Mid East Israel declare war after Hamas attack III

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He means anyone who doesnt 100% support the Zionist slaughter
Exactly, you can see it in comments made in the media, by Parliamentarians, by nuffies on social media - they equate support for Palestinians, an oppressed, stateless people who have been denied the right to self determination and are currently being slaughtered by the 10s of 1000s with anti-Semitism.

How is supporting the rights of one group being discriminatory towards another? It is absurd.
Exactly, you can see it in comments made in the media, by Parliamentarians, by nuffies on social media - they equate support for Palestinians, an oppressed, stateless people who have been denied the right to self determination and are currently being slaughtered by the 10s of 1000s with anti-Semitism.

How is supporting the rights of one group being discriminatory towards another? It is absurd.
They're launching an inquiry about the increase in anti-semitism.

But most of the reports of anti-semitism are simply people asking Israel to please stop ethically cleansing Palestine.

So we're essentially having an inquiry on behalf of Zionists who are upset about being called out for supporting genocide. It's like 1984.

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They're launching an inquiry about the increase in anti-semitism.

But most of the reports of anti-semitism are simply people asking Israel to please stop ethically cleansing Palestine.

So we're essentially having an inquiry on behalf of Zionists who are upset about being called out for supporting genocide. It's like 1984.

Should have had an investigation into anti German sentiment in 1938 after the persecution they went through after WWI as well by this logic.
Should have had an investigation into anti German sentiment in 1938 after the persecution they went through after WWI as well by this logic.
Yeah, and people were building up arms to fight them, just because they'd gone fascist and started talking about ethnic cleansing.

But it would be rude to say Germany was a threat at the time. Anti-Germanic, that would have been.
Netanyahu has gone war-mad.

Israel are striking daily into Lebanon, committing war crimes in Gaza and the West Bank and have also been hitting Iraq, Syria and Iran.

It's such short term thinking to remain in power while putting every single one of their neighbours against them. Long term, they've extended their own danger from these neighbours by at least a generation. And for what?

There's over 100 million Shiite muslims across Iran and Iraq. Killing a few of them isn't going to change anything militarily. Pissing off millions of them will (as well as the Sunnis who might decide, like in Saladin's time, that teaming up for a short while to remove the crusaders should take precedence and they can go back to Islamic sectarianism later)
Exactly, you can see it in comments made in the media, by Parliamentarians, by nuffies on social media - they equate support for Palestinians, an oppressed, stateless people who have been denied the right to self determination and are currently being slaughtered by the 10s of 1000s with anti-Semitism.

How is supporting the rights of one group being discriminatory towards another? It is absurd.

They treat it as a zero-sum game.
It will last as long as their financial hold on congress lasts.

If that ends, you'd think Israel would want to have at least 10 years behind it of having not done any ethnic cleansing.

They've not gone a week without ethnic cleansing in the last 30 years, so it seems unlikely.

Israel could turn it around and the US could turn it around. Otherwise, it's just a matter of time. If they do occupy all of Palestine and ethnically cleanse it (or if they don't), they'll never be safe. All of their neighbours will want the new-crusaders out.

Saudi Arabia's theocracy might be their partner for now, but who knows what will happen when their oil money starts drying up. If the Saudis have to turn on Israel, the US will have to choose sides. The Christian Crusaders were only turfed out when the surrounding Arab nations were consolidated. If the Arab and Persian nations decide to team up, Israel is toast, and the world won't stand up for them because they've completely lost any moral standing.

The AIPAC money works because it moves the dial electorally. In another 10 years, the opposite will be true and you will see support for Israel disappear. That will make a huge difference to Israel's capabilities because they are currently gifted around 1% of their GDP in weapons by US, as they gain a lot from having the sociopaths test the weapons in the field. So, just the loss of support will gut them.

However, they will still be able to deny Palestine justice if they choose. If they do continue that, by the time today's under 30 are Presidents and Prime Ministers in the West if Palestine does not have justice, it won't only be a lack of support for Israel, they will be actively sanctioned. Unlike South Africa and Russia, with huge mineral wealth and agriculture capabilities, Israel are screwed if it gets to that.

If you have spent a lot of time reading history and looking for the patterns of consequence through a materialist lens, it should be pretty obvious what is going to happen.

1. Settler colonies have only been sustainable long-term if the indigenous population is reduced to a tiny fraction of the nation that is formed. As in Australia, North America, New Zealand and Argentina.

2. Israel was formed by Europeans escaping 1500 years of horrifying antisemitism, but now the majority of Israel's Jewish population as descendants of Middle Eastern Jewish populations. Zionism has ruined thriving Jewish Communities as well as hope for Palestinian self-determination following 2.5k years of occupation. Most of these people can't return now.

This means we have an egg that can not be unscrambled. Considering that all settlements will never extinguish the right of return for refugees (and their descendants) who ethnically cleansed in 1948 and 1967, there has to be a one state solution.

1. All refugees have the right to return.
2. Property/home returned.
3. Apartheid ended.
4. One secular and multi-ethnic state.

There will need to be some truth and/or justice commission like we've seen in Ireland or South Africa, but it will settle down. The population will blend over time.
Kind of amazing the population of current Israel was only around 700 000 100 years ago.
Its kind of accepted that the Arabian population bred like rabbits, but its also speculated that many moved into the area after the State of Israel was formed.
I don't think even Israel would deny the displacement of Palestinians.

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This means we have an egg that can not be unscrambled. Considering that all settlements will never extinguish the right of return for refugees (and their descendants) who ethnically cleansed in 1948 and 1967, there has to be a one state solution.

1. All refugees have the right to return.
2. Property/home returned.
3. Apartheid ended.
4. One secular and multi-ethnic state.

There will need to be some truth and/or justice commission like we've seen in Ireland or South Africa, but it will settle down. The population will blend over time.
I like the idea, but while race can be overcome, I'm not sure their religious differences can. Both sides are religious supremacists. It's easier to convince people of the truth of racial equality. Much harder for religious supremacy to be overcome.
I like the idea, but while race can be overcome, I'm not sure their religious differences can. Both sides are religious supremacists. It's easier to convince people of the truth of racial equality. Much harder for religious supremacy to be overcome.
I think most people have no control over the situation and just want to live in peace.
I like the idea, but while race can be overcome, I'm not sure their religious differences can. Both sides are religious supremacists. It's easier to convince people of the truth of racial equality. Much harder for religious supremacy to be overcome.

Need someone to do a Tito and hold it all together.
The Jewish population has grown much faster than the Palestinian population. What is your point?
Jewish was around 10% before wwII.
A decade later there were half a milion Jews.
But i'm surprised at how the Arab population increased to a million at the same time.
There were only around 300 000 people in the area the previous century, with a lot of immigrants from Egypt.

I guess i don't really have a point , except the land they are all fighting over was pretty much empty until someone suddenly wanted it.
Jewish was around 10% before wwII.
A decade later there were half a milion Jews.
But i'm surprised at how the Arab population increased to a million at the same time.
There were only around 300 000 people in the area the previous century, with a lot of immigrants from Egypt.

I guess i don't really have a point , except the land they are all fighting over was pretty much empty until someone suddenly wanted it.
Are you saying low density people should be displaced?

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Mid East Israel declare war after Hamas attack III

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