NT Jacinta Nampijinpa Price

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She was a councillor and deputy mayor of Alice Springs. She would have spent a lot of time at the coalface of indigenous issues. Despite her conservative ideology that I rarely see eye to eye with I'd still give some credit where it's due.

It is also common knowledge up in the top end that elders have collaborated with territory government members for stricter measures on alcohol for their own people, which is a reason why the indigenous have been 'unfairly targeted' with the policing of legislation such as proof of ID to enter bottleshops and banned drinkers registers.

It's a complex issue and I'm not going to pass negative judgement on indigenous drinking alcohol as they should be able to subject to the same rules as everyone else and I am no angel myself with my alcohol consumption and have gotten myself into trouble in the past. But I suspect indigenous leaders have different views on their own members using that substance.
Banning Alcohol seems like a cheap and easy way to fix the issue but it won't stop substance abuse or the wider issue.
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She is acting like a cray cray migaloo.

Because everything is just rosy in remote communities. The noble warrior. Majestic. Fearsome.

Also, she is saying stuff we disagree with which means we can be as racist as we want, while claiming our Aboriginality is more Aboriginal.

Except for Lidia Thorpe. Dont question her skin colour. Please no.
So what's Price's plan to stop all this? There is no plan, she is just playing politics for her puppet masters.
I would love to hear her plan .

WA had bans in remote communities and they were working. Violence and other crimes were on the decline.

Woolworths contested the laws, because they had been making heaps of money from booze sales, and won.

And the violence and other crimes returned.

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Because everything is just rosy in remote communities. The noble warrior. Majestic. Fearsome.

Also, she is saying stuff we disagree with which means we can be as racist as we want, while claiming our Aboriginality is more Aboriginal.

Except for Lidia Thorpe. Dont question her skin colour. Please no.
Kumanyayi Walker inquest seems to suggest that sections of those tasked with policing these areas might have their own issues too and that solving these problems might be a little more complex than government mandated sobriety.
Kumanyayi Walker inquest seems to suggest that sections of those tasked with policing these areas might have their own issues too and that solving these problems might be a little more complex that government mandated sobriety.

Is this the only thing she is saying is need and that with the ban everyone gets a pat on the back and head off for a bbq?
Price has been caught lying about the Peter Fitzsimmons interview, she has made racist comments in the past.

Also made Islamophobic comments.
She agrees with and backs Pauline Hanson.
She has no solution to outback violence , she wants to expand the cashless debit card.
She really is a shocking sell-out , liar, opportunist and racist, but Murdoch loves her.I wonder why? Lol
WA had bans in remote communities and they were working. Violence and other crimes were on the decline.

Woolworths contested the laws, because they had been making heaps of money from booze sales, and won.

And the violence and other crimes returned.
Price is from NT not WA. She peddles easy solutions that don't work. All her supporters are white conservatives . She is an insincere disgrace.
Funny , I have never seen her doing any work in these remote communities, must be because of her contract to appear on skynews and she doesn't have enough time.
The way conservatives and the right wing newspapers prop her up and disregard other voices makes me feel sick in the guts.
For those saying an indigenous community ban on alcohol isn’t racist, well let’s just make it equally fair.

Would you support a total prohibition on alcohol Australia wide?

Although the issues surrounding alcohol are mor prevalent in indigenous communities there’s no doubt Alcohol abuse is an issue for non indigenous Australians too. Think of the savings in healthcare, lost work productivity due hangovers, less alcohol related crashes, less fights, less stupid decisions etc

Banning alcohol Australia wide would undoubtedly be beneficial for society, so why don’t we do it?
We already have racism in our Constitution.
s.51 (xxvi). The race power.
The High Court said in the Kartinyeri case that it isn't limited to things that benefit our first peoples or any race that the law is targeted at.

yep and it should be removed

adding a another wrong doesn't make a right
"Indigenous people have worse health outcomes"

Indigenous person proposed bill aimed at a major lifestyle factor in that community

"No. Not like that!!"

You really cant win

it certainly isn't racist to call for alcohol controls in a community. Especially if the call to move away from ordinary state laws is driven by the need to tackle sexual violence, violence, paedophilia and other child abuses.

The state should listen to the communities and provide the legislative support if required AND supported by experts in the field.
For those saying an indigenous community ban on alcohol isn’t racist, well let’s just make it equally fair.

Would you support a total prohibition on alcohol Australia wide?

Although the issues surrounding alcohol are mor prevalent in indigenous communities there’s no doubt Alcohol abuse is an issue for non indigenous Australians too. Think of the savings in healthcare, lost work productivity due hangovers, less alcohol related crashes, less fights, less stupid decisions etc

Banning alcohol Australia wide would undoubtedly be beneficial for society, so why don’t we do it?

Bit of a silly argument as aboriginals can drink outside of these communities as well.....

I spent time at an aboroignal community when my mate was teaching at one of them and we weren't allowed to take in alcohol while we were there, so its not just for aboriginals as far as im aware.
yep and it should be removed

adding a another wrong doesn't make a right

One of the proposed changes is to remove 51(vvxi) as it won't just benefit our first peoples but any other 'race' that the govt might want to target, for good or bad.
NT senator Jacinta Price prepares bill calling for return of remote community alcohol bans

She's introducing a bill to reban alcohol in Indigenous communities. Where's her concern for alcohol abuse across the broader community and why is she singling out one group of people for draconian treatment? Does this bill include money for rehab centres and complimentary therapies for alcoholics or is it just a case of her virtue signalling to her hard right masters in the Liberal Party?

5 Aboriginal people die from alcohol-related causes compared to non-Aboriginal people [2].

Source: Aboriginal alcohol consumption - Creative Spirits, retrieved from Aboriginal alcohol consumption

60% of Aboriginal Australian drinkers experience some alcohol-related harm. Same figure for non-Aboriginal drinkers: 35%

Source: Aboriginal alcohol consumption - Creative Spirits, retrieved from Aboriginal alcohol consumption

17% of Aboriginal Australians binge drink. Same figure for non-Indigenous Australians: 8% [2].

Source: Aboriginal alcohol consumption - Creative Spirits, retrieved from Aboriginal alcohol consumption

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For those saying an indigenous community ban on alcohol isn’t racist, well let’s just make it equally fair.

Would you support a total prohibition on alcohol Australia wide?

Although the issues surrounding alcohol are mor prevalent in indigenous communities there’s no doubt Alcohol abuse is an issue for non indigenous Australians too. Think of the savings in healthcare, lost work productivity due hangovers, less alcohol related crashes, less fights, less stupid decisions etc

Banning alcohol Australia wide would undoubtedly be beneficial for society, so why don’t we do it?

We should at least stop glorifying the consumption of alcohol and also meat which is harmful as well. Somehow these two things along with sports betting, have been marketed as being Australian and manly.
No, she’s actually doing exactly what some smart political operatives want her to do. Push far right policy but use her race to deflect criticism.
No, she's actually sincere in her desire to help her community in a practical way instead of throwing money at useless programs (ATSIC) and virtue signalling (the Voice). The fact that she is not a do-nothing-but-rant activist (Thorpe et al) is refreshing, and gives hope, as well as threatening to the left narrative that Indigenous people are victims and the rest of us are oppressors. Jacinta is very much against that narrative.

What far right policy is she "pushing"? The debit card withdrawal has devastating consequences for families due to the tradition of humbugging - look it up. There are other aspects of indigenous culture that are anathema to their ability to overcome disadvantage: patriarchal community system, tradition of pay-back, tribal law. Enabling the consumption of alcohol and drugs is a huge problem in overcoming other issues of violence and abuse.

She should make sure every MP goes with her to study the communities and discuss the issues with elders, with a view to working out how to improve their situation. It will be small steps, and lengthy, and might require different strategies in each community.
No, she's actually sincere in her desire to help her community in a practical way instead of throwing money at useless programs (ATSIC) and virtue signalling (the Voice). The fact that she is not a do-nothing-but-rant activist (Thorpe et al) is refreshing, and gives hope, as well as threatening to the left narrative that Indigenous people are victims and the rest of us are oppressors. Jacinta is very much against that narrative.

What far right policy is she "pushing"? The debit card withdrawal has devastating consequences for families due to the tradition of humbugging - look it up. There are other aspects of indigenous culture that are anathema to their ability to overcome disadvantage: patriarchal community system, tradition of pay-back, tribal law. Enabling the consumption of alcohol and drugs is a huge problem in overcoming other issues of violence and abuse.

She should make sure every MP goes with her to study the communities and discuss the issues with elders, with a view to working out how to improve their situation. It will be small steps, and lengthy, and might require different strategies in each community.

Threatening the left sounds a lot like something the far right does.
No, she's actually sincere in her desire to help her community in a practical way instead of throwing money at useless programs (ATSIC) and virtue signalling (the Voice).

Her “sincerity” is your opinion only, there’s no tangible evidence of that.

The fact that she is not a do-nothing-but-rant activist (Thorpe et al) is refreshing, and gives hope, as well as threatening to the left narrative that Indigenous people are victims and the rest of us are oppressors. Jacinta is very much against that narrative.

What’s Price ACTUALLY done in her life? Actual tangible positions?:

I can see co host of a low budget community children’s TV show, released an unpopular country music album (definite idea of who she wants to appeal to).

Alice Springs council for 6 years but how did she actually improve indigenous lives in Alice in that time? Seems to me she did SFA during her time there, just made a lot of appearances on Sky “News”. Indigenous living standards are still pretty poor in Alice (and huge problems with racism given Zachary Rolfe’s texts) so she failed there.

Apart from that she did some work for a right wing “think” tank and likes to sue anyone who upsets her feelings. So typical right winger.

What far right policy is she "pushing"?

Her support of Hanson.

Enabling the consumption of alcohol and drugs is a huge problem in overcoming other issues of violence and abuse.

So let’s ban it Australia wide then. Then we know you’re not being racist.

She should make sure every MP goes with her to study the communities and discuss the issues with elders, with a view to working out how to improve their situation. It will be small steps, and lengthy, and might require different strategies in each community.

Marion Scrymgour, Pat Dodson and Malarndirri McCarthy (Labor) and Dorinda Cox (Greens) are indigenous MP’s who all have experience of working or living in remote indigenous communities in areas like education and policing. With the exception of Scrymgour they have all been in Federal Parliament longer than Price. But they are not calling for the same policies as Price is.

So why is Price labelled as the sole authority on how to fix indigenous communities?
I noticed my bank website has a feature which allows customers to track their expenditure by category, such as food, alcohol, etc. Now that we are a virtually cashless society it would be easy enough for them to allow customers to set their own limits. Obese people could limit their spending on food, drunks could limit spending on items tagged as alcohol, and so on.
So let’s ban it Australia wide then. Then we know you’re not being racist.

Marion Scrymgour, Pat Dodson and Malarndirri McCarthy (Labor) and Dorinda Cox (Greens) are indigenous MP’s who all have experience of working or living in remote indigenous communities in areas like education and policing. With the exception of Scrymgour they have all been in Federal Parliament longer than Price. But they are not calling for the same policies as Price is.

So why is Price labelled as the sole authority on how to fix indigenous communities?
Banning alcohol for at most 3% of the population is a world away from banning it for the entire country.

Price I think is labelled as an authority because she doesn't go along with the victim narrative. It is powerful when people within a group speak out against their own group and against their own perceived interests.
Price I think is labelled as an authority because she doesn't go along with the victim narrative. It is powerful when people within a group speak out against their own group and against their own perceived interests.

Her “interests” are climbing the right wing political ladder and painting herself as the “aboriginal who speaks out against other aboriginals so you’re not allowed to criticise me”. Just speaking out against your own group doesn’t give you one iota of authority, otherwise Candace Owens would be the authority on African Americans.

Like I said there’s 4 other indigenous MPs who’ve had first hand experience (Cox as a rural cop, Scrymgour in indigenous community health, McCarthey in Indigenous community radio and media and Dodson as an advocate for deaths in custody and Kimberley communities). One could say they have more relevant experience dealing with the indigenous communities themselves over Price who’s only experience was sitting as a councillor in Alice Springs town and not really delivering any tangible improvements for indigenous persons. To me they have more “authority” to talk about indigenous communities than Price.

Why aren’t they supporting Price or her positions? Are they just “woke virtue signallers?”
Her “interests” are climbing the right wing political ladder and painting herself as the “aboriginal who speaks out against other aboriginals so you’re not allowed to criticise me”. Just speaking out against your own group doesn’t give you one iota of authority, otherwise Candace Owens would be the authority on African Americans.
If she towed the leftist line she would be granted recognition as an authority because of her heritage. So they can't complain when the opposition plays the same race card.
If she towed the leftist line she would be granted recognition as an authority because of her heritage. So they can't complain when the opposition plays the same race card.

Or maybe those who’ve actually been in the communities knows the problems are more complex than her easily digested right wing populism to attract the attention of rednecks.

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NT Jacinta Nampijinpa Price

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