Keegan back to the Geordies

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Lawrie McMenemy, some former Southampton manger, is on SSN. Just caught a bit of it and he was saying Kevin would have no problem with the players, with the fans, with the board room etc...

All seems rosy up there
Is now pretty much confirmed, it's all over SSN now. I've a couple of thoughts on the appointment, a positive and a negative.

On the negative, I thought KK was pretty much done when he left City. He seemed to have lost the passion for football (City can do that to you), his signings were very hit and miss and his tactics were very much along the lines of the tactics that worked for him in his first stint at Newcastle. Football has moved on since then. It seems to me that this is a populist appointment rather than a common sense appointment, and I agree with the criticisms that Ashley really needs to spend a bit more time in the boardroom, and less listening the the Geordie faithful (as refreshing as that may be I think it's clouding his judgement somewhat).

On the flip side he's a lovely bloke and will represent the club wonderfully well. You can already see the enthusiasm around St James Park when the news was announced (Sky have had cameras there and have been interviewing people non stop). He has the name to attract quality footballers, and when his football comes off it is a pleasure to watch. He does love the club, and he will leave no stone unturned to have them playing the style of football that they love, and get results as well. He's still very highly thought of amongst the City faithful despite many holding him responsible for our downturn in fortunes in the past couple of years. After Fat Sam, I think the Geordies will go back to being many peoples second favourite team.

On a side note, I thought I'd recount an experience on a trip to StJP a few years back. It was my first time there so I was walking around the stadium (as I do) just having a look around at things. There was a rush of Geordies running past me for about 10 minutes so I thought I'd follow them to see what was going on. A kid asked his dad what they were doing and his dad said "Kevin Keegan is coming". Went a bit further and the Man City bus drove in and KK stepped out. You wouldn't have got a warmer ovation if it was the home team coming into the stadium, clearly still very much loved around the place.

I hope it doesn't go sour for him, I have a feeling it will but wish him all the best.

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Lawrie McMenemy, some former Southampton manger, is on SSN. Just caught a bit of it and he was saying Kevin would have no problem with the players, with the fans, with the board room etc...

All seems rosy up there

Toward the end of his time he was pretty disillusioned with the modern day footballer. As a self made footballer himself I just think he struggled with the attitude of todays tossers that think they've made it the second they sign for an academy.

Fans and boardroom I don't think he'll have any problem with (certainly not the fans), but the players will be a worry. I'm trying to think of his relationship with Joey Barton when they were at City, I remember he was particularly scathing of him after a pre season friendly, and I can't recall if Barton slagged him off in the press after his departure.
We're currently only 6 points clear of Sunderland in 18th and have a mare of a fixture list to come - trips to Anfield, Emirates, Goodison, Fratton, WHL, Upton Park and Villa Park still to come; Man Utd and Chelsea still to visit.

And now King Kev returns with methods and tactics as redundant as black and white tele and Betamax VCRs.

We are so boned.
Chin up DT.

He needs our support :thumbsu:

I would've preferred Deschamps or Houllier or someone else but if KK is who the board have chosen, KK it is.

All of moombas thoughts are valid, but the fans want him and he will get a great deal of support.
I heard he admitted a while ago that he hasn't watched a match since 2005 ?

If that's the case then we may be in serious trouble. Let's see who he appoints as his #2 and I wonder if Shearer will be involved somehow.

Surely there will be signings made before the window closes, I don't know, I could see a Crouch coming in and maybe SWP ? He wouldn't have taken the job if he didn't know he was going to be seriously backed in the market. . .
It seems to me that Mike Ashley has made this appointment very much with his heart and not his head.

However, we'd have to be one of the most difficult managerial jobs in the world, and Keegan has been there before. He lives and breathes Newcastle and the fans love him, which makes his job easier already.

We'll be much better than we were under Sam Allardyce, which can only be a good thing.

It's a decent appointment for mine. He'll be backed by the board and given funds to transform the squad.

Give him 2-3 seasons, and see what he does.

He's an honourable man, and if things aren't going his way he'll leave.

He's got a very good managerial record at all clubs he's managed, with his only real failure coming when managing England.
I'm with Moomba - this is going to end in tears. How many second comings have been successful in recent times?

After having a successful first stint at Everton, and then failing in his second, didn't Howard Kendall make a comment about, "You should never return to the ex-wife"?

I think there will be a short term bounce for Newcastle, and then they'll end up back in the sh(t as the short term glow fades.
Bit of a desperate move IMHO.

I thought Deschamps could have been a real coup, but they've gone for the tried and true.

Whether it pays off, I don't know. They'll want to play attractive football, but what they need to do is to win games.

Wonder where this leaves the likes of Viduka as well.

Being only 6 points in front of Sunderland, they could get dragged back quite easily if they don't start well under Keegan, and then the pressure will really be on.

They've got too much quality to go down, but I said that about us when we went down about 6 seasons ago.

And they should appoint Shearer as his #2, and let Keegan groom him for the manager's spot IMHO.

Doubt they'll do that though.

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I think there will be a short term bounce for Newcastle, and then they'll end up back in the sh(t as the short term glow fades.

I agree - the thing is with foreign managers like Deschamps, they'll probably need time to turn around the squad which might be a bit risky right now. 6 points above Sunderland is shocking.

Keegan's probably the right choice for now, but to move on they'll probably need to sack him again within a year at best. End of the story: a lot of cash and another 2 seasons completely wasted for a club with so much potential.
Very good appointment imo, he knows Newcastle, he loves Newcastle and it really irks me that some NUFC fans are canning the guy and he hasnt even stepped foot on the training pitch. KK is a legend of Newcastle, he is loved by all and until he provides Newcastle with anything other than what he has already given the club then we all need to go with it and support the guy.

Deschamps was my number 1 but you can forget Houllier, I will take KK any day of the week.
Give him 2-3 seasons, and see what he does.

Isn't this the problem at Newcastle?? Nobody gets the time to establish themselves, still do not think KK is any better than Allardyce as a manager however I don't think its the worst appointment in the world. KK is black and white through and through and the fans will be appeased.

And we get to use our Keegan chant again from the mid-90's, one of my all time faves :)
... still do not think KK is any better than Allardyce as a manager however I don't think its the worst appointment in the world.

A peep-show janitor's mop is a better manager than Allardyce.
It’s a populist choice but with the right people in support, his infectious enthusiasm and love of the toon could just see a revival. Sometimes a guy is just the right fit for a club, no matter the circumstances – and he’s not that old either. Interesting times ahead for Newcastle.
Like there's ever been any un-interesting times for Newcastle. ;)

Newcastle have 2 states of being - interesting and tortured. Mostly it's hard to tell the difference. ;)
I like KK and almost wish him well.

Here are some classic KK quotes, hopefully more to come in the coming months :)

"They compare Steve McManaman to Steve Heighway and he's nothing like
him, but I can see why - it's because he's a bit different."

"Despite his white boots, he has real pace... "

"You can't do better than go away from home and get a draw... "

"He can't speak Turkey, but you can tell he's delighted. "

"There'll be no siestas in Madrid tonight. "

"...using his strength. And that is his strength, his strength. "

"Gary always weighed up his options, especially when he had no choice. "

"I'm not disappointed - just disappointed. "

"The tide is very much in our court now. "

"Chile have three options - they could win or they could lose. "

"That would have been a goal if it wasn't saved. "

"I came to Nantes two years ago and it's much the same today, except
that it's totally different. "

"A tremendous strike which hit the defender full on the arm - and it
nearly came off. "

"The good news for Nigeria is that they're two-nil down very early in
the game."

"The substitute is about to come on - he's a player who was left out
of the starting line-up today. "

"That decision, for me, was almost certainly definitely wrong. "

"I know what is around the corner - I just don't know where the corner
is. But the onus is on us to perform and we must control the bandwagon. "

"Hungary is very similar to Bulgaria. I know they're different
countries... "

"In some ways, cramp is worse than having a broken leg. "

"The 33 or 34-year-olds will be 36 or 37 by the time the next World
Cup comes around, if they're not careful. "

"England have the best fans in the world and Scotland's fans are
second-to-none. "

"It's understandable that people are keeping one eye on the pot and
another up the chimney. "

"I'd love to be a mole on the wall in the Liverpool dressing room at
half-time. "

"It could be far worse for me if it was easy for me. "

"Discipline is not only very important, it's crucial. "

"Young Gareth Barry - he's young. "

"Argentina won't be at Euro 2000 because they're from South America. "

"They're the second best team in the world, and there's no higher
praise than that."

"You don't get two chances at this level, or at any other level for
that matter."

"You're not just getting international football, you're getting world

"Kanu, a guy with a heart as big as he is."

"Luis Figo is totally different to David Beckham, and vice versa."

"Football's always easier when you've got the ball."

"They don't come every three days, like they come after this one."

"I want more from David Beckham. I want him to improve on perfection."

"The tide is very much in our court now."

"There's a slight doubt about only one player, and that's Tony Adams,
who definitely won't be playing tomorrow."

"We have spent three matches chasing a football."

"It's no longer an 11 man game."

"The Germans only have one player under 22, and he's 23."

"For some it's the ultimate job, for the others it's the last job."

"I've had an interest in racing all my life, or longer really."

"We managed to wrong a few rights."

"We are three games without defeat is another way of looking at it.
But if we are honest we have taken two points from nine."

"He'll also be very dangerous from set-pieces. That means he'll be a
threat from free-kicks and corners in the final third of the field."

"Danny Tiatto is not going to make a mistake on purpose."

"I'll never play at Wembley again, unless I play at Wembley again."

"You need 88 points for the title and we've got 61 at present with 16
games to go, but if you set targets you limit yourself."

"We deserved to win this game after hammering them 0-0 in the first half."

"He's got a heart as big as his size, which isn't big, but his heart's
bigger than that'

"Well, if that's true then it would be a big surprise, but then
nothing surprises me in football these days."

"You get bunches of players like you do bananas, though that is a bad

"Not many teams will come to Arsenal and get anything, home or away."

"Nicolas Anelka left Arsenal for £23million and they built a training
ground on him."

"As far as I'm concerned, Danny Tiatto doesn't exist."

"One team with destiny already decided..."

"Maine Road was a great football stadium but as time moved on it
stayed where it is...."

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Keegan back to the Geordies

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