Mid East Israel declare war after Hamas attack III

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There is no individual hero who can overthrow evil.

It requires the collective action of the international working class.

We need to fight for World Socialist Revolution.

I didn't mean an individual hero. An individual cannot do all the things I described, only a collective can. A more militant one, to be sure, but still a collective.
Netanyahu just delivered a rampaging speech at the UN where he declared that he cared SFA about any pathetic accusations of genocide that the UN might manage to whimper, and now Iran is in his sights.

About 1 hour after he delivered this tirade, Israel bombarded residential apartments in Beirut - unknown death toll as yet - and with the same justification as always: Hezbollah hq lie underneath residential apartment blocks, so we are entitled to take them all out.

...courteousy of bunker buster bombs supplied by the US.

There is no way that Hezbollah, nor Iran can stop this war.

It is up to the international working class.

Strike at Boeing, and US dockworkers launch a mass strike. Paralyse all shipping. Choke off all supplies to the Zionist fascist regime. And strangle the profits of the US capitalists who are backing the fascist Zionists. Choke off their supply chains and bring them to their knees.

Fight for a socialist program in the working class.

That's not going to happen.

The US could end this now. Everything they say is bullshit.
That's not going to happen.

The US could end this now. Everything they say is bullshit.
Agree totally, the US government is totally behind Israel.

But I am pointing to the US working class.

The working clas in the US is on the move, striking en masse against the poverty level wages and intolerable working conditions that the corporations and their accomplices in the trade union bureaucracy, are attempting to impose.

Biden and Harris will never end this conflict, because they agree with it Israel is their proxy in the Middle East.

Biden and Harris are also totally anti-working class: they are collaborating with the union bureaucracy to keep the workers constricted, forced into sub inflation wages, and at the same time working for the very industries supplying Israel with its death weapons.

But the US working class has no interest in supporting genocide in Gaza, no more than it has in accepting below inflation wage cuts.

The key issue is to connect the fight for decent wages and conditions in the US working class with the struggle to oppose imperialist war.


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Not true.
The US working class is deeply concerned about what is happening in gaza.
And so are the students.

They just need to be organised politically, in alliance with the working class.

The working class is not just a few thousand people at a protest. If you think there will be a mass working class movement against the murders in Gaza I reckon you'll be disappointed.
Agree totally, the US government is totally behind Israel.

But I am pointing to the US working class.

The working clas in the US is on the move, striking en masse against the poverty level wages and intolerable working conditions that the corporations and their accomplices in the trade union bureaucracy, are attempting to impose.

Biden and Harris will never end this conflict, because they agree with it Israel is their proxy in the Middle East.

Biden and Harris are also totally anti-working class: they are collaborating with the union bureaucracy to keep the workers constricted, forced into sub inflation wages, and at the same time working for the very industries supplying Israel with its death weapons.

But the US working class has no interest in supporting genocide in Gaza, no more than it has in accepting below inflation wage cuts.

The key issue is to connect the fight for decent wages and conditions in the US working class with the struggle to oppose imperialist war.


Factory workers in the USA earn an average of $47.00 per hour. Aerospace probably earn above average.
They don't want to strike because their company is involved in a war.
They are out of a job if their company is not involved in wars.

How do your working class factory workers relate to other working classes? What are service staff who largely work for tips? Sub-working class?

Its not 1913 any more.
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And there you have it. The regional war that the US and the Israelis were oh so claiming they wanted to avoid at all costs.

****ing liars. They're doing everything but saving the hostages because the hostages were never important to them. Just an excuse for them to go on a rampage. It was always about annexing land and expanding their colonial project with the ultimate goal of making the US go to war with Iran.

And what is going to happen now? Renewed conflict, renewed hostilities, renewed hatred for the leader etc. Anyone thinking that this finalises this situation is delusional. Even if they were to wipe out all members of the so-called Hezbollah, another group would form that loathes the Israeli government.

This doesn’t stop anything. All the Israeli government did was solidify that a new generation of people will grow up hating their guts. All the children watching the exploding bombs with their own eyes. All innocent people that witnessed their innocent family members die. All will loathe the Israeli government.

And they have the right to feel angry at the injustice they see. Like the Palestinians. No amount of gaslighting can ever change that.

Innocent people shouldn’t be seen as just numbers to get to the means. That’s always the problem in the Israeli government’s actions. They can do precision espionage if they want with the intelligence they have access to (like, the US is literally their staunch ally), and they refuse to do that. They haphazardly bomb entire buildings and areas, and this is deliberate because they just don’t care. It’s always the excuse of “oh, they’re using human shields” etc. Spare us the bullcrap. An evil government headed by an evil, evil man.

Netanyahu MUST be removed for this cycle of violence to have any hope of ending. Even then, we don’t know what the next Israeli leader would do. The US certainly won’t end it given that Kamala Harris and Donald Trump are both happy to help the Zionists with pretty much anything they want.
And what is going to happen now? Renewed conflict, renewed hostilities, renewed hatred for the leader etc. Anyone thinking that this finalises this situation is delusional. Even if they were to wipe out all members of the so-called Hezbollah, another group would form that loathes the Israeli government.

This doesn’t stop anything. All the Israeli government did was solidify that a new generation of people will grow up hating their guts. All the children watching the exploding bombs with their own eyes. All innocent people that witnessed their innocent family members die. All will loathe the Israeli government.

And they have the right to feel angry at the injustice they see. Like the Palestinians. No amount of gaslighting can ever change that.

Innocent people shouldn’t be seen as just numbers to get to the means. That’s always the problem in the Israeli government’s actions. They can do precision espionage if they want with the intelligence they have access to (like, the US is literally their staunch ally), and they refuse to do that. They haphazardly bomb entire buildings and areas, and this is deliberate because they just don’t care. It’s always the excuse of “oh, they’re using human shields” etc. Spare us the bullcrap. An evil government headed by an evil, evil man.

Netanyahu MUST be removed for this cycle of violence to have any hope of ending. Even then, we don’t know what the next Israeli leader would do. The US certainly won’t end it given that Kamala Harris and Donald Trump are both happy to help the Zionists with pretty much anything they want.
There is only one way to end it, and that is through world socialist revolution.

The US working class has to connect its fight against poverty level wages and draconian exploitation to the fight to end imperialist war.

Imperialist war is the driving force for social inequality. The US ruling class is trying to force the working class to pay for the billions of dollars in military packages it is handing over to both Zelensky in Ukraine and Netanyahu in Israel.

When the working class becomes conscious of its immense social power, and how its own material existence depends on stopping imperialist war, then the situation will be transformed.

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Factory workers in the USA earn an average of $47.00 per hour. Aerospace probably earn above average.
They don't want to strike because their company is involved in a war.
They are out of a job if their company is not involved in wars.

How do your working class factory workers relate to other working classes? What are service staff who largely work for tips? Sub-working class?

Its not 1913 any more.
Simply not true.
New hires in major US corporations are getting $18 per hour.
Pensions are being systematically ripped up in trade union deals imposed by the corrupt, pro capitalist AFL-CIO bureaucrats.
It is not 1950 to late 1966 anymore, when the US reigned supreme as the economic hegemon and wages/living standards kept going up.

Every data source shows that wages and living standards for the working class in the US have been regressing rapidly, especially since the 2008 collapse, but even before then.
There is only one way to end it, and that is through world socialist revolution.

The US working class has to connect its fight against poverty level wages and draconian exploitation to the fight to end imperialist war.

Imperialist war is the driving force for social inequality. The US ruling class is trying to force the working class to pay for the billions of dollars in military packages it is handing over to both Zelensky in Ukraine and Netanyahu in Israel.

When the working class becomes conscious of its immense social power, and how its own material existence depends on stopping imperialist war, then the situation will be transformed.
Well here is another example of the nature of pro Palestine protests.

Demographics seem typical. Mainly muslim with a smattering of white left wing supporters.

Far from a worker uprising.
Factory workers in the USA earn an average of $47.00 per hour. Aerospace probably earn above average.
They don't want to strike because their company is involved in a war.
They are out of a job if their company is not involved in wars.

How do your working class factory workers relate to other working classes? What are service staff who largely work for tips? Sub-working class?

Its not 1913 any more.
Where did American know how go
Why do Japanese build better stereos
Is it 'cos our best minds can't get a job?
Except when they help make toys for the Pentagon

Germ warfare, more bombs
Germ warfare, more bombs
Our whole economy's based on fear and death
How long can we get away with this?
And what is going to happen now? Renewed conflict, renewed hostilities, renewed hatred for the leader etc. Anyone thinking that this finalises this situation is delusional. Even if they were to wipe out all members of the so-called Hezbollah, another group would form that loathes the Israeli government.

This doesn’t stop anything. All the Israeli government did was solidify that a new generation of people will grow up hating their guts. All the children watching the exploding bombs with their own eyes. All innocent people that witnessed their innocent family members die. All will loathe the Israeli government.

And they have the right to feel angry at the injustice they see. Like the Palestinians. No amount of gaslighting can ever change that.

Innocent people shouldn’t be seen as just numbers to get to the means. That’s always the problem in the Israeli government’s actions. They can do precision espionage if they want with the intelligence they have access to (like, the US is literally their staunch ally), and they refuse to do that. They haphazardly bomb entire buildings and areas, and this is deliberate because they just don’t care. It’s always the excuse of “oh, they’re using human shields” etc. Spare us the bullcrap. An evil government headed by an evil, evil man.

Netanyahu MUST be removed for this cycle of violence to have any hope of ending. Even then, we don’t know what the next Israeli leader would do. The US certainly won’t end it given that Kamala Harris and Donald Trump are both happy to help the Zionists with pretty much anything they want.
They seem to believe that they will be able to kill their way to peace. For every Hamas or Hezbollah fighter they kill there are 2 or more new recruits. It’s as though they are trying to create as much hatred for themselves as possible. The problem doesn’t disappear if Bibi leaves, most Israelis want the Palestinians gone as much as Bibi, they have been completely dehumanised.

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Mid East Israel declare war after Hamas attack III

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