Gym & Misc Irritating people/things that annoy you in the gym II

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Re: Irritating people/things that annoy you in the gym

Joined a 24/7 gym, train at 3am (fits uni schedule quite well), no one in sight.

feelsgoodman :D

I'm a member of a Jetts 24 hour.

I find 9:30 am works quite well. Got some stay at home mothers on the cardio machines but the rest of the gym is pretty much yours.

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Re: Irritating people/things that annoy you in the gym

How alert at 3am? I'm tempted to join a 24-hour gym so I can go when it's not packed, not sure I'd get the best out of myself at 3am though!

7 am lectures 4 days a week = You get used to it :D
Re: Irritating people/things that annoy you in the gym

Ouch, I was never at uni before 10am unless I had an assignment due that day!
Re: Irritating people/things that annoy you in the gym

Ouch, I was never at uni before 10am unless I had an assignment due that day!

This. My earliest start time this semester is 11.30am. Still cant really be bothered going to the gym before, so its normally an afternoon sesh.
Re: Irritating people/things that annoy you in the gym

When u get 2 the gym @ 4 and there is a guy there already using the squat rack

at least he squattin
Re: Irritating people/things that annoy you in the gym

^ There's a guy at my gym who only ever works biceps and chest - ever.
Never does a warm up either. Hope he doesn't catch me smirking at him, although I'm normally too stuffed to do much else.

I don't understand this whole biceps thing. I never work out biceps, you're gonna grow doing chinups, bench, bent over rows (palms out) I have two guys at work, one does nothign but biceps, has massive arms but nothing else. Another guy does negative reps on the preacher. WTFP? You don't do bicep work to get stronger, you do it to get bigger. Less weight more reps. Its the same with trap work. I never do strength training workouts with traps. I usually do sets to failure. Biceps are for size and size only.
Re: Irritating people/things that annoy you in the gym

I started my time at the gym in the surburbs and pretty much saw nothing but uninteresting people doing ordinary workouts, the occasional juice head or cop/juice head working out that stuck out.

I moved back into the city and joined a "judgement free" gym, and it's littered with ******s who sit on machines checking their mobile phones, gaggles of latin and brazillian guys sharing 1 machine and doing almost no work.

But the icing on the cake is some dumbass white boy who literally conducts himself in the warmup area or any machine he's on as if he's got a camera in front of him and their shooting him in the latest Jay Z/Kanye West video. Lots of hat checking on the brim, touching his shirt, finger and hand wagging and mouthing rap lyrics....then he's lifting 70lbs on the hammer press. Dude is smaller then a bean pole and spends all his time looking at himself rapping in the mirror.

I just want to smash him in the face with a shovel.

So ya.....all across the world there are dummys doing dumb things at the gym. God bless the spanish girls in spandex doing squats w/ 5 kilo weights on the bar.
Re: Irritating people/things that annoy you in the gym

People who do forearm exercises - most arm exercises require flexion and extension of the forearm muscles anyway - there is no need to isolate them.

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Re: Irritating people/things that annoy you in the gym

Going to the gym in about an hour not looking forward to the jerks that inhabit between 4-6. Wearing everlast, gloves, toe shoes, bike pants?!?! and this is AN ARMY GYM.

they sound like a bunch of normal guys in their gym attire just trying to train

and you sound mad
Fat ******* who only does arms at the gym at 4am leaving weights everywhere and leaves like it is acceptable behavior...then and Group of 5-6 loud guys came to the gym at 5am to do lateral raises with 5kg dumbbells

is this real life?

at least i had the power rack to myself :D
Re: Irritating people/things that annoy you in the gym

I started my time at the gym in the surburbs and pretty much saw nothing but uninteresting people doing ordinary workouts, the occasional juice head or cop/juice head working out that stuck out.

I moved back into the city and joined a "judgement free" gym, and it's littered with ******s who sit on machines checking their mobile phones, gaggles of latin and brazillian guys sharing 1 machine and doing almost no work.

But the icing on the cake is some dumbass white boy who literally conducts himself in the warmup area or any machine he's on as if he's got a camera in front of him and their shooting him in the latest Jay Z/Kanye West video. Lots of hat checking on the brim, touching his shirt, finger and hand wagging and mouthing rap lyrics....then he's lifting 70lbs on the hammer press. Dude is smaller then a bean pole and spends all his time looking at himself rapping in the mirror.

I just want to smash him in the face with a shovel.

So ya.....all across the world there are dummys doing dumb things at the gym. God bless the spanish girls in spandex doing squats w/ 5 kilo weights on the bar.

Over the weekend this douche upped his game and was working out in Beatz headphones draped around his neck instead of over his ears, and the icing on the cake was that he did everything I described above but now while wearing SUNGLASSES INDOORS.

Oh man.
Re: Irritating people/things that annoy you in the gym

I moved back into the city and joined a "judgement free" gym, and it's littered with ******s who sit on machines checking their mobile phones, gaggles of latin and brazillian guys sharing 1 machine and doing almost no work.

But the icing on the cake is some dumbass white boy who literally conducts himself in the warmup area or any machine he's on as if he's got a camera in front of him and their shooting him in the latest Jay Z/Kanye West video. Lots of hat checking on the brim, touching his shirt, finger and hand wagging and mouthing rap lyrics....then he's lifting 70lbs on the hammer press. Dude is smaller then a bean pole and spends all his time looking at himself rapping in the mirror.

I just want to smash him in the face with a shovel.

So ya.....all across the world there are dummys doing dumb things at the gym. God bless the spanish girls in spandex doing squats w/ 5 kilo weights on the bar.

for a judgement free gym you seem to be defying its very M.O.

love icing on cake too!

gotta admit, your posts have been an absolute pisser. the guy rapping and checking the cap brim had me in tears!
Re: Irritating people/things that annoy you in the gym

Lot of brahs smothering the Lynx spray in my gym lately.

Fresh air, please.

I dont mind that.

What i hate is when you're running (fast) on the treadmill and a middle aged women jumps on next to you wearing half a litre of perfume.

I sometimes start coughing and struggling for breath the smell is that thick.
Saw 2 15-16 yr old kids messing about in the gym today and one was showing the other how to do squats and while he was going down the other guy kicked the dude square in the balls from behind and started laughing.....that could've ended up really really bad.
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