FTA-TV Is Breaking Bad the greatest show of all time?

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Gubbz, plenty for them to do in season 5:

Walt & Jesse's showdown
Hank discoves Walt
Mike returns
Walt dies/whatever

There's also the option for them to follow up something on that German company that Gus was importing all his equipment from for his operation. They can do a fair bit in 16 eps, just hope it isn't anything to over the top.
Yeah, it's fine entertainment. I just think it's ******ed to say stuff like "best show by far". fwiw though, I think it's ******ed when anyone says that about any show.

I think it's ******ed to think that way about somebody else's opinion:)
I think it's ******ed to think that way about somebody else's opinion:)

Well my point was more I just don't get with t.v shows (music and films too) when talking about a lot of the top shows to say one of those is objectively a lot better than the others. Whats the criteria for saying that? I'd understand just saying one of them is your (I know you're not the one who said it, just saying in general) favourite over the others.
That's implied, 9 times out of 10.

When I say Snickers bars are delicious, I'm obviously speaking of my own opinion. Likewise if I say Snickers are better than Mars Bars; it's effectively stating my opinion, inviting others to state theirs.

Eh, it's not really the same thing though since you can actually make good cases for shows vs shows if you really wanted to with the tech/writing/acting side of things and evaluate it like that. With snickers vs mars bars its basically "well i like dem peanuts"
Seriously who gives a stuff if someone thinks one show is the greatest of all time, usually the older a show becomes it loses ratings value, like I remember Seinfeld use to be regarded as the greatest tv show, then came another show, then another. Truth is after a while people get sick of the show and start rating the latest shit as best ever, can't really get a honest review unless you get a bunch of people that's never watch any tv shows and then let them decide which is best overall.
I have my ranking of tv shows but the current shows head the top because I'm enjoying them now, don't care what anyone else thinks, my opinion, my shows. Each to there own
Eh, it's not really the same thing though since you can actually make good cases for shows vs shows if you really wanted to with the tech/writing/acting side of things and evaluate it like that. With snickers vs mars bars its basically "well i like dem peanuts"
Fair enough, though personally I tend to differentiate between what I think "is best" and "what I like".

That's with music (eg I think Dark Side of The Moon is one of "the best" albums of all time, but I wouldn't have it in my top 20, as strange as that sounds), TV shows or films.

It's like Dexter. I know it's got some glaring flaws. In terms of what film critics look for (and having studied media for a fair while I used to do it), it can struggle. I know it's not "the best", but subjectively speaking, it's in the top five shows of all time (from my enjoyment).
Piss Poor, I actually go the other way.

With new shows, I like to wait for them to last my "test of time".

Nothing irks me more than people instantly shoving a new show/band/whatever into their "top 10" lists upon experiencing it.

It's why despite loving Curb Your Enthusiasm, I'm going to wait a while, re-watch it, and if I still enjoy it just as much, I'll start mentioning it. Otherwise I'll stick with shows I've watched, rewatched and given time to lose the "omgz what a shock!" factor.
Fair enough, though personally I tend to differentiate between what I think "is best" and "what I like".

That's with music (eg I think Dark Side of The Moon is one of "the best" albums of all time, but I wouldn't have it in my top 20, as strange as that sounds), TV shows or films.

It's like Dexter. I know it's got some glaring flaws. In terms of what film critics look for (and having studied media for a fair while I used to do it), it can struggle. I know it's not "the best", but subjectively speaking, it's in the top five shows of all time (from my enjoyment).

It seems that we're in agreement then.

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I'm jealous of you. Enjoy mate, you definitely will!

"Better call Saul!"

Looking forward to hearing your thoughts after you've seen it mate. Absolute quality! :thumbsu: And as others before me have already posted, well and truly up there with Deadwood, The Wire, The Sopranos etc. as one of the greats!

Yeah I'm a believer now. Have just ploughed through to the end of season 2, and fair to say it's got me by the balls.

Have also simultaneously started Boardwalk Empire, only 1 episode in so far, but it seems equally awesome. Is a viewing orgy at my place at the moment.:thumbsu:
It's a fantastic show, with marvelous acting and "arty" direction. But the writing can sometimes be a little lax. And I would probably would have called it the "greatest" show at the end of season 2, but I never really cared for the whole Gus plotline the show deviated to the past two season.

*P.S. The Wire is the greatest show of all time.
The script from the first episode of season 5 has leaked online.

The ultimate self control test.

Oh shit, really? I will end up reading this tonight if that's the case.

edit: ah **** i've found it and have read the first line.
Got put onto it by a friend and its amazing

Actually enjoyed s 3 and 4 better than 1 and 2. was very slow to begin with, but in the first season when Walt took the exploding Meth into Tuco's, it went nuts from there!

Thoroughly enjoyed it, can't wait for season 5

Edit: I read that Vince Gilligan was planning on killing Pinkman off very early in season 1, but had to adjust those plans due to the incredible chemistry (lol) between Walt and Jesse

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FTA-TV Is Breaking Bad the greatest show of all time?

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