.

I don’t think six weeks is excessive. As has been mentioned, Rankine received four (correctly), Webster got seven. Rankine’s was from a standing start essentially, and I think you can see that efforts were made to get low to avoid head contact. Houston hits Rankine at pace and doesn’t try and get low at all, therefore it’s worse IMO. Webster’s is worse than Houston’s because he leaves the ground, almost deliberately getting Simpkin in the head.

I think this sits between those two incidents which suggests 5-6 is the correct number. However we all know consistency isn’t the tribunal’s strong point.

Then ban it altogether.

As I said before and Andrew Jarman mentioned yesterday on his radio segment, players dont execute it well enough, nor do they protect themselves well enough anymore because it is seldom used, but because it can be used, we occassionally see bad outcomes.

Lets be honest, they profess to care, but wont protect players by outlawing it altogether in case they upset the 'fabric of the game' crew.

I agree that the AFL needs to be upfront and just say, you can’t do what Houston did, even if you don’t knock someone out. It’s just far too risky.

However I don’t know how you would put it in the rules as there is still times where a hip and shoulder is safe and legitimate.

For example, if you’re in a marking contest, you’re shoulder to shoulder and you bump someone in order to mark the ball there is minimal risk there and it’s a legitimate attempt to mark the ball. We see that multiple times a game and I don’t think that needs to be outlawed.

There is a rule about “rough conduct”. If the AFL’s interpretations included that any hip and shoulder when there is the option to win the ball or tackle is rough conduct than I think that would suffice.
A few people saying it was a fair hit shirt fronts have NEVER been legal. They just never bothered penalising it. Big difference

If the AFL say it is legal for you to bump in this sport and from what I know it is not illegal to bump in the sport then surely at some point a player can argue that you the people that administer the game allow this to take place and therefor I am not responsible.

You say Shirt fronts were never legal but that is not correct, you could shirtfront an opponent but you would be penalised if you got them high, the outcome in the past was never penalised. But shirtfronts were not illegal.

Make no mistake I don't want to see players hurt so I am not advocating it, but I am sick to death of the AFL saying you can't do things because of outcome but we won't make it illegal for you to do it as we don't want to be seen to be hurting the fabric of the game. In other words it's legal to do it but if someone gets hurt them it's on you.

The AFL need to do better. The other problem now is players are not expecting contact anymore, why?

The send off rule is required in the game, it's at most other levels of the sport and it needs to be at the highest level.

I am not a fan of outcome based suspensions, two players do the exact same bump and one gets suspended and the other gets nothing.

The AFL needs to get some black and white rules. These sub rules have made the game a nightmare for all in sundry.
A few people saying it was a fair hit shirt fronts have NEVER been legal. They just never bothered penalising it. Big difference

I don’t think that’s right is it? Shirtfront is bumping with your hip and shoulder. As long as no contact is made to the head either by the bump or the head hitting the ground, and as long as the ball is in the area it’s not illegal.
They clearly were targeting Rankine - makes it hard to argue the contact was careless rather than intentional. Dixon also got reported for striking Rankine earlier in the game. Footage here shows Boak/Butters/Horne F all getting stuck into Rankine.
From TheRoar /First Crack

Yer don't know why you'd deny it. Smart by port to put time and effort into the opposition best players. We have to Neale, gawn etc. happens every week by every club.
It's what happens in every final.

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News AFL Tribunal appeals board upholds Houston's 5 Week Suspension

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