Karmichael Hunt defecting to AFL.

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Massive loss for the NRL but I did think we were gonna lose him anyway not to the AFL but to rugby union. It does make you wonder who Western Sydney will be targeting.....Jarrod Hayne maybe?
Massive loss for the NRL but I did think we were gonna lose him anyway not to the AFL but to rugby union. It does make you wonder who Western Sydney will be targeting.....Jarrod Hayne maybe?

yeah hayne would be a target.... maybe they could chase adam macdougal as well ;):D
been hearing alot of jokes from journos about the gc17 and ws18 about signing rl players..didnt think it would happen though lol
You can only laugh at the futility of a signing like this.

How is a 22-year-old rugby league player going to suddenly change codes? Is he going to miraculously learn all the skills overnight? He is too old to start the game, and faces making a laughing stock of himself.

Incidentally, did you see this report in today's paper:

"In breaking news, Andrew Gaze has been signed by Hawthorn to fill the full-back vacancy in defence, and will play in next week's game against Port Adelaide" ...


Absolutely amazing

You can only laugh at the futility of a signing like this.

How is a 22-year-old rugby league player going to suddenly change codes? Is he going to miraculously learn all the skills overnight? He is too old to start the game, and faces making a laughing stock of himself.

1. Its all over the news and it will be for a while. Gets the new club in the press and will generate excitement for the next 2 years.

2. Having played the game as a junior, he will not be starting from scratch. He can kick, mark, run and any fool can handball. The rest can be learnt by the start of 2011 when they enter the league.

3. Since when has 22 been too old to do anything. He could have a 8-10 year career in the game.

4. He may make a laughing stock of himself. Or, he may be a success and be a trailblazer and could have others follow him across to AFL.

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You can only laugh at the futility of a signing like this.

How is a 22-year-old rugby league player going to suddenly change codes? Is he going to miraculously learn all the skills overnight? He is too old to start the game, and faces making a laughing stock of himself.

Incidentally, did you see this report in today's paper:

Absolutely amazing

If amateur irish recruits can adapt to AFL then i'm sure a professional rugby league player who has played AFL can adapt easily enough.
You would have thought he would have to play at a lower level next year to relearn the game but according to a radio report, he is contracted to play Japanese rugby union in 2010 and will return after that to play AFL.

Maybe he aims to play several sports at the highest level.
You would have thought he would have to play at a lower level next year to relearn the game but according to a radio report, he is contracted to play Japanese rugby union in 2010 and will return after that to play AFL.

Maybe he aims to play several sports at the highest level.

Well he has to fill in the time between early Sept 2009/early Oct 2009 and late Oct 2010 (When Pre Season training for season 2011 the GCFC side starts) and therefore so I see no issues with him playing Union in Japan until May next year (which is when he'll join the Gold Coast). At which time he can come back to the Gold Coast, start training, learn the game and play a few VFL games towards the end of the 2010 season and bang he is ready to head into a Full AFL Pre Season. How he performs from there is up to him.

Plus playing Union in Japan between leaving the Broncos in Oct and joining the Gold Coast AFL side in May next year allows him to earn some big bucks before he drops to a lower salary compared to what he "could" of earnt if he made a full time switch to Union.

Yes this is a shock, and a nice coup for the AFL but its not going to bring League fans though the gate because Hunt is playing, it might wake a few up to the fact there is going to be an AFL team and that they are going to stop at nothing to put a descent side on the field, but this isn't going to bring extra fans though the gate, nor is it going to start a floor of NRL players swapping to the AFL and vice-versa. Its also not going to see the NRL slowly run out of business, and as the Broncos CEO Cullan said "we'll have a spot open to replace and we have players to step in, not as good as Hunt, but who know what they can do once given the chance. So its not a killer blow.

Yes we'll see more and more the talent scouts of League and the AFL fighting over the same kid (and thats not to say we already aren't) at junior level in SE Queensland.

But overall this move just allows the CGFC to say to the public we are here and we intend to do good on the field and here is proof. There had so other proof until Next Oct when the trade period happen and clearly they wanted to make a splash now. Good on them. They have got themselves a player who if he learns the game well enough could hold down a role simular to that of Luke Hodge.

But as for Rugby League, they have lost big name players before and will do so again in the future. They will cope and they will find a replacement. No big deal for League.
You would have thought he would have to play at a lower level next year to relearn the game but according to a radio report, he is contracted to play Japanese rugby union in 2010 and will return after that to play AFL.

Maybe he aims to play several sports at the highest level.

Apparently he is playing in the VFL in May of next year.

this is massive news. i applaud his courage to leave his comfort zone.

I remember when he first played for the broncos as a 17 year old and he'd stand behind the broncos defensive line and he'd be yelling and screaming at his team mates (who were much older and more experienced then him) at where to go when they were defending. It was really impressive. He could end up a success or a massive flop but he's definitely gutsy.

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Karmichael Hunt defecting to AFL.

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