NT Jacinta Nampijinpa Price

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I'm not sure I believe your claims if there isn't any source for it.

WA has had many attempts. This one the community were all in favour of it and Woolworths contested it.

That talks about Fitzroy Crossing. 50% reduction in Emergency dept visits, 30% decrease in DV calls to the cops and higher school attendances.

All of which makes sense.

Aboriginal kids suffer at 10 times the national average in some communities. Price wants to stop it and she gets accused of being a white pretender.

Its disgusting. And mods dont mind because she is on the other side of politics. Meanwhile the hand wringers who blame whitey are celebrated while doing **** all.

Dallas Scott is another migaloo right campbell ? Even though we have no idea of your ethnicity. Because we dare not question.

But you can.

Right ?
WA has had many attempts. This one the community were all in favour of it and Woolworths contested it.

That talks about Fitzroy Crossing. 50% reduction in Emergency dept visits, 30% decrease in DV calls to the cops and higher school attendances.

All of which makes sense.

Aboriginal kids suffer at 10 times the national average in some communities. Price wants to stop it and she gets accused of being a white pretender.

Its disgusting. And mods dont mind because she is on the other side of politics. Meanwhile the hand wringers who blame whitey are celebrated while doing * all.

Dallas Scott is another migaloo right campbell ? Even though we have no idea of your ethnicity. Because we dare not question.

But you can.

Right ?

Jacinta Price is much the same as the rest of the Sky News morons.

It's unfortunate that you can't see that.
Jacinta Price is much the same as the rest of the Sky News morons.

It's unfortunate that you can't see that.

Lidia Thorpe is much the same as Mao. Its unfortunate that you cant see that.

So Price is just a talking head who has no actual experience in working within communities. We just ignore what she says because obviously Rupert has paid her off.

Because Rupert wants Aborigines to suffer by denying them alcohol.

Not because Price and her mum have experience in the regions where women and children suffer massively from neglect and abuse.

Instead we should use racist terms to belittle them, because its okay to be racist if you dont like their politics.

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Lidia Thorpe is much the same as Mao. Its unfortunate that you cant see that.

So Price is just a talking head who has no actual experience in working within communities. We just ignore what she says because obviously Rupert has paid her off.

Because Rupert wants Aborigines to suffer by denying them alcohol.

Not because Price and her mum have experience in the regions where women and children suffer massively from neglect and abuse.

Instead we should use racist terms to belittle them, because its okay to be racist if you dont like their politics.

Nah. Her good mate and outspoken supporter Andrew Bolt was convicted for racism.

So it's safe to say that she hangs out with racists and shares many of their views.
WA has had many attempts. This one the community were all in favour of it and Woolworths contested it.

That talks about Fitzroy Crossing. 50% reduction in Emergency dept visits, 30% decrease in DV calls to the cops and higher school attendances.

All of which makes sense.

Aboriginal kids suffer at 10 times the national average in some communities. Price wants to stop it and she gets accused of being a white pretender.

Its disgusting. And mods dont mind because she is on the other side of politics. Meanwhile the hand wringers who blame whitey are celebrated while doing * all.

Dallas Scott is another migaloo right campbell ? Even though we have no idea of your ethnicity. Because we dare not question.

But you can.

Right ?

Wait, you, of all people, suddenly think the ban of something works as long as there's "scientific fact" behind it? (btw that bulletin you link only gives bare minimum stats of the "study" she cited without any of the actual research papers pertaining to the actual study, it's no different to a undergraduate student just writing paraphrases out their ass, which makes sense because the person writing is was still trying to complete her law degree at the time if you'd actually read the study)

Would've been handy during COVID if you weren't so against all the scientific support for vaccines lockdown and masks, huh? Or everytime you bang on about COVID being just another flu, which also was scientifically wrong.
Nah. Her good mate and outspoken supporter Andrew Bolt was convicted for racism.

So it's safe to say that she hangs out with racists and shares many of their views.

Union bosses have gone to gaol for being crooks. Its safe to say, anyone who is friends with a union organiser must be a crook and belongs in gaol.
Wait, you, of all people, suddenly think the ban of something works as long as there's "scientific fact" behind it? (btw that bulletin you link only gives bare minimum stats of the "study" she cited without any of the actual research papers pertaining to the actual study, it's no different to a undergraduate student just writing paraphrases out their ass, which makes sense because the person writing is was still trying to complete her law degree at the time if you'd actually read the study)

Would've been handy during COVID if you weren't so against all the scientific support for vaccines lockdown and masks, huh? Or everytime you bang on about COVID being just another flu, which also was scientifically wrong.


Ive had 4 covid vaccines and when its time to habe another, will have another.

For most vaccinated people covid is like the flu. For me I didnt even realise I was sick. My partner spent a week in bed. My parents who are in their 70s were sick for a few days.

But this is probably not the right place for your rant.

Unless Price has said covid isnt real?
Rule for thee but not for me...

Rule for the areas where children are 10 times as likely to be abused, neglected, r*ped.

Or is it better to keep the alcohol and cross our fingers and hope it stops. Even though every year the disparity increases.

Maybe another apology will do it. Amd a campaign to tell people its not okay. Labor dis it in 2008. 14 years on the message doesnt seem to have worked.

What would your solution be? And what evidence is there that it would work ?
Rule for the areas where children are 10 times as likely to be abused, neglected, r*ped.

Or is it better to keep the alcohol and cross our fingers and hope it stops. Even though every year the disparity increases.

Maybe another apology will do it. Amd a campaign to tell people its not okay. Labor dis it in 2008. 14 years on the message doesnt seem to have worked.

What would your solution be? And what evidence is there that it would work ?

So do you think they should they ban wine from Catholic churches because of all the child abuse that occurs there?

Ive had 4 covid vaccines and when its time to habe another, will have another.

For most vaccinated people covid is like the flu. For me I didnt even realise I was sick. My partner spent a week in bed. My parents who are in their 70s were sick for a few days.

But this is probably not the right place for your rant.

Unless Price has said covid isnt real?

Since you're suddenly supportive of scientific findings and empirical studies, would you like the mountains of scientists and studies that proves that COVID isn't just a flu? Or does science only matter when it supports your racist rhetoric?

Buddy, you must think I have a short memory, I remember you during all the lockdown stuff, whinging up a storm about lockdowns and masks and how COVID is just a flu, get on with it. You didn't care so much about science back then, huh

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Rule for the areas where children are 10 times as likely to be abused, neglected, r*ped.

Or is it better to keep the alcohol and cross our fingers and hope it stops. Even though every year the disparity increases.

Maybe another apology will do it. Amd a campaign to tell people its not okay. Labor dis it in 2008. 14 years on the message doesnt seem to have worked.

What would your solution be? And what evidence is there that it would work ?
Oh, look. The goalposts have shifted, again.
Sadly, there are some, who think prohibition works. It doesnt.

I have worked in all DOGIT communities in Qld.

pormpuraaw has the best canteen system .Works a treat.

Moderation, and community control are what works.
Strong leadership in the communities is required. What do you think is the reason there is so much discrepancy between communities and the way they control the supply and consumption of alcohol? Why don’t other communities adopt the Pormpuraaw model? Are drugs also a problem?
Should Indigenous communities retain the right to ban alcohol from their communities?
Yes. They know the consequences for their people. It’s not an arbitrary baseless decision. It’s courageous and can only be of benefit especially for women and children.
The same people saying to vote yes for an indigenous voice also say we shouldn't listen to certain aspects of aboriginal population who want a grog ban......

Amazing how they say 'white people shouldn't be telling Aboriginals what's best for them' and then they do the same in this instance.....

We are all hypocrites

On CPH2005 using BigFooty.com mobile app
The same people saying to vote yes for an indigenous voice also say we shouldn't listen to certain aspects of aboriginal population who want a grog ban......

Amazing how they say 'white people shouldn't be telling Aboriginals what's best for them' and then they do the same in this instance.....

We are all hypocrites

On CPH2005 using BigFooty.com mobile app

The same people that say indigenous people shouldn't be allowed a voice say we should listen to them when they tell us what we want to hear.
Yeah banning piss will work wonders. Just like all those other drugs that have been banned :drunk:

Price just speaking to her base, nothing more.
It's a shame because she's otherwise quite likable iny opinion.
The same people saying to vote yes for an indigenous voice also say we shouldn't listen to certain aspects of aboriginal population who want a grog ban......

Amazing how they say 'white people shouldn't be telling Aboriginals what's best for them' and then they do the same in this instance.....

We are all hypocrites

I mentioned before that 3 Indigenous MPs who have been in parliament longer than Price but also have more direct experience working in communities pre parliament (Cox, Dodson, Scrymgour) are not calling for that policy.

Why aren't the right wing Sky News types listening to them?
I mentioned before that 3 Indigenous MPs who have been in parliament longer than Price but also have more direct experience working in communities pre parliament (Cox, Dodson, Scrymgour) are not calling for that policy.

Why aren't the right wing Sky News types listening to them?
Should there be alcohol bans at a community level?

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NT Jacinta Nampijinpa Price

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