News Jobe Watson hands back 2012 Brownlow Medal

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To be honest, I'd rather he doesn't get his medal but have everyone aware that the blank space in the record books rightfully belongs to him and Mitchell...than for him to get the medal and have people bitching that he doesn't deserve one (even if they are plainly wrong). He still has time to win one outright and really stick it up everyone. He'll never be fully accepted as the 2012 Brownlow medallist.
I've been reading this thread and seriously, you are in danger of dissapearing right up your own hole given the diminishing circles you are arguing. Lying to testers, avoiding testing, dodgy paperwork, excuses, grey areas, forgetfulness, not knowing what you were administered etc etc were all thrown out as excuses years ago. As was the case in the Essendon doping scenario, the weight of evidence was so substantial that the CAS judges, who deal with these kinds of excuses on a daily basis upheld the suspensions. End of story. The onus is on the individual player as a professional to ensure that they KNOW what is being put into their body. Clearly the secrecy, lack of records, players being injected off site and then lying about it and all the other evidence admitted was enough for the players to be found guilty of using performance enhancing drugs. In the old days it was called cheating. I notice that all of the coaches, admin and "scientists" are no longer at the club and are spoken about in hushed tones. Why IS that ?? It is the most shameful episode in Australian football history. Sure, lots of people are tired of it, you poor darlings, but that doesn't change the facts. It was systematic cheating, trying to gain a competitive edge by using substances either banned or not approved for use. Short cut. Cheating.

Innocent until proven guilty is a maxim that drug cheats in sport can't be afforded due to the use of masking agents, secrecy and the inherent difficulty in testing and catching these turds. In a murder case yes. Nobody doubts it's use in common law. Poor housekeeping is simply unacceptable in regard to players medical records. There are cases of people being suspended for not keeping adequate records because that has the capacity to end up being anyone's excuse. There rules were all tightened up years ago and anyone operating in a professional sporting environment knows it !

All afl players are given multiple and regular information from day 1 about how important it is to know what's in your food and drink and supplements. There are no excuses that there are no excuses ! All the excuses have been used up. Lance Armstrong never tested positive but the weight of evidence against him was unequivocal. Based on your agenda Lance would be still on the juice and would have won 12 in a row by now with everyone standing around scratching their heads thinking he is a legend but suspecting the worst ! To ensure the integrity of professional sports the testers and administrators of drug testing are deliberately tough, scary, unapologetically intrusive and random. It's a classic scenario where having to prove your innocence is both desirable and necessary because it's so easy to cheat if you want to. The game has to be protected for the players working hardest to be the best clean athletes they can be. The fans have to respect this ! You comparing it to you being falsely accused of trespassing when you didn't or whatever is just infantile. Talk about comparing oranges and lemons. Despite that, you would be entitled to the presumption of innocence under common law. So your point is moot. My point is that you've missed the point...

As to whether Jobe is a good bloke or not, it's irrelevant. He cheated. Either inadvertently or knowingly, only he can say now. Having been found guilty of cheating he cannot accept the Brownlow under the rules. Giving it back is his moral obligation, not him being a great guy unless you argue that applying good morals is one of the carachteristics of being a great bloke, rather than one of the charachteristics of being just a bloke.

Having said that, logic dictates that Mitchell and Cotchin, who have done nothing wrong and have been unarguably robbed of what is rightfully theirs, according to the rules of the competition that they are contracted to. Best - perhaps. Fairest - clearly not. Fact. Those advocating an * for 2012 have very soft *****, no **** at all or no idea what they are talking about. It is possible that there may be a combination of two out of those three.

you are entitled to your opinion. I'm entitled to think it's a load of crap.

I'm giving this a 2nd like it was so brilliant.
Given how highly the AFL value "Brand Protection", I just don't understand why the AFL would want an asterisk against 2012 to be there for ever and ever when the option exists to treat it like any other suspension situation and give it to the next in line. It is a complete no brainer for mine.

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Theres 2 others that should be on that list. Bartlett and Raines

VFL of the time screwed us as we did what we wanted back then
can see them not giving it out. oh well couldnt give a toss anyway as it was ages ago now
AFL have been gutless all the way through this, i wonder what their decision would be if it was Watson to potentially get elevated to first in place of either Mitchell or Cotchin, personally i think they would've already made the decision to award Watson the medal.
So can Cotch now sue the drug cheats for loss of earnings from endorsements etc?
and please lets not get all bull shit simple and sentimental and suggest the medal is real terms there are a few million dollars he missed out on and that is not even touching on how being a medallist might have opened up doors to buisiness opportunities conservatively i would suggest 10 mill and for Mitchelll too. Just to **** them up good and proper
If they are sticking with the good bloke policy Cotch and Mitchell definitely deserve there brownlows...
If they get there brownlows my mate has to pay me and two other mates back the $100 we payed him then pay us $100 for winning our bets we said cotch would win a brownlow within 3 years 2012 was the first year of the bet :p
AFL have been gutless all the way through this, i wonder what their decision would be if it was Watson to potentially get elevated to first in place of either Mitchell or Cotchin, personally i think they would've already made the decision to award Watson the medal.
imagine it was Bob Murphy and Hodgey tied winners would have been awarded in 2013 :drunk:

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Given how highly the AFL value "Brand Protection", I just don't understand why the AFL would want an asterisk against 2012 to be there for ever and ever when the option exists to treat it like any other suspension situation and give it to the next in line. It is a complete no brainer for mine.
Exactly ..
I will give you a example of our law with the onus on you to prove you are innocent. The police can pick up a power tool or spanner in your shed and say we presume this to be stolen. The onus is on you to prove that it is not. The tool could be 10 years old and the receipt long gone. Nice one hey.

They'do that to Cotch and mitchell...
Not Jobe...cos he's a good aussie bloke and battler.....

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News Jobe Watson hands back 2012 Brownlow Medal

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