Opinion INTERNATIONAL Politics: Adelaide Board Discussion Part 5

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Run out of excuses for you man old Joe I see....Everyone can see it, if the Dems don't make him stand down they are ****ed..

You know what .. I'll explain to you again like you're 5

I'm not necessarily a democrat, or a Biden fan boi.

I just look at what the 2 have to offer and cannot understand for the life of me why anyone thinks that trump is a good choice .. and not just the US, most of the rest of the western world as well
You know what .. I'll explain to you again like you're 5

I'm not necessarily a democrat, or a Biden fan boi.

I just look at what the 2 have to offer and cannot understand for the life of me why anyone thinks that trump is a good choice .. and not just the US, most of the rest of the western world as well

And I'll explain it to you AGAIN!
Trump is a sh1t candidate, Biden is a shit candidate, the Democrats and Republican party's are shit parties thinking they can foist 2 useless shit candidates for President, it's a choice of what shit sandwich the voters chow down on. Neither should be within a million miles of the Presidency and it shows how stuffed the American Political System really is. Trump bad, Biden bad.
And I'll explain it to you AGAIN!
Trump is a sh1t candidate, Biden is a shit candidate, the Democrats and Republican party's are shit parties thinking they can foist 2 useless shit candidates for President, it's a choice of what shit sandwich the voters chow down on. Neither should be within a million miles of the Presidency and it shows how stuffed the American Political System really is. Trump bad, Biden bad.
Biden bad .. trump is dead set f*cking appalling cluster f*ck

You know for every shitty Biden tweet about the debate you post, there is an equally bad and nearly identical tweet from the debate about trump

We could literally start duel posting them for hours
Biden bad .. trump is dead set f*cking appalling cluster f*ck

You know for every shitty Biden tweet about the debate you post, there is an equally bad and nearly identical tweet from the debate about trump

We could literally start duel posting them for hours
And for the numerous times you've defended Biden how's that looking?

Here ya go, you'd go a long, long way to find anyone as left biased as Phillip Adams...

Did you watch the fact check video from after the debate? Trump over thirty lies. Do you admire a pathological liar. He also failed to answer most of the questions.
I don't admire either shit candidate doofus, neither should be anywhere near the keys to the Whitehouse...If the Democrats haven't got the good sense to get rid of Biden they deserve to lose...The biggest losers are the American people who will be forced to choose between to absolute horrendous shit candidates if the demented old geriatric isn;t shown the exit door.

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And I'll explain it to you AGAIN!
Trump is a sh1t candidate, Biden is a shit candidate, the Democrats and Republican party's are shit parties thinking they can foist 2 useless shit candidates for President, it's a choice of what shit sandwich the voters chow down on. Neither should be within a million miles of the Presidency and it shows how stuffed the American Political System really is. Trump bad, Biden bad.
Talk after the debate that Democrats may look to change their candidate, which would be the best possible outcome.
Biden bad .. trump is dead set f*cking appalling cluster f*ck

You know for every shitty Biden tweet about the debate you post, there is an equally bad and nearly identical tweet from the debate about trump

We could literally start duel posting them for hours
Unlike you I'm not in denial, they're both absolute horrendous shitfull candidates, it's you that's looking stupid with your continued defense of Biden for the last 2 years.
I don't admire either shit candidate doofus, neither should be anywhere near the keys to the Whitehouse...If the Democrats haven't got the good sense to get rid of Biden they deserve to lose...The biggest losers are the American people who will be forced to choose between to absolute horrendous shit candidates if the demented old geriatric isn;t shown the exit door.
But, which is worse?
The older candidate with good people around him, or the slightly younger criminal candidate surrounded by Nazis, Christian Nationalists, QAnon believers and Confederates?
I look forward to your thoughtful reply.
It was th

Why are YOU so keen for him to drop out?🤔

Maybe, just maybe the American voters will then have the opportunity to vote for a half decent candidate though there's no guarantee if it's Kamala Harris, she's almost as bad as Biden.
But, which is worse?
The older candidate with good people around him, or the slightly younger criminal candidate surrounded by Nazis, Christian Nationalists, QAnon believers and Confederates?
I look forward to your thoughtful reply.
People are voting for Trump or Biden if nothing changes no matter how you try to muddy the waters.

You really are deranged, that's not even debateable.
Talk after the debate that Democrats may look to change their candidate, which would be the best possible outcome.
No argument from me because the Dems ain't winning with Biden no matter how bad the megalomaniac Trump may be.
Talk after the debate that Democrats may look to change their candidate, which would be the best possible outcome.

Kamela Harris would be just as terrible as a candidate.

I've heard her speak before and she's god awful and has no hope of beating Trump.

Gavin Newsom is about the only one on the radar for the Dems that even sounds semi decent, but the horse has bolted for him this election.
Was on a highway with the debate playing in the background, when trump went on about aceing two coginitive tests and winning two golf club championships - not senior ones, i lost it. Funniest 2 minutes he's ever had in a debate.

On a serious note let biden enjoy his last days at home, he's 1-2 years from full blown dimentia.
Let’s cut to the chase: President Joe Biden is not going to end his 2024 campaign over a single poor debate performance, any more than Donald Trump did in 2020 after a first-in-the-cycle debate performance that voters conclusively told pollsters was worsethan the one yesterday by this sitting president.

President Biden will stay in the race not simply because he’s already the nominee; not simply because there’s no mechanism to force him to exit; not simply because major media’s and politicos’ hyperventilating response to his debate performance yesterday—about 40% of voters appear to think he won the debate, and only 5% said it changed their vote (a sentiment unlikely to survive beyond a day in any case)—fails to take into account that the president had a cold, is a lifelong stutterer, performed much better as the debate went along, told a fraction of the number of lies his rival did, and saw his intermittent “old man” optics repeatedly belied by his conspicuous command of facts, policy, and history (check the transcript of the debate if you doubt this); no, Joe Biden will not step away from the 2024 election cycle because it would hand the presidency, beyond any doubt, to a confirmed rapist, serial sexual assailant, active insurrectionist, convicted felon, pathological liar, malignant narcissistic sociopath, gleeful adulterer, career criminal, unrepentant con man, traitorous would-be U.S. dictator, misogynist, antisemite, racist, homophobe, transphobe, Islamophobe, and budding war criminal

This election is simply not about Joe Biden. When will people understand this? This election is about two things: how the country is doing and the fact that Donald Trump is a monster. The latter fact isn’t going to change—in fact, Trump’s monstrousness is only becoming more clear with each passing day—and the former is incontrovertible: the country could be doing better, but it’s doing fine, and much of that is attributable to the good work of the Biden administration. Is President Biden the leader of that administration? Yes. Which means whatever he is or is not doing behind the scenes is apparently enough to effect a result nonpartisan historians say is a Top 20 presidential administration in U.S. history. All this need not be made more complicated than it is.


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Opinion INTERNATIONAL Politics: Adelaide Board Discussion Part 5

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