Mod. Notice If you are having issues with alerts & emails ...

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Nov 23, 2015
AFL Club
We are trying to track down the issues with alerts and emails being sent when there is no reason - the user has not subbed to the thread or followed the user but they are still getting messages about their activity.

The best thing to try first up is to find the forum, thread, or user and Watch or Follow them with all options switched OFF.

Then Unwatch or Unfollow.

If this works, please let us know below. If it doesn't work, please let us know.

The source of this issue is not known at this time. We suspect it is in an addon but it is not the type of issue we can recreate reliably to narrow things down.
... then follow the advice above; & report success or failure in the thread quoted above.

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Mod. Notice If you are having issues with alerts & emails ...

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