Leagues looking for players/Players looking for leagues

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Oct 8, 2008
AFL Club
Western Bulldogs
Other Teams
Liverpool FC
hi guys does anyone have a league that i can go in i am about meduim at the game i mean i better then the average guy at it ?
Hey everyone, any DT Leagues on here? Pretty average player to be honest, but you never know!!!!

PM me if anyone has any leagues, although I'm already in two so it doesn't make a difference.

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I created a league just to start building my team. I'm not a pro, just play for fun. Anyone can join up if they want, it's totally open to all.

DT League 790578 If you go alright, and can handle a sledge, giving and receiving a bit a flack, 3 spots left, join in, the Fox might just allow you to play finals....cheers
2 spots left in my good league - who wants in ?

Just got 2 spots left in my competitive league, who wants in ?

I have Jared Crouch, Wayne Schwass, Nick Maxwell, Dr Dreamteam, a few guns from in these forums who finished top 1000 last season and a few decent dreamteam players also.

If you want in, just send me a PM with your ranking last season. Best 2 rankings will obviously get in. I want a competitive league.
Re: 2 spots left in my good league - who wants in ?

In your good league ? WTF You finished like worst than 20,000th last year.

dude, do you only read minimal amounts in a thread opener ? I suggest you read all of it, it is a good league

And only reason i finished that low cos i burned the trades too early and due to injury late int he season i was 2 players down the last couple rounds which ruined my half ok overall ranking.

Baring injury, I would have made top 10,000 easy. most likely top 7500. That's nothing to snort about to be honest.

And if you don't want to join, don't post in this thread, it's simple. Now for god I hope you read all this post, not just 2 words of it LOL

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Bit of a rush job, but looking for 8 Crow supporters and 8 Power supporters for a Dream Team league.

Please PM me or post your interest in this thread and I will PM you the league code asap. First in first served, and please do not join if you are likely to vanish mid season, scoring dismal 1200's and sporting a team full of nobodies, injured players and zeros.

I have one more league spot for which I can join up to, so if anyones looking for a consistent player (ie: don't drop out mid season regardless of how they're travelling) I'm your man...

Send me League codes and I'm in
U17 Reserves (League invite code: 473418)
Grab a spot in a team of rank amateurs, whip our collective you know whats or have a chance at not being on the bottom of the ladder with some like minded fun loving dream teamers.

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Leagues looking for players/Players looking for leagues

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